Sam is a gorgeous teen! Poor kid, almost froze to death XD
I swear, all sims are mad! Give them a house, they want to stay out in their jammies, Give them a fridge stocked with their favorite foods, they want to try to cook. And Gimli...well, you'll see.
Chapter Twenty One - In the Dwarven Halls, Ambrosia!Gimli had four days to go. He took the opportunity to spend time with Legolas and Sam, both of them preparing the girl for the tasks before her.

"And I have to do it all dressed like Pat Benatar?" she asked them.
Pip was sympathetic.

"The Dynasty is a harsh mistress," he told her. "Nectar Making night and day..."
"Speaking of which," his father told him, "you've still got some huge Nectar making wishes queued up. Why aren't you in the vat?"
"I'm an acrobat now, Dad! Plus I was just about to help Sam with his, er, her homework."
Tuesday night and Prom rolled around.
"Are you going?" Legolas asked.

"I don't know. If I change, I guess I am."

"Yep, there it is."
Sam, despite being Prom Queen, did not find romance. She did, however, get into no less than three fights, have punch spilled all over her, worry about aliens, and get turned down for a dance.
"I couldn't help it," she explained to Pip, when questioned about the fights, "she made
this face at me!"

"There's more to life than Prom, Sam," he told her.
"Oh, I know. There's revenge."

The next day, after Sam was safely got on the bus, the Fellowship plus Meaghan began to whine as one.
"I'm booooored. I haven't been out of the house in days."
A spa day was quickly arranged. Out they all went, to come home chipper and refreshed.
Well, most of them.

"NO! Meaghan!" Gimli was heartbroken.
So was Tia. "She was only 91!" she cackled in grief.
Gimli spent the next day re-connecting with his other children.

Julio was sympathetic and tried to console him.
"I know she wasn't the cookie baking type, Julio."
"S'aright, Dad, she were like a mum to me. A mum who run, screaming "Ahh, a simbot!" but a mum nonetheless. Me an' the girls is sorry fer yer loss."
"You're a kind lad to say it," Gimli replied, hugging his only son.
Trying to cheer him up, Merry bought him a karaoke machine. It made Gimli and Sam feel better as they belted out Meaghan's favorites.

The rest of the house stuffed cotton in their ears.
Then Sam left her dull old (out of tune) father, to go and shake hands with whom she hoped would be her next partner.

"How did Arlo get to Appaloosa Plains?" Gandalf asked, elbowing his was through the crowd at the window for a better look.
"Don't be ridiculous, it can't be him." Legolas said, pushing Gandalf's head down to see for himself.
"Not with those cheekbones." Pip put in, standing on a chair behind him.
"He's wearing capris!" Aragorn snorted, as Merry wiggled under his arm.
"Dad, there are those pictures of you and Uncle Borrie in China. I wouldn't be saying anything."
Legolas looked around. "Where's Gimli?"
"Just getting my axe, I mean, that wrench I misplaced the other day," he called cheerfully.
Pip craned over the others and slipped off his chair. His lightning fast reflexes, tuned by years of acrobatics, turned the fall into a front flip, his feet catching Legolas in the back of the head. Gandalf lost his footing, fell into Aragorn and Merry and the whole lot of them crashed through the screen, landing in a pile at Pip's feet.
"Ta-da!" he crowed.
Sam's new friend backed away in horror, as much from the tangle of lunatics in front of him as from the cheerful Gimli, thoughtfully smacking his wrench in his hand, who exited the house.
"Come in for a cuppa, lad." he growled.
Arlo's hair and the dashing cheekbones were down the street like a shot.
Sam stamped her foot at them. "Really?" She looked at them again, her belligerent father, the flopping grandfathers, and began to laugh.
They all played in the sprinklers till midnight.

Cake slices ignored, one elder portrait done and hung, and Gimli ate his first ambrosia.

Another Fellowship Immortal.
Gimli Fellowship (Gen Six)
Traits: Eccentric, Brave, Lucky, Handy, Charismatic
LTW: Monster Maker
Property: Rustler's Den
Building: Appaloosa Plains Public Library
SuperMax: Inventing
Career: Fourth Dimensional Architect
3 LTR: Efficient Inventor, Artisan Crafter, Festival Frequenter
6 BlackOps: Broadway Cameo, Master Invention, Showtime in the Park, Charismatic Cash, A Package For You, Ingredients Ripe for the Eating.
6 Best Friends: Kate Velasco, Rian Adair, Rene Curran, Ashley Hanna, Julio Fellowship, Cemre Lora
Portraits: Toddler, Child, Teen, Young Adult, Adult, Elder.