Author Topic: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty - graveyard  (Read 19467 times)

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012120.9 update
« Reply #75 on: December 14, 2012, 08:43:57 PM »
*stares at screen* update update, refreshes, no update, *bashes head on keyboard*  ;D

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012120.9 update
« Reply #76 on: December 18, 2012, 05:32:35 AM »
Sorry, I've been suffering migraines over the past few days.

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Offline sdhoey

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The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012120.9 update
« Reply #77 on: December 18, 2012, 06:01:49 AM »
Sorry, I've been suffering migraines over the past few days.

Oh i am so sorry. I understand all to well the migraines. Hope you feel we'll soon.


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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012120.9 update
« Reply #78 on: December 19, 2012, 07:21:57 AM »
Sorry about the migraine. It is best to stay away from a computer screen until you are ok. :)

Offline cathyknits

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012120.9 update
« Reply #79 on: December 19, 2012, 09:08:17 AM »
Ugh. Sorry to hear that - and I also saw you've been having more technical difficulties. I hope this doesn't result in your story being cancelled halfway through season one...
Immortal Dynasty: A Bouquet of Blossoms

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012120.9 update
« Reply #80 on: December 20, 2012, 07:36:26 PM »
Migraine seems to have left me ... and don't forget, original Trek had 2 or 3 pilot episodes before they got the green light. In short ... I expect updates this weekend, and next week (work holidays)

Offline Deklitch

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Watcher's Personal Log - Notes
« Reply #81 on: December 22, 2012, 06:35:47 PM »
Watcher's Personal Log Simdate 2012122.4

The internal garden is so far working a treat. My sims have harvested life fruits and death seeds and Patrick has been catching death fish. Agnes has learned ambrosia and I have a food replicator ready for the ambrosia (if I'm able to do the replication trick for ambrosia correctly this time, that is). Currently my household is

Iliana Langerak (elder)
Agnes Enterprise (elder)
Leighton Sekemoto (adult - 1 day to elder)
Patrick Enterprise (adult - 2 days to elder) FOUNDER
Sandi Sekemoto (young adult)
Sam Sekemoto (young adult)
Majel Enterprise (teen - 5 days to young adult) GEN 2
Gene Sekemoto (teen - 9 days to young adult)

Spot Enterprise (cat - adult)
Khaaaaaaaaaaaaaaan Enterprise (cat - adult)

Yumi Sekemoto (approx 100 days)
Fiona Sekemoto (approx 95 days)

Is it wrong of me to bring in Iliana because she was an elder and I am getting her to harvest plants until her death? Probably! Do I care? Nah!

Proper update from the Enterprises when I return from church and shopping."

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012120.9 update
« Reply #82 on: December 22, 2012, 07:21:42 PM »
I captured an elderly Skeet Bayless for the exact same reason. Nothing wrong with some short-lived gardening labor. Nothing at all. ;D

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012122.3 update
« Reply #83 on: December 23, 2012, 06:27:06 AM »
Patrick Enterprise's Personal Log Simdate 2012122.3

"I am pleased to say that I am finally considered a commercial fisherman by the sims who make such decisions. 350 fish, caught, including numerous death fish. Leighton also tells me that the garden is now producing life fruit and death seeds. I just now need to raise the last two levels of my career. I am close to the top, but I know that Deadliest Catcher is a great title, I know that isn't enough for my immortality. At long last, I tracked down the elusive Mr. Christopher Steel and became best friends with him. Almost as soon as that happened, I was asked to give my time to the hospital and entertain sick kids. I was only too happy to do so."

As you can see the deathfish was thiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis big. Oh and me meeting Christopher.

"So yes, I've done all of my opportunities as well. Mr Steel is actually a reserve best friend, in case one of my other best friends gets a visit from Grim prior to me eating ambrosia. I am most concerned for my dear Agnes and her health. All those days of sculpting out of ice 24 hours a day, and drinking coffee isn't being too kind to her in her older years. Grim has come to this house twice so far, the next time, I'm prepared for it to be my dear Agnes that he comes for."

"In other news, my darling Majel has gotten onto the honour role and is doing a great job with her schoolwork, her photography and her musical instruments. Her teachers are concerned that she's not made any friends at school, but she tells me it is fine, that her dedication to being a photographer means that at this stage she can't have many friends. She seems happy enough, and she attended the Prom with a friend, the son of Sam and Sandy, name of Gene. He seems to be a nice young man, takes after Agnes and his own father in the art field."

A collage of Majel and her 'friend' Gene during childhood and teenager-hood.

"Anyway, time to cast a line again, if you'll excuse me."

Leighton Sekemoto's Personal Log Simdate 2012122.3
"For the second time, Grim has come and taken part of my heart. First of all it was my darling mother, Yumi, then it was my loving wife, Fiona. As with mum, Fiona's death took us by surprise, she had no health issues, nothing like that. She just complained of feeling faint, and then she died. A part of me died with her."

She was literally getting into bed when it happened ...

"I have been learning the Martial Arts to help meditate and focus myself. Sam has also been learning Martial Arts and he and I spar quite regularly. Too date, I've won the majority of our bouts, but I am getting older, and I know that in time that statistic will turn around. Still, spending time with Sam in something we both enjoy doing is a good way to get my mind off Grim."

Leighton and Sam Sparring

Agnes Enterprise's Personal Log Simdate 2012122.3
"Finally, I am a master sculptor. I am ready to rest, but I know that if I can, I need to do three more jobs - sculpt Patrick, paint Patrick, and cook Patrick ambrosia - when he gets to elderhood. My bones creak, I have aches and pains on my aches and pains, and I really hate the taste of invigorating elixirs and coffees. I know we've got the ingredients for ambrosia, and we've also got a replicator. I just need to stick around long enough to do it for Patrick."

Agnes becoming an elder and her makeover

"I also wouldn't mind sticking around long enough to see Majel graduate and hopefully get married. I would love to nurse a grandchild."

Majel Teenage Party and Makeover

Sandi Sekemoto's Personal Log Simdate 2012122.3
"You know, I'm the luckiest sim. I've got a gorgeous husband and a great son. I know what you're thinking, how could a woman as young and vibrant and beautiful as I am possibly have a son in high school! The answer is simple. We adopted a boy from an orphanage and gave him a home. Our son is Gene, Gene Sekemoto, and while he can be hot headed and over emotional at times, he is also artistic and handy. He is very good friends with Majel Enterprise, and they went to the prom together. Majel was disappointed that they didn't do what Sam and I did and win Prom King and Queen, but they shared a first kiss and agreed to become boyfriend and girlfriend at the prom. Majel and Sam have been asking to change their bunk beds into single beds, which we did do. Patrick's dealings with the consignment stores has netted us quite a bit of money, particularly with the alabaster and diamonds he's purchased for a song from them. Anyway, Majel and Gene pushed their single beds together much like what Sam and I did."

Sam's Young Adult Birthday and Makeover

Gene's adoption and childhood Makeover

"In case you haven't heard, I'm an employed woman. I have to get to level 5 of the business career, before changing to another career. I need to reach level 5 of 4 different careers, then I'll be called a 'Jack of all Trades'. Jack! Why not a Jill? Iliana Langerack is my boss, and ... oh there she is now ... I'm going to attempt to sweet talk her into giving me a promotion. Excuse me."

Gene Sekemoto's Personal Log Simdate 2012122.3
Gene - "I hope I put this thing on properly."

Majel - "You did, don't worry, just record what you want to say."

Gene - "Very well. Hi, I'm Gene Sekemoto. My best friend in all the world is Majel Enterprise. You know, we were doing an acting project at school, and I was the group leader. I had Majel as my second and I had a friend of mine, name of Khalid Bills in the group as well. Majel, as I said was my second and Khalid played the role of a friendly alien. The teachers said it would never work, that we had to be true to the period and the rules and what not, and that they would never accept a female as second in command, and they wanted the friendly alien to go for the same reason. I knew I couldn't keep them both in the project, so I asked Majel to go to the prom with me (she said yes) and I asked Khalid to become the new second in command. The teachers liked that one better, especially after I took away some of the more disturbing props I was expecting Khalid to use in our project. I'm pleased I did it that way, Majel is prettier than Khalid after all ... and I really like kissing her. I'm not sure that kissing Khalid or other boys is really my thing. Plus Majel got into the project anyway, in a different role."

Majel - "Oh, and let's put up those pictures of you as a teen, Gene. Let's make the girls out there wish they were me."

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012122.3 update
« Reply #84 on: December 23, 2012, 07:05:33 AM »
Wow, yeah, I was wondering when Sandi and Sam got married and had a son! But if they adopted then that makes sense.
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By samoht04


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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012122.3 update
« Reply #85 on: December 23, 2012, 07:06:54 AM »
Great update and awesome collages! :)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012122.3 update
« Reply #86 on: December 23, 2012, 06:20:57 PM »
Leighton's Personal Log supplemental
"I almost forgot! My boy got married! We took photographs of the wedding, Majel's response to it (she did not like them disturbing her while she held court) and somehow the paparazi got some photos of them in the bedroom. Thankfully, I was able to get hold of those before the paparazi could publish them (knowing sim fu has some benefits). Yeah, I'm a peaceful man, but they don't need to know that, do they? No, you won't be seeing the photos of them in their bedroom - I destroyed them."

The photographs of the Wedding

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012122.3 update
« Reply #87 on: December 23, 2012, 06:25:11 PM »
Just like a father, LOL nice collage, congrats on the wedding. Sorry the disrupted court, but love does conquer all..


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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012122.3 update
« Reply #88 on: December 25, 2012, 11:06:21 AM »
Congrats on the wedding, lovely picture collage. :)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty Simdate 2012122.7 update - on hiatus
« Reply #89 on: December 26, 2012, 06:15:41 PM »

I've decided to put this one on hiatus for the time being. Consider it the summer 'off season' if you will, when all the regular shows take a break and are replaced by other, less regular, shows.

It is a shame ... but I did learn from it, and I think you may enjoy what I have in store next for you.

I may try to do this again at some point in the future, but for the now, it is on hiatus. It is not ready for the graveyard yet, however.

