My probable 3rd gen heir is scoping out her possible mates. Some have traits I've never played or in combinations that sound wild. Do any of these shout "marry this guy?" Fiona Bright has 8 days before she becomes YA. She's Neurotic, Born Saleswoman, Friendly, and Family Oriented. I think I'll make her a painter or a sculptor. There's a housing boom in SV, so new people may yet move in.
Herman Bean sounds wonderful, but he's already YA: Green Thumb, Virtuoso, Loves the Outdoors. But he wears a peter pan collar.
Scotty Bean must be Herman's brother, sounds like it's a good family, and he's a teenager like Fiona. I don't know his traits yet.
Tam Thrasher, a light-skinned teen who wears Egypt clothes to school. He's Grumpy, Evil, and Neurotic. I almost want to choose him to shake things up, but I've never had Grumpy, and certainly not this combination. Making him happy might be too much work.
Chin-Han Lim, a teen who's Childish, Insane, Good, and a Mooch. He might drive me insane with the Childish trait.
Marquis Ursine, a teen who I'm inclined to ignore because of his family, but I guess I'll check out his traits.