Author Topic: Some Sims of Ice and Fire (Move to Graveyard)  (Read 51258 times)

Offline folcon

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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #105 on: December 18, 2012, 06:05:58 PM »
I have really enjoyed your story so far.  I'm looking forward to the next update.  Hmm...I wonder if or when the alien will join the household.  Can't wait to see what happens next.

Offline Tilia

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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #106 on: December 18, 2012, 06:19:38 PM »
I have really enjoyed your story so far.  I'm looking forward to the next update.  Hmm...I wonder if or when the alien will join the household.  Can't wait to see what happens next.

Haha, Aggie really doesn't like that alien.  Sometimes she'll have the red-x thought bubble about her at random throughout the day.

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« Reply #107 on: December 20, 2012, 11:56:54 PM »
So, as though to remind me that I'm just getting older and older, like, I'm going to have to pick an heir soon and everything, my little bundle of pink aged up in the blink of an eye.  I might have fooled Rhaella by buying her a little spa package on the day of Meera's birthday so I'd get to be the one to watch her sparkle.

As far as deceit goes, I feel like Rhaella came out okay this time.

Just like her brothers, she didn't sparkle.  She blinked from being a little pink bundle...

To an adorable little girl.

Maybe I'm just extra sentimental because of this crisis thing, but I don't think I've ever teared up quite as much when one of my kids aged.  One of my kids ... ugh, I am the dad guy now.  Anyway, I'm a hero to her.  I can tell.

She gives me sad eyes at night when I have to put her to sleep.

And always gurgles in delight if I give in and stay up for another 30 minutes of cuddling and tickles.

Honestly, there's a bit of fighting over her.  Dad plays the "while I've got time!" card if someone challenges him.

Then again, he never lasts very long.

Rhaella has been working on skilling.  She says Meera bears a striking resemblance to my great-great-grandma Terri.  It's the cheeks, she says.

Rhaegar aged up in the late summer, before school.  "Nadine's already a teen," he'd been muttering for a few days, so as soon as we got his notification, we went ahead and bought him a cake to stop his griping.

He was pleased.

When he aged up, Aggie let out a low whistle.  "I dunno how the Watcher will tell you two apart, Bran."

"Hair," Rhaegar said.  "Younger hair."

What!  Is my hair old guy hair?  Oh Watcher, you know what, it's time for a change.  I can't do this.  I can't be the old fart.  I'm headed to the mirror.  You need to be ready.  Bran the Man is coming back.  After he gets off of work.

Offline Tilia

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Just a Phase
« Reply #108 on: December 21, 2012, 12:07:07 AM »
"Aunt Rhaella, there's a strange man in the kitchen."

"That's your father, Robb.  Just ignore it."

"No, I don't think it is..."


"Oh hey, son!  Hey, did you like those hip beats I was playing last night?  I was putting my hands in the air like whaaa..."

"Uh.  where's Rhaegar?"

"Asking Nadine to prom, probably."

"He's scared of her.  I saw at school.  He didn't even know what to say."

"Robb, be nice about your brother.  One day you'll have a girl who makes you jumpy too."

Robb didn't think so, though.  Even if he didn't understand my wack new style.  He's got the imaginary friend thing going.

I hadn't revealed the Look to Aggie yet, so I called her to the festival to surprise her.  I kept Summer with me for emotional support, but we mostly just stared silently at the maypole ... BFFs can support each other in silence, you know.

Rhaegar was waiting for Nadine over next to the toilets and doing some warlock thing to a seed.  I pretend not to notice... yo.

Aggie wasn't down with the new look.  She's ... you know, being oppressed by her generation and all.

"is that an earring?!"

I decided to prove to her that I was hot stuff and manned up the kissing booth.


I had a total of one customer.  I suspect it was a sympathy purchase.

She informed me in no uncertain terms that the original portrait of me wasn't taking on any swag whatsoever.

It was around then that I started to feel stupid.  So, I moped on home, catching a glimpse of my son cementing his prom date.

Showered, and changed back into the old digs.

"Aggs, I'm normal again."

"Mmrm, Summer, don't eat ...mrm shoe."

"Uh. While you're listening, I should probably mention the car ..."


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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #109 on: December 21, 2012, 08:28:35 AM »
Meera is a adorable. I so like her tod pics, especially the one with Gendry.
Bran's midlife crisis is hilarious!  ;D

Offline azokka361

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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #110 on: December 21, 2012, 04:43:38 PM »
Meera has Agnes eyes! Those pretty, teardrop brown eyes are simply lovely on her. I'm sure she will be a gorgeous child and teenager!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #111 on: December 21, 2012, 09:03:58 PM »
Awesome mid-life crisis.

"Honey, while you are listening..."

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Offline lepapillonrouge

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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #112 on: December 22, 2012, 08:01:03 PM »
Bran oh my are my favorite Targ, really. I will miss you when you're gone.

I think Rhaegar and Juleon have the same hairstyle and jackets...awesome.

Offline Tilia

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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #113 on: December 25, 2012, 06:58:20 AM »
Meera is a adorable. I so like her tod pics, especially the one with Gendry.
Bran's midlife crisis is hilarious!  ;D

Those cheekbones on a toddler are just so adorable!  I can't get enough of her :)

Meera has Agnes eyes! Those pretty, teardrop brown eyes are simply lovely on her. I'm sure she will be a gorgeous child and teenager!

So she does!  I can't wait to see how much she resembles her as she gets older.  I was playing around with contacts on Agnes back when Robb was a toddler and tried to match her eye color at more of a blue, but looking back through the pictures, I suppose they are closer to brown.

Bran oh my are my favorite Targ, really. I will miss you when you're gone.

I think Rhaegar and Juleon have the same hairstyle and jackets...awesome.

That is pretty great.  I'll miss writing for Bran too.  He certainly revived the file for me.

Awesome mid-life crisis.

"Honey, while you are listening..."

Glad you guys liked the midlife crisis!  Bran makes these things too much fun.

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Bran's Final Chapter - and a Merry Christmas to All
« Reply #114 on: December 25, 2012, 06:59:17 AM »
Do you ever wake up suddenly aware of just how crazy lucky you are?  I did, this morning. 

"Hey, Aggs?"


"You're the best thing that's ever happened to me."

I'm not just being sappy either.  Think about it.  She's what's made my entire adult life what it is.  Which is probably why not once during my super humiliating midlife crisis did I wish to flirt with anyone else.  Maybe that's why I was allowed to keep the car ... or "the family" kept it anyway.

I guess that's really what I'm reflecting on, "the family."  All of it.

I've got these great kids.  All three of them are just amazing.  Robb has gotten a scholarship to an artistic boarding school and has begged and begged to go.  Agnes finally gave in, though she keeps swooping in and hugging him and telling him how much she's gonna miss him.

I'm going to miss him too, but honestly, when he's going on about impressionism and stuff, I either blank out or start fantasizing about the furthest destination from the conversation.

Good thing he has that imaginary friend.  Apparently she's all ears about this stuff.  Her name is Jeyne.  Robb says she's super brave and smart.

Meera is easy.  She always is happy to see her Dad and I can listen to her spout nonsense about horse mind reading or whatever for hours.

She finally aged up to a child yesterday, despite my begging that she stay a toddler forever.

She actually looks just like her Mom.  Pretty crazy, huh?

She's a great kid.  Perhaps a little on the insane side, but not in any particularly bad way.  Her heart's in the right place, even if the charities she regularly slips her lunch money to are obviously made up, like "LLama Herders Anonymous" and "The Psychic Tip Line."

She sometimes spends hours arguing with herself over who needs her $2.50 the most.  This concerns my wife, but I think it's great.

I mean, it's all about imagination, right?  How else are you supposed to have a mid-Wednesday deep sea adventure and still get your homework done?

Meera has an imaginary friend too, though we're not sure if she spends enough time with it for it to be possessed "real" like Jeyne.  She says his name is Hodor and all he ever says is "Hodor."  She's such a fantastic kid.

Rhaegar has been an old man since he was a toddler, really.  He loves spending time talking to Dad about all manner of old guy stuff.

He's getting better with his magic things, which I still haven't quite gotten used to.  I guess it is pretty cool... objectively.  Why didn't I get magic powers, eh?

Aggie finished her most recent trashy romance novel and got a bundle of cash for it.  She has a gift.

She asked Rhaella (who was once a little insane herself, she says) to talk to Meera and get a gauge on just how deep the crazy goes.  They ended up debating modern philosophy for two hours, leaving Rhaella to sheepishly admit she forgot what she was supposed to be doing.

The way my daughter sees the world is this crazy, multi-colored awesome.  I want to see it that way too.  I mean, don't we all?  She's insane, sure, but she's not stupid and she doesn't have a mean bone in her body.  Even as a toddler, people would go on about how perceptive and good natured she was. 

That's why I've decided to pass the legacy down to her.  Maybe we'd all benefit from life through the eyes of someone who thinks the Horse Telepathy Foundation would benefit more from her lunch money than she would. 

I finally made it to the wall (mercifully without that stupid hat and earring).  I've produced three fantastic kids and managed to snag the woman of my dreams.  I'm gonna go kick back with Dad for the days he's got left (102 now!) and watch my offspring shoot up in the world. 

I guess it's no surprise I woke up this morning feeling so great.  Merry Christmas, everyone.


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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #115 on: December 25, 2012, 09:22:12 AM »
What a lovely update!
I'm so happy Meera will be heiress.
Insane Sims are fun and we definitely learn from seeing the world through their eyes.
Merry Christmas, Tilia! :)

Offline Tilia

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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - a Themed Legacy
« Reply #116 on: December 27, 2012, 07:54:59 PM »
What a lovely update!
I'm so happy Meera will be heiress.
Insane Sims are fun and we definitely learn from seeing the world through their eyes.
Merry Christmas, Tilia! :)

Merry Christmas to you too!  Check your PMs, I had a technical question for something I saw in your Solaris story :)

Offline Tilia

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Some Kind of Special
« Reply #117 on: December 27, 2012, 08:25:58 PM »
Everyone in my family (almost) is special.  My brother Rhaegar is magical, my brother Robb is a prodigy, my dad is a fireman, my ... um ... my Rhaella is a vampire, and my grandad used to be made out of cloth and cotton.  I'm special too.  I can read minds!  I just close my eyes real tight and suddenly all the colors and thoughts and words in your head come chug chugging into mine like a train made out of ideas and lollipops! 

Not just people minds either.  I can talk to animals too!  Their thoughts are just as clear and crystal as people thoughts.  I like horses the best.  Daddy bought me a crystal ball for my room, even though I'm too small to use it.  That annoyed Mama, but when she says something, he just kisses her quiet. 

Mom says that mind reading isn't an occult state, but I said uh-huh it is, because Rhaella reads minds.  She said that's vampire, not psychic.  I got sick of trying to explain the world to my silly mother, so we played tag instead.  She's pretty cool when she's not trying to tell me I'm wrong.

Just last week, actually, she took me to have lunch at the bistro!  It was so fancy, and she didn't even yell at me for trying to go inside in a bathing suit (though she did ask me nicely to change back into little girl clothes).

There was a pretty redhead woman talking to a blue man at a different table.  "Ken," she said.  "Ken, why do you insist on doing this?  I'm sitting here."

"I can't hear you through my ugly turban, Sansa," the blue man said.

"Oh, sweet merciful Llama, I need to call your father!" Mom said.  "Sansa's in an ugly dress.  I ... that might mean something."

Turns out she's my aunt, this redheaded lady.  She's SO pretty.  Rhaegar has red hair.  I wonder if he'd have been pretty as a lady.  I squeezed my eyes shut real tight and changed him into one in my head.  He was only okay.  Don't tell him though.

Daddy got to the restaurant and said some really mean things to Sansa.  He asked her if she was having calves!  And then she hugged him and asked if he was going to set himself on fire anytime soon.  Boy, they are different from me and my brothers!

We forgot to check the paper to see if she did end up having some babies or some cows or whatever.  Daddy said we'd invite her over on my teen birthday and ask her then.

We saw Rhaella going into work as we left.  She is a chef at the bistro and a very good cook!  She is probably the most interesting person in the world, but when I try to go into her head, it is always so strange and different. 

At home, she's normal as normal can be.  She takes care of us.

But there is a secret Rhaella.  I tell Daddy this and he says all of us have a secret side.  That's true.  I know because I've been in your heads.  But not secret like Rhaella.

This is what happened.  Sometimes my brain powers are weak by the time I fall asleep. 

I often send one of my favorite stray horses to keep an eye on Daddy if he's working late at the fire station.

That was also the night of Rhaegar's prom.  I was so excited for him and Nadine looked so pretty.

I was dreaming about Daddy, keeping the city safe.  And also fixing an alarm bell.  They're really the same thing when you boil it down.

And then suddenly, I could see Rhaella!  She was in her chef outfit and she was communing with a big stone head.

Suddenly I could see the blood pumping through all these people in town! 

She was thinking while she fed on this blonde man outside the diner ... "You look like my maker, but you're not are you?  He's gone from me."  Suddenly I felt really sad, like crying in a corner with your hair in your hands sad and I saw flashes of a wedding at night.

I woke up with metallic plasma taste in my mouth and had to run outside and barf.

Mom would just say it was a nightmare, so I didn't tell anyone.  But yeesh, being a vampire is scary!  I'm not scared of Rhaella, though.  Because she loves us.  That was in her mind too.  She was rock climbing the next morning and I wanted to go out and tell her that I'm sorry Jeramy is dead, but I thought maybe that wouldn't help much.

Sometimes I think telling people I know what makes them tick tock would be more bad than good, so I keep to myself a lot.  It can be lonely, but at least I'm at the top of my class.

One person who doesn't mind so much is my Granddad.  He seems so happy that I can remember Grandma Arya through him!  "You're my favorite little girl," he says.

"I'm the only one you know," I remind him, and he just ruffles my hair.

He always wants to play rock, paper, scissors, but you know, it's pretty unfair for me to play him, being psychic and all.  I try to let him win sometimes, but it's hard to go against my instincts.

I didn't tell him about my Rhaella dream, because I don't want him to worry.  I did tell Summer, though.  I don't know if she understands me like the horses do, but she does check on Rhaella sometimes.

When I went to school this morning, Rhaella was in Rhaegar's room studying his alchemy book.  I got one last flash of thought from her, something like, "you can't bring him back, silly."

It's sad, isn't it?  I think he died a very long time ago.  When I'm a grown up, I'm going to find the perfect man for Rhaella, and I'm going to make sure he doesn't up and die on her.


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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - Some Kind of Special
« Reply #118 on: December 27, 2012, 10:26:27 PM »
Meera just doens't give one lesson, but a dozen or more!
Her curiosity and clinical approach is only over-shadowed by a deep love of her family and Simanity in general.
Crazy, lovely girl. She stole my heart.  :o

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Re: Some Sims of Ice and Fire - Some Kind of Special
« Reply #119 on: January 28, 2013, 12:19:39 AM »
Oh my, I love this story! I can't wait to see what happens next! Seeing what other people are doing makes me a bit less anxious about starting my dynasty!