Author Topic: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): A Painful Decision/Graveyard  (Read 17391 times)


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Journeyman's superiors thought he would be perfect. He was somewhat smooth and a wonderful man in the kitchen. Perfection! Little did they expect four failures in two different towns. What could possess him to keep trying again? Will Journeyman succeed, or will he be singing his last song?

(I'm refusing to link to my earlier attempts. You can scout them out yourselves, but the writing was awful and I'm glad I scrapped those!)

Ahem, let's do this thing again.

Wondering who all the relatives are? Click here to see the spoiler-laden Grave family tree!

Generation One: Journeyman Grave, IMMORTAL
Traits: Natural Cook, Inappropriate, Neurotic, Flirty, Charismatic
Supermax: Cooking
Career: Culinary
LTW: Celebrated Five-Star Chef
LTRs: Motive Mobile, Discount Diner, Food Replicator
BlackOps: Eating Contest, Burgers for Sims in Uniform, Catering Time, Getting to Know...You, Allow me to Introduce Myself, Spying on the Cuisine
Property: Twinbrook Esplanade
Building: Grave's Haute Cuisine (previously Little Corsican Bistro)
Best Friends: Gala Ball, Oliver Greenwood (werewolf), Willow Grave, Pansy Prudence, Cara Bull, Goodwin Goode
Museum Pieces: YA Portrait/Sculpture/Photo; Adult Portrait/Sculpture/Photo, Elder Portrait/Sculpture

Generation Two: Willow Grave
Traits: Virtuoso, Loves the Outdoors, Disciplined, Rebellious, Brave
Supermax: Martial Arts
Career: Acrobat
LTW: Master Acrobat
LTRs: Moodlet Manager, Collection Helper, No Bills Ever
BlackOps: Public Display of Contortion, The Complete Circuit, Tricks Are For Kids
Property: Performance Park
Building: Music of the Night (previously Wilsonoff Community Theater)
Best Friends: Eugenia Bull (werewolf), Gwen Racket, Jevon Gilbert
Museum Pieces: Toddler Portrait/Sculpture/Photo, Child Portrait/Photo, Teen Portrait/Sculpture, YA Portrait/Photo/Sculpture

Generation Two: Osbourne "Ozzy" Grave
Traits: Artistic, Neurotic, Over-Emotional, Savvy Sculptor
Supermax: Sculpting
LTW: Visionary
LTRs: Extra Creative, Artisan Crafter, Inheritance
Best Friends: Peter Racket
Museum Pieces: Toddler Portrait/Sculpture, Child Portrait/Sculpture/Photo


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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #1 on: November 11, 2012, 10:21:56 PM »

"Sorry to say it, but I quit. I can't stand your kitchen."

I said it Julienne's face, and she wasn't exactly impressed. I just walked away after that, and into my new home.

No one used the fire station anyways. I would be in total isolation, never having to see the faces of those Twinbrookians again. Safe. Sound.

Sigh. Time to shower. Walking in as normal old Journeyman.

When I changed, I noticed my skin lost its tanned glow. Maybe the water was cold; no one's paying for heat here, after all.

It was more than that. It was time to slip into a more comfortable form. If I needed an excuse to never leave the station, those forces gave it to me. No one wants to see a blue man roaming around Twinbrook. Thanks.

But then I heard the footsteps.

I screamed, which probably wasn't for the best when I was trying to hide.

"Hello? It's Julienne. I know you're here, Journs."

I couldn't refuse to answer her. She was my boss for the longest time, and I always swooned at the way she deftly diced garlic (though it still couldn't distract me from sauteing).

Yet she helped to thwart my third attempt, perhaps unwillingly, but she did. Julienne was edging 50 then, but miracles could happen. I let her live with me. I wanted her to have a child for the purposes of the dynasty. And time ran out for her while the house was full. My plan was at a stalemate, and I started again.

I couldn't stop falling for her when I started again, even considering that. Perhaps she could still be a part of this new life.

But my new skin. Would she just run away?

Only one way to find out.

"Yes?" I answered meekly.

"Are you okay?" she asked me.

"Yeah, the new look-"

"It's not that. The screaming?"

"Oh. I thought it was someone else."

"What has gotten into you, Journs? You loved your job so much, and I was a little worried that you left. Maybe we can talk?"

I expressed my problems. "Oh Jules, I failed again. You know that mission I told you about? I failed it."


I nodded.

"How about I stay for a bit."

I led her into the bathroom.

"Since you're staying, chop off all this hair for me."

"Why let go of it?"

"If I changed nearly everything, might as well."

It looked fine.

When we walked out of the cramped bathroom, I was expecting her to leave. But instead, she seemed a little flirty. Typical Julienne.

And she pulled me in for a kiss.

"I can't let you live here without love."

"Thanks, Jules."

And so, a new chapter of my life began. I grew old in a fire station, only comforted by my Julienne. She still wanted to live in her mansion and work at the bistro, but she visited every day. In the mean time, I ran off my extra weight and watched TV. It was a little stale, but bearable.

Decades passed, and nothing changed. Julienne and I were still in love. One night we cuddled on the loveseat while watching the cooking channel. It was something we both loved, and I still envied how cleanly the chefs chopped onions into even rings. I didn't want that to change.

"I think you should start over," she whispered.

"No, I can't."

She wriggled free. "Why? You always wanted to complete it."

"Immortality? I couldn't do that now."

"Why not? You were able to start over before."

It wasn't that I didn't want to pursue immortality, and I still kept the thought on my mind. I just had it in me that I wasn't fit for the task. The superiors have countless others. I didn't need to matter.

"I'm just a failure. I'm not cut out for the job. Besides, I wouldn't want to live without you now."

"Journeyman, I don't want to die and see you fail at your lifelong dream. I think you should focus on those goals, like the Journeyman I love."

She walked out the door without a good-bye. I hoped that we could iron that out.

The next morning, I heard a strange sound.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING?" I yelled into the air. It was just my phone. The number wasn't Julienne's.

"Who is this? Go away."

"I thought you would care about this." It was Gala. I hadn't spoken with her in ages, but I always worked beside her in the kitchen. In spite of our failed marriage eons ago, she forgot about everything when I restarted. We weren't enemies. But I didn't want to hear from her.

"Make it quick."

"Julienne died. Made it quick. Bye."

No. She couldn't have. She couldn't leave me on such a bad note.

"Why?" I sobbed. "I didn't mean it that way."

I couldn't just ignore what Julienne said. It was her dying wish, or close enough.

Real lovers don't ignore dying wishes.

Even if I was a failure, perhaps I could try again for my dearest Julienne. She was worth another failure, as long as I tried. And if I returned to the old Twinbrook, she would be there again. That was reason enough to try.

I rushed to the escape hatch, as we called it. It was a weird machine that could transport someone to a set time and place, and restore the traveler to a certain point in their life. For me? Twinbrook, first week of the 2057th year. Me, 21 years old. All skills erased.

I would be undoing a lot, but it was worth it.

Worth it to leap out to the old Twinbrook. It was good to be back.

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Offline Silverbella

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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty)
« Reply #2 on: November 11, 2012, 10:29:49 PM »
I'm so glad Journeyman decided to give it another go.  Good luck Trippy! :)


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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #3 on: November 11, 2012, 10:41:47 PM »
I was feeling really empty without playing him or playing in Twinbrook, so I'm really glad to see Journeyman back at his old stomping grounds too. Thanks!

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #4 on: November 11, 2012, 11:17:29 PM »
I never saw any of the previous attempts, but wow this is compelling! This and Rica's are the most fascinating restart segues I've ever seen.
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By samoht04


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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Two Days (11/12)
« Reply #5 on: November 12, 2012, 02:13:00 AM »
I never saw any of the previous attempts, but wow this is compelling! This and Rica's are the most fascinating restart segues I've ever seen.

Eh, be glad you didn't see the badly-typed adventures of the mildly corrupt chef himself. I actually tried when it came to writing this prologue, so thanks! (I can't touch Rica's, though)


I always had a MultiTab with me. It helped me keep my plans in check. I accessed my plans from last time.

Start on Poker Flats Drive. It's like an artists' colony spread out over a bunch of houses. Remember Marc Brandt, Harwood Clay, Amy Bull, Buddy Bailey, and, well, that's it. But four artists on one street. Start there.

That needed some revising.

Start on Poker Flats Drive. It's like an artists' colony spread out over a bunch of houses. Remember Marc Brandt, Harwood Clay, Amy Bull, Buddy Bailey, and, well, that's it. But four artists on one street. Start there. Puddlewick Drive. It's full of rich people, and rich people are important.

Wonderful. I was already there.

I approached one of the mansions. I spotted a gold 2001 Margaret Vaguester in mint condition in its garage, and that would sell for a pretty penny. Perhaps I was in heaven.

DeAndre was right on the lawn. I invited him to a bachelor party a long time ago, and he was an okay guy.

"Hi, I'm new to the area and heard about your wealth and fame. Mind if I go in?"

"So what do you do?"

"I'm an amateur chef living on an empty lot."

"That sounds promising! Come inside."

DeAndre was known to be very excitable and easy to please for such a rich man. This would be easy. His Vaguester would be mine before sundown. Time to schmooze, and that's what I did. We were buddies in no time.

I invited him out to Varg's Tavern, and he offered to drive. I almost felt bad selling that Vaguester. Those leather seats were to die for.

In the back, we sealed the deal. He could live in my household and I could keep his Vaguester money.

Thank you, DeAndre.

Something changed about Twinbrook since I restarted, for the better. They had a nightlife of sorts. Between Varg's Tavern, the Red Rendevouz, and now Port-a-Party Warehouse, there were plenty of fun things to do in the town other than hang out with an aging rock star devoid of his gold Vaguester.

Port-a-Party Warehouse was fine. Not as nice as the clubs in Union Cove, but it did its job. Considering Twinbrook's much more modest past, it was pretty impressive that they got such a venue. I hoped to spot an artist there.

Marc Brandt. Not a bad catch.

"So I hear that you like to paint?"

"Love it."

"And what do you do for a living?"

"Military man. Well, janitor at this point."

I spent a good hour telling Marc how awesome the military was. In reality, I couldn't care less about it, but he seemed to enjoy my enthusiasm. Occasionally, I mentioned art and how I was looking for an artsy roommate and how he'd be just perfect for the job.

"Oh no, not now. I have a new romance and a steady job. That's enough commitment for five years."

I didn't have five years. So I gushed about art more and more to him until I felt that we clicked. Then I asked again.

"Would you want to move in with me and paint all day and give up that pointless dream of military fame? They'll make you buzz off all that hair anyways."

"Hey, you're making this sound attractive now."

One more artist down. I still had plenty of room left, and there were many places in Twinbrook to look.

Somehow, I ended up at the junkyard. It made sense; maybe some wandering free spirit was looking for a man like me to board with and they drifted around at the junkyard. I found a wandering free spirit, but I initially thought that he absolutely wasn't the one.

It wasn't unfamiliarity or anything; I knew him better than anyone in Twinbrook that wasn't Julienne. But I had to be honest, I really didn't like him as time went on. I didn't like the sickening glare in his big green eyes, and how he knew better than everyone else and felt that he had the right to criticize my moves.

Yet he stood right in front of me, still and neutral. Waiting? Perhaps. This was going to pain me.

I shook Harwood's hand for the third time. I had to put any hard feelings behind me. Behind those green eyes was the mind of an artist, with decades of experience and skills unrivaled by anyone younger.

At the very least, if he bothered me, he wouldn't bother me for long.

"So you're the famous Harwood Clay, huh?"

"I guess I am. You seem charming. What do you do?"

"I cook, but I need an artsy roommate. I just love your old work."

"It's so nice to see a young one like you appreciate the arts. Name?"

"Journeyman Grave."

"So nice to meet you."

And then he left. What an oddball.

The next morning, I knocked on his door and he was happy to see me again. I learned many things about Harwood over the past two attempts; he was a bit of an introvert, had only one true friend, and felt disconnected from the rest of the town due to his youthful nature yet advanced age. Perhaps I mattered more to him than I ever thought.

Time was precious. I needed a sculptor, and he was living on borrowed time.

"Since you live alone, you don't have anyone to cook for you, right?"

"Oh no, and I can hardly do it myself. It's been burnt pasta and salads ever since Macy died."

"So what do you like?"

"I'll let you in on a secret. The diner here makes the best goopy carbonara in town. I really can't get enough of it. I wish I could make it at home."

"I can. I'll give you a whole fridge of goopy carbonara and a place to sculpt."

Harwood was sold from that point on. I truly let go of any hard feelings; it felt great to have him back this time.

So I worked in my new kitchen.

The others enjoyed their studio.

And right before it was Tuesday, I was accepted for a job at the Bistro. I had to start over again as a busboy, and Gala was my boss now, but I missed the professional kitchen in the worst way. It was the best way to end the first two days.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #6 on: November 12, 2012, 02:20:43 AM »
Looking forward to seeing who he marries this time!
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By samoht04

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Offline Sarah1992

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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2012, 03:24:30 AM »
Didn't read the first attempts, but this seems like a really interesting dynasty, and I love the house, it's beautiful!


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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #8 on: November 12, 2012, 04:13:29 AM »
The prologue was amazing! Journeyman look interesting after his shower lol.
I'm looking forward to the next update. Good luck this time! :)


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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #9 on: November 12, 2012, 11:01:13 AM »
Looking forward to seeing who he marries this time!

I'm letting him choose this time, so I'm as excited as you are.

Didn't read the first attempts, but this seems like a really interesting dynasty, and I love the house, it's beautiful!

Thanks! I didn't feel like building a big house just yet, even though the 128,000 from DeAndre could have carried me far. I still don't have a place for a staircase. Oops.

The prologue was amazing! Journeyman look interesting after his shower lol.
I'm looking forward to the next update. Good luck this time! :)

I needed some way to justify his total upgrade with all the new sliders and skin colors. It's a bit of a hand-wave, but I had nothing else and I'm too attached to fantasy-themed sims now.

Offline Silverbella

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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #10 on: November 12, 2012, 12:00:44 PM »
Journeyman made such excellent progress this update!  Great job introducing the roomates, and the MultiTab part worked really well too.

Offline Sarah1992

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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2012, 01:44:42 PM »

Thanks! I didn't feel like building a big house just yet, even though the 128,000 from DeAndre could have carried me far. I still don't have a place for a staircase. Oops.

Who needs staircases? :D

Offline lepapillonrouge

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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2012, 02:34:57 AM »

I hope to see her again.  Good luck! These Immortal Dynasties look interesting to attempt.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Prologue (11/11)
« Reply #13 on: November 14, 2012, 07:13:57 PM »
They are great fun, but not easy. Dynatsy playing has spoiled me for normal games :P I get so bored now if I don't have requirements to fulfil.
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Re: Eight Avoided Graves (The Fifth Grave Dynasty): Testing the Waters (11/15)
« Reply #14 on: November 15, 2012, 05:21:45 PM »
Life got boring very quickly.

The boys painted or sculpted, and I cooked meal after meal for them when they cried over their hunger. I'm used to it by now, and it was a good excuse to improve my skills. I needed some variety.

DeAndre wasn't bound to as strict of a schedule as Marc and Harwood were. I let him go out and play for tips, or appease screaming fangirls. One night, he ended up bringing one of them to the house. I sort of knew her from previous attempts, but we barely spoke.

Her name was Penny Pincher, a 20-something year old living with her on-and-off boyfriend, Clark. It was hopefully an off-period that night, because she was smooching DeAndre on the lawn a few minutes prior. Penny was also known to be a bit of a flirt and a great speaker (if a little lazy and crass).

Why not have it for one night? We had a lot in common.

DeAndre was quite angry at her. He had a bunch of other ladies willing to tear down our door to meet him and an active (though casual) romance with Gala; I don't think he should have been so mad.

At least someone was being productive. Marc felt confident enough to paint my portrait. In spite of my warning against the military cutting his hair, he already had that covered. I decided that as a reward, he was allowed to have some fun.

He strode proudly through Twinbrook with his new freedom, taking lover Amy Bull along for the ride.

I wasn't looking for serious romance for months after that. Penny and I didn't do much aside from talk and flirt every now and then. Maybe one day I would marry her, but my feelings towards her were neutral. I was a two-time divorcee, and a little more wary of jumping into a whirlwind marriage like I did with Gala, or marrying for convenience like I did with Molly. I felt a little more for Penny than I did for those two, but I wasn't particularly enamoured.

The women in the kitchen were better. I beamed with joy after leaving work, though I didn't feel like making a move yet.

I had all the time in the world to make a decision. It's not like the others were making big strides with their love lives.

Until Marc got a phone call. Normally composed to a fault, he ended up squealing with delight over the phone about Amy and a Felix. I didn't need to ask him about what was happening; Marc "commitment issues" Brandt was a father and life couldn't be better.

I screamed. Something seemed wrong.

If men had a biological clock, it was going off inside of me when I heard that. I had to get serious about raising a family; my plans depended on it. Especially if Marc beat me to the point.

I was a lover and a father four times before. It felt right to try and get back.

I walked up the brick path to the Knack mansion. I didn't want to face eternity with my biggest regret hanging over my head.