lol, that's awesome Tia! The roadtrip is just awesome!
Thanks, Shewolf!
Chapter Twenty Eight - A Long-Expected Party
Twenty one days.
The road trips continued. Aragorn dragged them all to the gym, where Gimli was entranced.
"Great-Grand?" he called to Merry. "What is this? It's like a tiny movie theatre in the wall."

"It's a TV, Gimli. We've never had one." Merry told him. Gimli stood there, mesmerized, until they hauled him off to the next venue.

And the next.
Someone in this group has unresolved issues...Pip ran home from Micks. Tia was checking the date again, when she realized something.
"Pip! How on earth are you 87 years old? You guys eat ambrosia every week!"
"Must have missed last week," he grinned, walking into the replicator.

Frodo got his last three ops. The family sat down for a conference.

"Okay, we've got eight days left." Legolas told them. "Everybody can relax, and Frodo, you don't do anything dangerous. We'll all be too busy watching Pip to keep an extra eye on you."
"No problem, Great-Great. I've got some books I want to write."
So Frodo knocked off several new series, and finished his masterpiece, On The Ledge With Gollum.
The last four days were another roadtrip. Just for old time's sake. Including the sleeping bags.

Finally it was Frodo's elder birthday. The Fellowship gathered in from the sprinklers, Gimli pulled Pip out of one of the holes, Gandalf put down his guitar, and they gathered for this serious occasion.

"Oh, Frodo," Tia sniffed. "You look awful."

Merry's last painting was popped into the museum.

All the family portraits, (including Boromir and Elrond, although they wouldn't be counted for value)

Frodo sat down and ate his ambrosia.

Frodo Fellowship (Gen 8 )
Traits: Bookworm, Insane, Couch Potato, Virtuoso, Handy
LTW: Professional Author
Property: Performance Park
Building: Wolfson's Hospital & Research Centre
Supermax: Writing
Career: Blockbuster Writer
3 LTR: Acclaimed Author, Motive Mobile, Excellent Groupie
6 BlackOps: The Drumline, Guitar Up, To Boldly Go, Tough Negotiating, Correcting Past Mistakes, Funny Looking Fish
6 Best Friends: Bernice Dalton, Bobbie Bowie, Clint Chatman, Gayle Singleton, Jamie Gunter, Rex Casper
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder
"Well?" Legolas called up to the ceiling. "We've done it."
"Still need a picture."
His voice came back, clear and happy. "Well done, all of you! It's going to make a brilliant story in my new book!"
Sam muttered under her breath. The group hastily moved furniture and after what seemed like hours, a suitable picture was taken.

"FINISHED!" Tia shrieked in delight. There was a blinding flash of light. When they could see again they discovered a chest had materialized in the middle of the room.

"I'm so very proud of you all!" Bilbo's voice continued. Sam's muttering took on a more frenzied tone. "Drink a toast with this," Bilbo told them, "and let the celebration begin!"
They did, Legolas lifting his beaker, looking at the others and gravely saying "To all of those who helped us on this journey." The sparkles were blinding.

And then there was a mad crush for the dresser. A new picture was quickly taken.
"What's wrong, Frodo, my lad?" Bilbo asked.
"It's not right yet," Frodo replied.
"I've got this," Tia said.
Recognize this young man?

No? How about now?

Can you spot him here?

"It's still not right," Frodo complained.
"You're absolutely right, lad," Legolas told him. "Come on, boys, we've got work to do."
It was bedlam. There were ghosts and plates of ambrosia everywhere.

But the first one resurrected of course, was Boromir.

Amid the chaos that quickly broke into a huge party, Tia managed to grab everyone for a photo. The group was not happy to have to break off the festivities.

Sam hugged Zak. "I thought this would be a little more awkward," he admitted.

"Sam, I don't pretend to understand any of it, I'm just glad to have been a part." Zak told him.
And while couples re-united, families hugged and the party raged on, Hailey had private words with Legolas.
"I hope you can understand," she said calmly. "Tomorrow you'll be an elf again. I won't. I'm going to spend this new life doing the things I always wanted to do. I'm going to become a veterinarian. I'm going to spend some time with the boys and get to know all the grandchildren. I respect you, Legolas, and I'll always love you, in a way, but you were always distant."

He took her hands. "I was, I'll admit it. I'm happy you have this chance to live again and find real love. I want nothing but the best for you, Hailey." He leaned in and kissed her cheek. "You made all this possible. If there's ever anything you need..."
She held up her hand. "What I need, Legolas, you can't give me. I need someone who will love me, all of me, with everything in him. You can't do that." She looked at him, her eyes softening a bit. "I hope you find someone, too."
"What are you two grinning about," Gandalf, as Frodo and Sam held each other up. The'd pulled up the good nectar, not Pip's from the cellar.

"We're going to pay a visit to Mr. Bilbo," Sam told him, as Frodo tried to wink.

"After the party, of course," Frodo added.
(There will be one more update, either later on today or tomorrow, to let everyone know what the Fellowship will be up to next)
Thank you all for reading, I hope you enjoyed it!