Author Topic: ** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Graveyard, Please  (Read 7915 times)

Offline Snufflesxx

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** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Graveyard, Please
« on: November 02, 2012, 12:12:09 PM »
Author's note: I really, really want to finish my Immortal Dynasty this time. I mean it. This time it's personal.
Anyway, this attempt will actually be written in first person because I sometimes have problems with conveying the feelings of my characters when I'm talking to them.

Key: Bold words indicate a trait or lifetime wish or skill challenge or career. (does not include titles)

Intro – Meet Lottie!

Welcome, my dear friends, to my Immortal Dynasty. My name? I am Charlotte Elizabeth Patricia Prudence Swindlehurst. But my friends call me Lottie.

I want you to know now that I’m a firm believer in manners and formality. That’s the proper way to go about things. I also don’t do mess of any kind. I try to keep everything neat and tidy. I’ve always been artistic and that is my preferred skill. But I also have a photographer’s eye, so you’ll often find me with a camera. And I truly believe that in this town of Riverview, I shall find my true love. I’m such a Hopeless Romantic.

My lifelong goal is to become a master of both painting and photography. A Visionary. However, I will be rising ranks in the Education career.

I hope you shall enjoy my story.

Good day.

Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty Chapters

Chapter 1 - The Start of a Diary
Chapter 2 - The Pink House (burgled)
Chapter 3 - A little bit of rockstar
Chapter 4 - A dirty toilet equals an unhappy Lottie!
Chapter 5 - Getting Ready
Chapter 6 - Say hello to Christobel!
Chapter 7 - Name changes
Chapter 8 - Batgirl!
Chapter 9 - Summer Festival

Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty Stats

Charlotte "Lottie" Swindlehurst

Lifetime Wish - Visionary (Completed)
Career - Education (Level 7)
Supermax skill - Painting (Supermaxed!)
Other Max skills - Photography (Level 10)
Building - None
Property - None
3 Lifetime Rewards - Extra Creative
6 Best Friends - None
6 Opportunities - Making the Grade, Getting to know... you, Just Business, No Subsitute, Interior Decor
Portraits - Young Adult
Photograph - None
Ice Sculpture - Young Adult

Christobel "Chris" Swindlehurst

Lifetime Wish -
Career -
Supermax skill -
Other Max skills -
Building -
Property -
3 Lifetime Rewards -
6 Best Friends -
6 Opportunities -
Portraits - Toddler
Photograph - Toddler
Ice Sculpture - Toddler

Gen 3

Lifetime Wish -
Career -
Supermax skill -
Other Max skills -
Building -
Property -
3 Lifetime Rewards -
6 Best Friends -
6 Opportunities -
Portraits -
Photograph -
Ice Sculpture -

Gen 4

Lifetime Wish -
Career -
Supermax skill -
Other Max skills -
Building -
Property -
3 Lifetime Rewards -
6 Best Friends -
6 Opportunities -
Portraits -
Photograph -
Ice Sculpture -

Gen 5

Lifetime Wish -
Career -
Supermax skill -
Other Max skills -
Building -
Property -
3 Lifetime Rewards -
6 Best Friends -
6 Opportunities -
Portraits -
Photograph -
Ice Sculpture -

Gen 6

Lifetime Wish -
Career -
Supermax skill -
Other Max skills -
Building -
Property -
3 Lifetime Rewards -
6 Best Friends -
6 Opportunities -
Portraits -
Photograph -
Ice Sculpture -

Gen 7

Lifetime Wish -
Career -
Supermax skill -
Other Max skills -
Building -
Property -
3 Lifetime Rewards -
6 Best Friends -
6 Opportunities -
Portraits -
Photograph -
Ice Sculpture -

Gen 8

Lifetime Wish -
Career -
Supermax skill -
Other Max skills -
Building -
Property -
3 Lifetime Rewards -
6 Best Friends -
6 Opportunities -
Portraits -
Photograph -
Ice Sculpture -
** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock


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Re: ** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Intro - Meet Lottie!
« Reply #1 on: November 02, 2012, 01:31:39 PM »
Good luck with your dynasty! Lottie is very pretty. :)

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Offline Snufflesxx

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Re: ** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Intro - Meet Lottie!
« Reply #2 on: November 02, 2012, 01:41:12 PM »
Good luck with your dynasty! Lottie is very pretty. :)

Thank you! And her eyes are actually a bit bigger than that but she was about to blink when I took the photo.
** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

Offline Snufflesxx

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** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Chapter 1
« Reply #3 on: November 02, 2012, 01:55:57 PM »
Chapter 1 – The Start of a Diary

Dear Diary,

Today I started my Immortal Dynasty. I do believe that I can do it, but it’s definitely going to be tough. I headed to the Consignment Store, hoping that someone might have handed in a top-notch camera, but sadly they had nothing. An utter outrage!

So I headed into the town. I noticed a group of people protesting over something, so I went over to inquire about it.

Lottie: Good morning, sir. May I trouble you for a moment?

Jon Lessen: Sure, I guess.
Lottie: I need to know why you are protesting.
Jon: We want to rid Riverview of unicorns.

Lottie: How queer. Unicorns, you say? Aren’t they the things of myth and legend?
Jon: Nah, Hunter Cottoneye saw loads of them, up at the fishing pond.
Lottie: Ah, Mr Cottoneye. Isn’t he a bit, well, crazy?
Jon: I suppose. I haven’t seen him for a while. He was telling us that the zombies were coming and now he’s disappeared. There are rumours that he got hitched with Constance Shelley!

While Jon was explaining about Mr Cottoneye, I couldn’t help noticing the way he was looking at me. I felt utterly in love.

Lottie: Mr Lessen?
Jon: Yes?
Lottie: What’s that coming towards you?

Lottie: Erm, me!
Jon: Hmm. I quite liked that. Again?

Lottie: Of course, Mr Lessen.

Jon: And no more of this Mr Lessen stuff. Just call me Jon.
Lottie: But it’s good manners! I mean, of course, Jon.

I didn’t have any place to stay that night. Jon told me that he had no spare beds for guests. He did tell me about a fantastic free establishment on the other side of town, where I could get a bed for the night.

So I headed over there. I helped myself to a can of soup and then thoroughly cleaned out all the dishes. I just wanted everything to be neat when I left.

Then I went upstairs to one of the beds. It was hard and terribly uncomfortable, but I put up with it. I didn’t have anywhere else to stay after all.

The next day, I met up with Jon in the park. We happily embraced and we didn’t stop kissing, even when people were staring at us.

I decided there and then that he was the one. I dropped to one knee and took the box from my pocket.

Lottie: My darling Jon, will you be with me forever and ever? Will you help me make the impossible possible and help me through the good times and bad. Will you marry me and become Mr Swindlehurst?
Jon: Squeeeeeee! I mean, of course, my little darling.

Lottie: I love you.
Jon: Love you too.

Next time: A wedding and a pink house!

** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

Offline Snufflesxx

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** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Chapter 2
« Reply #4 on: November 03, 2012, 05:01:43 AM »
Chapter 2 - The Pink House (burgled!)

From Jon's diary

Dear Diary,

So yeah, I met this gorgeous girl named Charlotte, or Lottie, and we just, like, feel in love. Like, straight away. And then she proposed to me and I was like "OMG Yeeeeeeeesssss!"

I knew Lottie wanted, like, a huge wedding but I knew that we didn't really have time. So we just married in the park.

I sold my, like, really expensive car so we could, like, build a house. Lottie told me that it would be there when we got back but I was like "Whaaaat?"

And it was. But it was pink and I was thinking like "I'm not living in a pink house!"

Lottie was like really happy and she wanted to show you pictures of all the rooms.

Our living room:

The dining room: (check out those awesome windows on the wall!)

The kitchen:

Our bedroom: (I'm sure Lottie will be spending plenty of time in there on that easel!)

The bathroom:

And finally the nursery, for when the time comes: (Notice that there is no pink in sight!)

We had a bad first night. Somehow, a burglar sneaked into our house and stole both our toilet and our shower! You'd think you'd hear the guy ripping up your piping, wouldn't you?

Lottie was really angry because we were a few thousand Simleons down by the time we'd replaced the shower and toilet (pink ones, mind you!). But I reminded her that we'e got, like, loads of money so it was okay. Then she went back to her painting.

I tried making us a meal but my ponytail kept getting in the way. So Lottie insisted (no, she forced!) that I have a makeover.

I wanted to keep my wild rockstar look because I am a wild rockstar! Well, lead guitarist.
Lottie said she didn't approve but I know she digs it.

I practised my guitar all the time, while Lottie was painting.

And then I serenaded her when she finally left the bedroom.

I decided that it was getting a bit lonely, just having us two (and my two cats!). So I invited two of my colleges over, who are also husband and wife.

Jon: Hey, Nadine, lovely weather today, isn't it?
Nadine: Um, Seasons isn't out yet so therefore weather doesn't exist I mean, hello Jon, you're looking well. I love your house.

Jon: Thanks. Nadine, would you and Yuri and the kids like to come and live in it with us? I mean we've got plenty of money and stuff...

Nadine: Sure, that sounds great!

So Nadine, her husband Yuri, and their two children, Tatiana and Dimitri, all moved into our pink house. Dimitri is fine to sleep in the nursery but we've got no space for the other three. Hmm, I think it's renovation time!

** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock


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Poor Jon to live in a pink house lol. I think it look awesome, I love pink.
It is good that he get a makeover, a burning pony tail will be no fun!  ;D

Offline saltpastillen

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That pink house is great, I also love the nursery. Great recolor of those carpet/s.

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Offline Snufflesxx

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Poor Jon to live in a pink house lol. I think it look awesome, I love pink.

That pink house is great

I thought it would be fun to make an entirely pink house (apart from the nursery). Lottie's wardrobe is all pink too and her favourite colour is pink so it just suited her.

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"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

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** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Chapter 3
« Reply #8 on: November 06, 2012, 03:02:28 AM »
Chapter 3 - A little bit of rockstar

From Lottie's diary

Dear Diary,

Jon moved in some of his good friends from the music business. At first I wasn't at all happy with it, especially because they brought both of their kids. But I eventually got over it. Mind the word eventually.

I think I'm being slightly judgemental. Although they were all dressed like tramps (sorry, the only word I could use to describe their fashion sense) but we I soon got them looking magnificent!


She a bit of a rockstar!

Her husband, Yuri, was dressed all in red and green. I would find a picture (I have a picture for everything!) but simply couldn't find it.

And their little daughter, Tatania, who certainly had no objections to dressing all pretty in pink!

Beauuutiful! And doesn't her formal dress look gorgeous?

We also built her a bedroom on the side of the nursery. It's pink!

Author's note: Sorry this is a tiny chapter. Stuff has happened but I need to go to school now.
** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

Offline Snufflesxx

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** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Chapter 4 7/11/12
« Reply #9 on: November 07, 2012, 11:11:58 AM »
Chapter 4 - A dirty toilet equals an unhappy Lottie!

From Lottie's diary

Dear Diary

There is something I have to tell you about. The unbelievable scandal that has rocked the house of Swindlehurst! It's a shaming, shaming business and I can't believe I'm saying it out loud. Ok, here goes. I had a dirty toilet!

Just look at that pool of germs! Filth and grime! I cannot bear it. It's too much. TOO MUCH!

Just had to get the off my chest. I did give it a good clean after that picture (as well as the rest of the house!)

Dimitri and Tatiana had their birthdays, Dmitri into a child and Tatiana into a teen.

They both have bizarre fashion senses. Dimitri insists on wearing colourful wellies with almost every outfit and Tatiana wants anything purple. I certainly don't approve of those boots! Dimitri seems to have aged up rather insane, while Tatiana follows in my footsteps and becomes artistic.

We built a art studio to the top right corner of the lot. It consists of an easel, sculpting station and a photo booth. I'm never out of that little studio! Well, I say that...
** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

Offline Snufflesxx

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** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Chapter 5 6/11/12
« Reply #10 on: November 09, 2012, 03:43:15 PM »
Chapter 5 - Getting ready

From Jon's diary

Dear Diary,

Something has been up with Nadine lately. It seems that she wants to be more than friends. I can't take this. I love Lottie, she is my one and only. Yuri and Nadine have been drifting apart lately but is it because of me?
I confronted Nadine in the bathroom.

Jon: Please, Nadine. We're great friends but that is as far as it goes. I'm completely faithful to Lottie and you should be to Yuri. Please, please don't spoil things for me and Lottie.

Nadine: I'm sorry Jon. You're right, I'm not being far to you or Lottie or Yuri or the kids. I need to straighten out.
Jon: Thanks, Nadine.

Nothing happened between me and Nadine, but I couldn't help feeling guilty. So I headed to the consignment store in search of a present.

Jon: Oh, hi Hunter. You're looking well.
Hunter: Hello, Lessen.
Jon: Not Lessen any more, my man. I am happy to bear the name of Swindlehurst.
Hunter: Swindlehurst, eh? Hmm...
Jon: So, have you got any you-know-whats?
Hunter: You are in luck my friend! Got a huge order of them in this morning. Like one?

Jon: Boy, yes!

Jon: Surprise!
Lottie: Oh, you shouldn't have! What is it?
Jon: Open it and see!

I held my breath as Lottie pulled the bow away and ripped the paper.

Lottie: It's a... Hikon. A Hikon camera! You bought me a CAMERA?!
Jon: Yes...
Lottie: Thank you, thank you, THANK YOU!

Then she smiles.

Lottie: I've got a little present for you too.
Jon: What?

Lottie: I'm pregnant!

Jon: Oh my God! Really? I'm going to be a daddy?
Lottie: Yes, my darling.

Jon: I'm so happy!

Lottie: Can you hear her?
Jon: Her?
Lottie: Definitely. Definitely her.

Jon: Then yes, I can.

Lottie: We can make this work, right?
Jon: Yes, of course we can. We're a winning team.
Lottie: Oh you!
** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

Offline Snufflesxx

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** The Swindlehurst Immortal Dynasty ** Chapter 6 9/11/12
« Reply #11 on: November 09, 2012, 04:09:44 PM »
Chapter 6 - Say hello to Christobel

From Lottie's Diary

Dear Diary,

I'd just finished another painting when the pains hit me.

All I could think about was my baby being born in a clean environment. And the cleanest environment for a baby is the hospital. So that's where I went.

Jon came with me but he made me drive! Honestly, some men!

But after all the pain and agony, I am very pleased to announce the birth of my daughter, Christobel Angelina Nadine Swindlehurst. Christobel is such a 'girly' name. It should suit her well.

Lottie: Thirsty, are we? Milk will give you nice strong bones. Not too fast, slooow down.

Lottie: Who's a little cutie? You are! I can't wait to dress you up little pink dresses...
Christobel: *bleeeeh!*
Lottie: The mess! Help! Heeeeelpppmeeeee!

I don't think that nursery is the best place for my little girl. It's all blue. Blue is for boys. And I was furious with the werewolf doll!

Lottie: It'll give her nightmares! I told you to buy a fairy.
Jon: She loves it. Stop worrying!
Lottie: Oh fine...
Jon: Okay, I'll make it up to you...

Lottie: Hmm, I suppose this will be sufficient. No, wait, I take that back. This is lovely
** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

Offline ladyaya

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You're just moving along on this aren't you Snuff?
Congratulations on Generation two~

Offline Snufflesxx

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You're just moving along on this aren't you Snuff?
Congratulations on Generation two~

Yeah, I've been playing about a billion different stories and I thought it was time I gave this one a bit of attention. Now that Gen 2 has arrived, I'm starting to get really into the characters and the house.

And thank you. I've got plans for her...
** My Stories **

"I'm not a psychopath, I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research." - Sherlock

