Author Topic: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- move to graveyard  (Read 5979 times)

Offline Sundey

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Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- move to graveyard
« on: November 08, 2012, 08:40:04 PM »
Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty
Will she be able to rid herself of the evil witch's curse? Or will she live for eternity as a mindless zombie? Can she get her family to the 8th generation and finally be able to rest in peace to be with her loved ones again?

I will update this story whenever possible, but please note I am busy with classes and studying!
(On a note, the founder is not actually a zombie sim, it's just for story purposes!)

Prologue Part I
Prologue Part II
Chapter 1- The Beginning
Chapter 2- Looking for Love in All the Right Places

Offline Sundey

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Re: Requiescat in pace: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #1 on: November 08, 2012, 08:45:57 PM »
Immortal Stats

Generation 1- Gretel Harrison
Traits- Charismatic, Green thumb, Loves outdoors, Gatherer, Ambitious
Favorites- Classical Music, Vegetarian Chili, Irish Green
{♥}Lifetime Wish - The Perfect Garden
{}Career - Self-Employed Gardener
{♥}Supermax skill - Gardening
{}Other Max skills -
{}Building -
{}Property -
{}3 Lifetime Rewards - Super Green Thumb, Moodlet Manager
{}6 Best Friends -
{}Black Ops - An apple a day, A public speaking event, Make-a-dream, Uncommonly good
{}Museum Pieces -[YA Painting, Sculpture, Photo]

Generation 2
Traits -
Favorites -
{}Lifetime Wish -
{}Career -
{}Supermax skill -
{}Other Max skills -
{}Building -
{}Property -
{}3 Lifetime Rewards -
{}6 Best Friends -
{}Black Ops -
{}Museum Pieces -

Generation 3
Traits -
Favorites -
{}Lifetime Wish -
{}Career -
{}Supermax skill -
{}Other Max skills -
{}Building -
{}Property -
{}3 Lifetime Rewards -
{}6 Best Friends -
{}Black Ops -
{}Museum Pieces -

Generation 4
Traits -
Favorites -
{}Lifetime Wish -
{}Career -
{}Supermax skill -
{}Other Max skills -
{}Building -
{}Property -
{}3 Lifetime Rewards -
{}6 Best Friends -
{}Black Ops -
{}Museum Pieces -

Generation 5
Traits -
Favorites -
{}Lifetime Wish -
{}Career -
{}Supermax skill -
{}Other Max skills -
{}Building -
{}Property -
{}3 Lifetime Rewards -
{}6 Best Friends -
{}Black Ops -
{}Museum Pieces -

Generation 6
Traits -
Favorites -
{}Lifetime Wish -
{}Career -
{}Supermax skill -
{}Other Max skills -
{}Building -
{}Property -
{}3 Lifetime Rewards -
{}6 Best Friends -
{}Black Ops -
{}Museum Pieces -

Generation 7
Traits -
Favorites -
{}Lifetime Wish -
{}Career -
{}Supermax skill -
{}Other Max skills -
{}Building -
{}Property -
{}3 Lifetime Rewards -
{}6 Best Friends -
{}Black Ops -
{}Museum Pieces --

Generation 8
Traits -
Favorites -
{}Lifetime Wish -
{}Career -
{}Supermax skill -
{}Other Max skills -
{}Building -
{}Property -
{}3 Lifetime Rewards -
{}6 Best Friends -
{}Black Ops -
{}Museum Pieces -

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Offline Sundey

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Re: Requiescat in pace: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #2 on: November 08, 2012, 11:15:42 PM »
Prologue Part I

Many years ago in Moonlight Falls, there was a family; a family filled with love, laughter, and happiness. Every day was filled with new adventures, love, and excitement. They were a part of the original Moonlight Falls founding families.These families were very wealthy, and some say they had dark secrets hidden away from the rest of society. While many were scared of these secrets, the founding families had never wronged them; so there was no reason for them to act on these fears or to accuse them of any wrongs.

On a dark summer night, a cloaked figure wandered into town, and made their way directly to the graveyard under the cover of darkness.
Black Witch: (In a harsh raspy voice) My Lord! I have come to carry out your will, whatever it may be!
The Darkness: Good..... bring me the heart of an innocent from one of the founding families, and then you shall have your immortality black witch.
Black Witch: It shall be done, I will return tonight before the stars have cleared the sky with the heart that you desire.

The black witch did not know why her Lord requested a heart of her, but she did not care. All she had ever wished for was immortality, and eternal beauty. She hid in the shadows as she watched the goings on of the town. She waited, until the streets had become barren and quiet she then made her way to a manor nestled next to a waterfall. The manor was made of brick, and covered in ivy, with several large gardens surrounding the courtyard. A lone candle was flickering in the windows on the lower floor of the manor.

The Black witch covered herself with her cloak tightly, and gently raps on the door. After a short time, a woman opens the door, candle in hand.

Gretel: How may I help you at this hour?
Black Witch: (in as humble of a voice as she could muster) I... I am so sorry to disturb your slumber at this hour my lady, but... but you see my wagon has tipped over on the rocks. I... I couldn't see them! My grandson.. he's been injured. If I could just bother you for some aid...
Gretel: Oh dear! I am so sorry, it would be no bother at all, let me fetch help at once!
Before Gretel could return inside the witch grabbed her by the wrist with her dirt and blood caked nails digging into Gretel's delicate skin.
Gretel: Ow! Unhand me! That hurts!
Black Witch: But we have no time! He needs help NOW!
Gretel looked reluctantly inside before turning her attention back to the witch.
Gretel: Alright, lead me there. But once I have helped, you must be on your way.
Black Witch: Of course my lady... of course...

They made their way towards the waterfall, climbing over rocks and shrubbery. Gretel made constant glances back towards the manor, hoping that her husband will have noticed her absence and would be looking for her. After a steep climb the witch stopped and looked back at Gretel with glowing red eyes.

Gretel: (with fear in her voice) Where is your grandson, I don't see a tilted wagon anywhere.
The witch just laughed, a blood curdling laugh; it made Gretel's arms prickle, and her hair stand on end.
Black Witch: There is no wagon you stupid woman! Now if you'll please, make this easy on me my dear, just stand still!
Gretel: (terrified) No!
Gretel turned to run, but it was too late. She was frozen in place for what felt like ages. The witch was mumbling nonsense under her breathe, Gretel strained to make it out, but could not. And then she stopped. Gretel's world turned black, her body grew cold, and her chest felt hollow as she plummeted to the earth. It was over. She would never see her Husband or Daughter, she would never hold them, she would never see them grow with her. This was the end.
The witch stood over her cackling, knowing she would finally get the immortality that she desired.

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Requiescat in pace: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #3 on: November 09, 2012, 02:32:08 AM »
Ohmigod, you have a talent! A talent!
I love the beginning of your prologue so far, you even have pictures that look like they're really old.
I can't wait to read the next part of the prologue and then your actual immortal dynasty~
If you want, you can click here to find out how to create a proper link to put in your signature so you can always advertise your dynasty whenever you post.  :)

Offline Sundey

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Re: Requiescat in pace: An Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #4 on: November 09, 2012, 10:20:53 PM »
Ohmigod, you have a talent! A talent!
I love the beginning of your prologue so far, you even have pictures that look like they're really old.
I can't wait to read the next part of the prologue and then your actual immortal dynasty~
If you want, you can click here to find out how to create a proper link to put in your signature so you can always advertise your dynasty whenever you post.  :)
Thank you :)

Prologue Part II
The room is barely lit, and carries a strong smell of incense and a mix of other oils. It's a cramped little room, books piled to the ceiling, and cloth draped over the few pieces of furniture that was there. A figure groans as she pushes herself up from the cot she's been laying on and gives a low groan.
A voice: You're up already? I would have thought you would be out for longer.
The voice is kind, feminine, and warm.
The figure on the cot: Ugghhnn... Where... Where am I?
The woman sits down on the cot gently.
Sundey: My name is Sundey my dear, and you are safe. I have brought you to my wagon. No harm shall come to you here. Now you must rest.
Sundey gets up to leave but stops when she feels the intense trembling from the figure on the cot.
The figure on the cot:  I... I... She...
Sundey leans over and places another blanket around the figure's shoulders.
Sundey: You'll have plenty of time to remember, and to figure things out. But now you must rest, you have been through so much.
Sundey's hands shimmered a light blue for but a moment as they passed over the figure's face; which seemed to cause the trembling to stop, and ease the figure back into a slumber.
Sundey: (in a hushed tone) Poor dear....

Sundey busied herself with the garden outside of her wagon. Making sure to pick as many essential herbs for her potions. As she was doing so, the figure on the cot stumbled her way out of the wagon and into the darkness of night.
Sundey: (makes her way over to the figure) Did you sleep well?
The figure on the cot: (trembling) It seemed to be a dreamless sleep... but then I saw things... such horrible things!! Now.. who are you?! And... and who am I?!
Sundey: (sighs gently) You, are Lady Gretel Harrison; once the wife of Eric Harrison, and mother of Anastasia Harrison.
Gretel: (barely audible) Once...
Sundey: Yes. Well over 100 years ago, a great darkness came to the town of Moonlight Falls. A darkness that swept through the houses of the Founders, and she took from them so that she may achieve her goal of immortality.
Gretel: (straining to recall) That... That old woman! Oh my god, her eyes!
Gretel falls to her knees sobbing, just then Sundey kneels down beside and places her arm gently around her shoulders.
Sundey: Yes my dear... That was the black witch, and you were her first victim in Moonlight Falls.
Gretel: (Her eyes widen) And what of Anastasia and my dear Eric?
There is a long silence
Gretel: Please! I must know!
Sundey: They are no longer of this world Gretel. It has been well over 100 years, and no human may ever live that long. Miss Anastasia married into love, and bore many children; and after many happy years she passed on of old age. But Lord Eric died while trying to seal the black witch; to keep her from killing more, and in hopes of breaking the curse.
Gretel sobs, watching her tears fall onto the ground and her breathe turning to fog in the cold night air. Sundey hands Gretel a small canteen filled with warm liquid.
Sundey: Drink, it will help warm you up and make you feel better. It's my special brewed tea.
Gretel drinks it without hesitation in hopes of restoring some feeling in her numb body.
Gretel: And what of me, why am I still here and not resting in peace with those that I love.
Sundey: This my dear, is where it begins to get complicated. You see, when the witch took your heart, she did so for immortality. She had struck a deal with a Demon Lord. She used a small portion of his magic that night on you. But you see, you already had special... powers. And when the Demon Lords magic came into contact with you, it caused something. A month after your funeral, it appeared that something had come out of your grave. Later, you were found at the very place you had died; Lord Eric was ecstatic. You were alive, but you also were not Gretel. You had attacked everything you could, and everything you did attack suffered your fate. They became mindless, wanting nothing more than to hurt and... eat those around them.
Gretel:No... that can't be true...I couldn't have...
Sundey: You were locked up Gretel. Many witches came to try to break your curse, but no one could get close enough to you. So, eventually everyone gave up, and left you in your cell where you stayed for 73 years; where you never aged a day. A few years after your husband passed very powerful witches came to Moonlight Falls, they then banished the black witch deep into the depths of the Mausoleum where she lays in a deep slumber.
I was the daughter of one of these great witches Gretel, and I had heard of you, and your curse. I have come to free you, and help you finally requiescat in pace (rest in peace).
Gretel stares down at her hands in horror, thinking about all of the horrible things she must have done. How could she have hurt people, and not know... And her dear Eric and Anastasia, would she ever see them again, be able to hold them again, and be able to laugh with them again?
Gretel: I wish to see them... If I may..
Sundey: Of course, this way.
Sundey gently takes Gretel's hand in hers and they make their way to the graveyard.

Gretel: (crying) I miss you both so much, and I wish to be with you again.
Sundey: Gretel, you must know this. While you have attacked many villagers, and turned them to monsters as well, you must know that you never once attacked Lord Eric or Miss Anastasia. Whenever they would come close you would flee. It is unknown as to why, but you never did.
This seemed to make Gretel feel a little better, as she sniffled and nodded slowly.
Gretel: You said you came here to free me... and to finally help me rest in peace. But why? And how?
Sundey: (smiling gently) I have my reasons my lady, all of which you will learn in time. But it's important we do this soon, because I can feel the powers of the black witch returning. While they are meager now, they are growing. And I feel, that you, and your family are the only ones who will be able to defeat her.
Gretel: My family is waiting for me on the other side, how can they possibly help me?
Sundey: Gretel, what I shall be asking of you is a great task, but it is of great importance. You can not fail Gretel, or you shall return to your state of mindlessness, and forever curse others as well. But if you can break this curse Gretel, not only shall you and your family be able to rest in peace, but all those that you have cursed shall be able to as well.
Gretel stands in silence for a while, looking over the tombstones of her beloved husband and daughter. The letters are fading away, but she knows it's theirs. She wants nothing more than to be with them again, to go to the other side, and feel their warmth and love once again.
Gretel: Tell me, what must I do.
Sundey: You must bare a child, and your child must bare a child until they have reached the 8th generation. You must all specialize in a skill if you are to ever defeat the evil witch. You must each gain allies, live as normal a life as possible, as well as record all that you have done in a museum. Your museum shall grant you all unbelievable power, enough to be able to defeat the black witch once and for all.
Gretel: Why 8 generations?
Sundey: It's said, that a miracle of sorts shall happen when the 8th generation of the most powerful witch is raised to full potential.
Gretel silently looks into the distance.
Gretel: And if I fail?
Sundey: You can't Gretel. But if you do, you shall forever walk this earth never to rest in peace; and cursing all those around you. You must succeed.

Gretel: And what of you?
Sundey: (smiles) I will always be with you my lady, as well as your family. If ever you should need me, just think of me.
Gretel: What does that mean?
Sundey: You'll find out, you need not worry. You shall never be alone again. I have seen your future Gretel, there shall be great pain, but there will also be great joy and great happiness.
Gretel: Where do I go now?
Sundey: Since you never really died, your husband Lord Eric left you a plot of land. Unfortunately your manor was destroyed in a fire many years ago, and the landscape has changed with industrialization, but it is your land all the same.
Gretel: I can't even begin to thank you for all that you have done for me, I am forever in your debt.
Sundey: No my lady, we shall all be in your debt. You are doing a great service, and you will find that many people will be glad to help you on your journey, for you are not the only one who the dark witch has plagued. But do be warned, Moonlight Falls is a little... different since you last were here.
Gretel: Thank you Sundey, I shall take your advice to heart, and do all that I can to break this curse and finally be able to requiscat in pace.
They hug each other as if they are the best of friends, and Sundey hands Gretel a bag.
Gretel: What is this?
Sundey: They are items that shall help you. A wand, a broom, and a cellular device. You have an incredible amount of power Gretel, but you must refine it. Use your wand and broom to your advantage. And this little box covered in buttons is called a cell phone. It is used to communicate with people that are far away.
Gretel: That's amazing!
Sundey: (laughing) Indeed it is my lady. Now you must hurry! The black witch cannot be contained forever.
With that, Gretel nods and makes her way to her new life; knowing in her soul that some day she will see her family again, and break this dreaded curse.

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Prologue Part II- Updated!
« Reply #5 on: November 10, 2012, 12:05:28 AM »
I  love the atmosphere you've put into this to far, and I wish you and Gretel well on your journey down the path to immortality, and the releasing of the curse.  :)

Have you checked out the Immortal Dynasty Hints and Tips page?


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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Prologue Part II- Updated!
« Reply #6 on: November 10, 2012, 04:39:55 AM »
You are a amazing writer! I absolutely love your back story.
I can't wait for the next update. :)

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Offline Sundey

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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Prologue Part II- Updated!
« Reply #7 on: November 12, 2012, 10:27:01 PM »
I  love the atmosphere you've put into this to far, and I wish you and Gretel well on your journey down the path to immortality, and the releasing of the curse.  :)

Have you checked out the Immortal Dynasty Hints and Tips page?
Yes I have, thank you! :)

You are a amazing writer! I absolutely love your back story.
I can't wait for the next update. :)
Thank you! :D

Chapter 1- The Beginning

Gretel steps from her cab and looks around at the vast emptiness that used to be her home. She kneels down, scoops up dirt into her hands and watches it fall between her fingers.
Gretel: This soil is rich in minerals, so I should be able to grow my own food. But where do I go from here?
Sundey: Well, you can't do this alone! I'm sure some of your neighbors are eagerly awaiting your arrival!
Gretel looks around expecting to find someone, but there is no one.
Gretel: I thought I heard something bu...
Sundey: Yes my dear you did, I told you I would be with you! You didn't think I would leave you alone now did you?
Gretel: But... But how?
Sundey: (laughing a little) I can see you through my crystal ball, I am more powerful than you give me credit for.
Gretel: My apologies, I did not expect to hear you when you are no where to be seen.
Sundey: No apologies needed Gretel, now you must hurry to find aid before night falls. Horrible, monstrous things come out at night.
Gretel looks concerned but quickly composes herself and heads off to go seek aid. After dizzily getting off of her broom, Gretel walks up to the front door of an old mansion and knocks. Expecting someone else, Gretel is caught off guard by who answers.

Beatrice: Hello?
Beatrice looks Gretel over, showing little concern over her green appearance.
Gretel: I'm sorry to intrude, but is this the home of Prudence and Simon Crumplebottom?
Beatrice: (looks shocked) Long ago yes, but they have long since passed. Bianca, Belinda and me Beatrice live here now, Prudence and Simon were our Great Grandparents.
Sundey:(almost as if a whisper in the wind) Do not forget, many years have passed since you have last been yourself Gretel.
Gretel: My apologies! My sense of time is off you see. My name is Gretel, and I was hoping that my dear friends the Crumplebottoms would help me.
Beatrice: Hmmm... Gretel, that name sounds familiar.
Gretel points over to the empty plot of land which is now her home.
Gretel: I used to live there many years ago with my Husband Eric, and Daughter Anastasia.... Until a wicked witch came and took it all from me.

Beatrice's eyes go wide in wonder.
Beatrice: Oh my goodness! I've heard of you! Oh dear, I'm so sorry for what you've been through! But last I heard... you were a zombie.

Gretel: Yes, until recently I was. But my curse has been in a way lifted.
Beatrice: In a way?
Gretel:While I am no longer mindless, I am still cursed. I may not move on, I cannot rest and finally see my beloved family.
Beatrice looks at Gretel with sorrow in her eyes.
Gretel: I must first defeat the witch who has cursed me so. But to do that, I need to first complete other tasks. But you see my home is gone, and I have nothing... no one... Which is why I was hoping to find Simon and Prudence here.
Beatrice folds her arms and smiles.
Beatrice: They may be long since gone, but I shall help you Gretel. Your story has moved me, and I want to add purpose into my life.
Gretel looks shocked and tears well in her eyes.
Gretel: I do not know how I can ever thank you enough.
Beatrice: (smiles and laughs) You can start by helping me move out my belongings!
Gretel smiles and helps Beatrice load her meager belongings into the back of a cab.
Gretel: I'll meet you at home, I wish to stop by the store for some seeds for the garden.

Beatrice's new look!

After returning home, Gretel is in awe. What once was an empty space, now has a few meager objects. She smiles, and wipes away a couple tears.
Gretel: Thank you, this is amazing.
Beatrice looks around confused.
Beatrice: There's hardly anything, and we have no money left.
Gretel: It's more than nothing, it's something. It's our beginning, and it gives me hope that someday I will be able to once again see my loved ones.
Beatrice: (smiling) I guess you're right. Oh! Before I forget, I have a present for you!
Gretel: For me?

A tiny bundle of fur came bounding in Gretel's direction which made her eyes light up.
Gretel: A puppy!
Beatrice: I figured you could use another friend. He still needs a name.
Gretel laughs while play wrestling with the puppy.
Gretel: Awe he's so tough! I'll think I'll name him Hercules.

Gretel, Beatrice and Hercules laid down and quickly fell fast asleep. With it being the first night of their new lives, they were worn, and eagerly awaiting all the things that tomorrow would bring them.

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Chapter 1
« Reply #8 on: November 13, 2012, 01:07:45 AM »
How come you didn't move in the other two to help?
Other than that, nice beginning; I loke how you've pulled in the zombie-ism of the curse by leaving her skin green.
Will you show all of Gretel's outfits too?

Offline Sundey

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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Chapter 1
« Reply #9 on: November 13, 2012, 01:24:01 AM »
How come you didn't move in the other two to help?
Other than that, nice beginning; I loke how you've pulled in the zombie-ism of the curse by leaving her skin green.
Will you show all of Gretel's outfits too?
I have my eyes on some other sims I would rather move in to help :D

And yes, Gretel's outfits will be shown in Chapter 2.


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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Chapter 1
« Reply #10 on: November 13, 2012, 06:12:14 AM »
Great chapter! Beatrice look lovely and the puppy is adorable. :)

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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Chapter 1
« Reply #11 on: November 14, 2012, 01:02:45 AM »
I really like the way you've set this up.  The puppy was a beautiful touch.
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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Chapter 1
« Reply #12 on: November 14, 2012, 03:02:01 AM »
Awesome place for a dynasty, and backstory is great! Good luck Gretel!

Offline Sundey

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Re: Requiescat In Pace: An Immortal Dynasty- Chapter 1
« Reply #13 on: November 17, 2012, 08:08:48 PM »
Chapter 2- Looking for Love in All the Right Places
While Beatrice worked making some sleeping elixirs for the days ahead, Gretel decided after tending to her garden it would be best to explore the town. It was different and strange to her, and filled with all sorts of strange sims. After going shopping, and picking the vegetables from the park, she headed to the performance area. What used to be filled with ladies dressed in gowns and parasols while listening to music, was now filled with young people dressed in interesting clothing, watching some man throwing torches above himself. Gretel figured he must be crazed, or from the circus.

Gretel: Greetings! You must be the circus owner! It's an interesting performance you have. My name is Gretel, and who might you be?
Kyle: (laughing) No no, I'm no circus owner. I'm the proprietor of this place. People come to me when they want to preform. And hey! My name is Kyle. What brings you here?
Gretel: (flustered) I'm sorry! He was just throwing torches and I assumed...  Anyways, I was wondering if you have time to chat?
Kyle looks over at the juggler, and shrugs.
Kyle: Yeah, I've got time.
Gretel: I had heard rumor that you have no home here in Moonlight Falls.
Kyle: (frowning) Yeah you heard right. What of it?
Gretel: Well, my roommate Beatrice and I are looking for more people to move in. We need help in accomplishing some tasks. And while we do not have much, there is a bed, and warm meals.

Kyle: Oh you're Gretel Harrison? The new girl to town right?
Gretel: (looks confused) Yes, you know about me?
Kyle: Yeah I heard about you from Belinda. We're great friends. Sucks what happened to you though.
Gretel looks to the ground lost in thought for a moment before snapping back to reality.
Gretel: Indeed it is.
Kyle: Sounds cool to me, and it's more than I have now!
Gretel: Wonderful! We shall have a party today to celebrate!
Kyle: Awesome, I'll see you at home then. Seems so odd to say that word!
Gretel and Kyle make their way back to the lot to prepare for the party.

Kyle's new wardrobe!

Sundey: I'm so proud of you Gretel, you're doing wonderfully and on the right track to success.
Gretel smiles and feels a warmth seeping through her body.
Gretel: Thank you, for making this all possible to me.
Sundey: No problem my dear.
Gretel: (looking triumphent) Looks like this party may be a moderate success.
Beatrice screams
Gretel: What is it?! What's wrong?
Beatrice: Gretel, you can not go walking around like that! Especially at a party! Come! come! Off to the dresser!
Beatrice grabs Gretel by the hand and drags her to the dresser before she can protest.

Beatrice folds her arms pleased with herself.
Beatrice: Much better!
Gretel: (smiling) Thank you my dear friend.
Kyle: Not bad at all! We should go out sometime...
Gretel: Ummmm... No thank you I'll pass!
Before Kyle could say anything Gretel had hopped on her broom and flown away.
Sundey: Well you could have been a little nicer I think.
Gretel: I guess so.
Sundey: What's wrong with Kyle? He's pretty cute.
Gretel: I don't know, it just doesn't feel right, you know? It will be hard enough to find someone when my heart still yearns for Eric. Kyle just isn't right for me.
Sundey: Fair enough I suppose. I guess I did see him flirting with a fairy girl at the party anyways.
Gretel laughs but then stops dead in her tracks.

Gretel's chest seems as if it were to explode. If she were to have a heart, everyone would surely be able to hear it's loud beating.
Gretel: Sundey it's him, he's the one I wish to spend my days with.

Gretel: (nervously) Hel.. Hello! I'm Gretel. And you're so hanso.... I mean you look like a nice person!
Bill: (laughs) Hey Gretel! I'm Bill, what brings you here at this hour?
Gretel: I just ummm... I just needed some air.
Bill: Well there's plenty of that around here!
Gretel: (smiles) I suppose you're right.
Bill's and Gretel's eyes lock onto each other, and it's impossible to look away.

Gretel: We just became acquainted, and it seems very odd, but here's my contact information, so come over maybe?
Sundey: Original.
Bill: I would love to.
Gretel: There's so much you need to know about.
Bill: I don't care as long as I'm with you.
Bill and Gretel hop into a cab and make their way home.
Gretel: Bill, this is so soon.... But I love you. And I can't imagine another moment without you in my life.
Bill: And I love you Gretel. No matter what hardships we face, I shall always be by your side.

And Bill's wardrobe!

Offline ladyaya

  • The Epic Panda-Cat Lover
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I love that dress of Gretel's, what store item is it?
I also like how you're meandering along in your story, and that Gretel was drawn to Bill. Will Bea get together with Kyle one day?  ;)