I'm trying to find what store content these patterns came with - if anyone could help me out, that would be great! They are most definitely store content, because I have no custom content in my game, not even a pattern.
I can't save my own recolours of these patterns, and they don't export with CAW - unless, I'm assuming, I add them to the .world file in S3PE. I think they must be quite old, because I'm sure they've been there forever!
EDIT: The first one is 'Tiki Stripes Pattern' and came with, um, the Tiki set.
The third one came as a separate release in June 2009 (as near as I can tell from the simalogue) and is 'Woolen Large Window Pane'
And I think Pattern #2
may have come with the Ultra Lounge set.
Now just pattern #4