Author Topic: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty - graveyard  (Read 19471 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #45 on: November 24, 2012, 12:15:31 AM »
Watchers Personal Log Simdate 2012112.4
"I am pleased to announce that Slammin' Sammie's wish has been granted to him, and that he is no longer the youngest member of the Enterprise household. Patrick and Agnes Enterprise are pleased to announce the safe arrival of a beautiful nooboo girl named Majel Enterprise. Both mother and nooboo are doing well. Patrick and Majel would like to thank the staff of the Sacred Spleen Memorial Hospital for their efforts in ensuring a trouble-free birth."

"Agnes and Patrick have allowed the following pictures to be released of their easily impressed, excitable nooboo, Majel."

Watcher Dekkie


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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #46 on: November 24, 2012, 04:53:10 AM »
Aww.. welcome Majel! He have such cute traits. :)

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #47 on: November 24, 2012, 05:02:25 AM »
Yay, nooboo. Awww .Majel is a cute name. :D

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #48 on: November 24, 2012, 10:58:02 PM »
Watcher's Personal Log Simdate 2012112.5

"All the adults in the Enterprise household are currently on a two day free vacation, leaving Slammin' Sammie and Sandi French in charge. The Slammin' one and Sandi have agreed to go to the prom together (YAYAYAY - I love it when a plan comes together) and are currently at school. Young Majel is still a nooboo and a babysitter was called for. With the excitement in the household regarding the birth of Majel, other recent happenings in the household were glossed over. Here they are now."

"Agnes had her LTW changed to Renaissance Sim and completed that LTW. She purchased a motive mobile with her LTHPs. To celebrate, Patrick and Agnes got married and set up 13 fish bowls in their house ready for Patrick's LTW to be completed. So far 9 of the 13 Perfect fish have been caught. And we are now three days into Fall Autumn. So we may have to wait for Autumn and Winter for him to continue on with the fishing."

"Slammin' Sammie has become very keen on a girl at his school, one Sandi French, he mentioned her in his last Log entry. He kept on asking his father to let him invite her over, but he was continuously being refused. So, one afternoon, she asked Slammin' Sammie over to her house and he jumped at the offer. His father, Leighton was not pleased at that outcome, and he went over there to bring Sam home with him. He met a woman there, and very quickly they began talking as though they were old friends, the woman's name was Fiona McIrish and Leighton was falling madly in love. They went out for dinner, and then Leighton invited Fiona, and Sandi, to move in with the Enterprise family, which was accepted almost immediately by Fiona."

Leighton and Fiona became engaged and married. Here's a collage of that.

Fiona also aged up to Elderhood, and was given the following makeover:

"Soon after that, Agnes learned that was pregnant and both herself and Patrick celebrated the news and their hard work."

"Finally, firstly Sandi and then Slammin' Sammie himself aged up to teens, I forgot about Sandi's birthday :(, but I didn't forget Slammin' Sammie's Birthday, and so he had cake."

Sandi's teen birthday Makeover

Sam's teen birthday Makeover:

While Sam was a child, and Sandi a teen, Sandi was sent to Snuggsworth Prep School. She was pulled out of it when Sam became a teen and they are both going to school together. The two of them actively seek each other out and do romantic interactions with each other.

- Watcher Dekkie.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #49 on: November 26, 2012, 02:29:43 AM »
I'm pretty sure you meant Sam, not Patrick.
Majel is a cute choice! I like it! Congratulations!
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By samoht04

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #50 on: November 26, 2012, 03:30:18 AM »
Yeah, I did mean Sam ... thanks for catching that. :)

I'm glad you all like Majel :)


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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #51 on: November 26, 2012, 06:12:05 AM »
I'm glad Leighton find someone! the makeovers look great. :)

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Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #52 on: November 26, 2012, 03:48:45 PM »
I'm so happy this try is going well for you. It's great to see pictures, and I for one don't mind it taking a little longer.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #53 on: November 30, 2012, 09:29:30 AM »
Watcher's Personal Log Simdate 2012113.0
"A lot has happened to me since my last update, the big one on the not so good side was that my car got damaged in a hail storm and is a write off. The big one on the good side was that I'm starting to get some traction with my writing, I think. My writing group called 'Night Writers' is giving me positive feedback on my writing, in any case. There has been a bit of stuff happening to the Enterprise household as well ...
- the adults have gone on not one, but two free vacations while Slammin' Sammie and Sandie have been teens.
- Majel has aged to toddler and has learned her walking, talking and pottying skills.
- Patrick is reading books on baits for fish while he waits for springs to come around so he can return to fishing and try to catch the fish he needs.
- A number of the indoor plants are perfect plants already
- Various electrical and plumbing products are breaking down, so they've gone into the family inventory for the future handiness immortal to repair
- Leighton has mastered logic and is working on the potions
- Yumi is enjoying learning alchemy (even though she's not a witch ... the witch making potions are not appearing in the alchemy consignment store), and I don't have the cash to buy out the store.
- Agnes is taking it easy after becoming an ice personality. She has thanked me for letting her eat and sleep like a normal sim again.
- Slammin' Sammie and Sandie are in love with each, not to mention the fact that their classmates voted them prom king and queen. Both really impressed the other with their skill at the chicken dance while at the prom.

Collages ...

Majel as Toddler - pre makeover, clothing makeover, playing in toybox, having toddler birthday

Majel as Baby - with Bonhilda, with Granny Yumi, with Sandie

Majel learning her essential toddler skills - walking, talking, pottying

Slammin' Sammie and Sandie as Teens - asking Sandie to go steady and to go to the prom, doing homework together, going to the prom together.

- Watcher Dekkie

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #54 on: November 30, 2012, 03:59:03 PM »
I really like how you make the normal everyday clothes look like uniforms. Especially Majel's! Her cute little toddler uniforms! Do you have that door from the store that is like a Star Trek door?
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By samoht04

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #55 on: December 03, 2012, 01:59:01 PM »
I really like how you make the normal everyday clothes look like uniforms. Especially Majel's! Her cute little toddler uniforms! Do you have that door from the store that is like a Star Trek door?

Thank you Rosa ... I think I spend more time on deciding their clothes than I do anything else ... including building and placing furniture.

No, I don't have that door. I have my eye on it and the rest of the 'future tech' set (probably my term for it) I'll get it when I get more sim points.

I'm so happy this try is going well for you. It's great to see pictures, and I for one don't mind it taking a little longer.

I'm happy about that as well, and I'm glad that me being slower is fine.

I'm glad Leighton find someone! the makeovers look great. :)

I try to give the helpers some companionship as well if possible. Thank you on the makeovers compliment. :)

- Dek

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #56 on: December 03, 2012, 02:09:24 PM »
I might not be a tekkie fan, but I'm enjoying this.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #57 on: December 03, 2012, 03:24:13 PM »
I am really enjoying your collages, and you seem to be doing great this time around.

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #58 on: December 05, 2012, 04:03:39 PM »
Watcher's Personal Log Simdate 2012120.6

"The Sims 3 is making this one difficult as well. If you look in the Immortal Dynasty rules thread, you'll see I had issues with the game not saving and me having approval to use the bin and clipboard to restore the family. However, the YA painting of my founder has gone (and I get the painting of my immortals done as soon as they age up, or as soon as the painter can do portraits), as have the other paintings that Agnes painted that were hanging elsewhere in the house. Due to the save game I had to revert to, Patrick has three days left to becoming an Adult, so I have Agnes currently painting his portrait. There are six days to go for Majel to hit childhood, so Once Patrick's portrait is done, I'll get Agnes to do Majel's portrait. All of my paintings have gone, the ice sculptures of sims and the photographs are still there, just not the paintings."

"I've been reading 'The Storeybrooke's of Riverview' of late, hopefully that one will have a happy ending ... Snow Storeybrooke has married Jon Storeybrooke (nee Lessen) who used his charismatic powers to invite Billy Caspian and an unexpected house guest of Billy Caspian's (a magician by the name of Wilbert Gipson who starts off with 6 photography skill but no camera) to join the family. Both accepted, even though Wilbert doesn't yet know he's going to become fisherman and gardener and pick up a mid-life crisis reward to change traits to green thumb, angler, loves the outdoors, loves the cold, loves the heat and the change lifetime wish reward to change ltw to Renaissance Sim (Photography, Fishing and Gardening). So we'll have to see how that goes."

- Watcher Dekkie

NB: Sorry for the cross promotion of my about to be posted Storeybrooke Immortal Dynasty attempt.

Offline sdhoey

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Re: The Enterprise Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #59 on: December 05, 2012, 04:18:49 PM »
I'm sorry your having so  many problems. One time my pictures disappeared, I went into buy mode and they all reappeared. But then all my mortal ice sculptures disappeared. So I got mad and saved and quite. Went back later and they were all back.  :o So hopefully something weird will happen and all will be well again, Captain.

