I simply cannot believe it worked. Honestly, I wasn't prepared for this. I was expecting either sudden death or to be blinking back at Doctor Wyles, who would appear abashed and apologetic and offer up some futuristic excuse for the failure. Yet, here I stand, alone next to a few alien structures, in complete shock that I've somehow escaped.
I was not Lady Nymeria anymore. Dr. Wyles was very clear on that point. Here I should introduce myself as Nym and find the small shop marked on the map he gave me immediately to acquire more appropriate clothing. Oh, for all that has been strange and unexpected in my life, this certainly towers above them all.
Perhaps I should start from the beginning. And I shall sound just as insane as Dr. Wyles did when he pulled me out of that clearing two weeks ago.
Apparently I am a famous disappeared princess. I imagine I was killed, along with most of my family during the rebellion … or perhaps I escaped. Dr. Wyles doesn't know and now neither will I. Things are not the same anymore.
Dr. Wyles pulled me to safety while I was running away from rebels intent on ending my short life. Once all had calmed down, he explained to me that he was from a future where the name Targaryen no longer existed. Where my future had been wiped away. He explained that he'd come to save me, send me to whence he'd come from, and allow me to rebuild the Targaryen legacy from the ground up.
It sounded perfectly silly, but as the rebels would never find me in Dr. Wyles' cabin, I played along. Of course, he turned out to be in earnest and now here I am. Somehow.
These are the clothes I was able to procure with the currency provided by Dr. Wyles. He suggested I don them immediately and simply wear my hair washed and down my back.
He also provided me direction to a large patch of land that now belonged to me and some lodging that would have to do for living necessities until I am able to build on the land mass.
I found everything without issue. I am nothing if not resourceful. And I dreamed of the possibilities I may encounter here with this gift of new life. Perhaps I could marry.
Dr. Wyles had instructed me to use whatever skills I may have to build a trade for myself. I foraged around town for fresh produce to harvest and began a small plot of garden on the property I'd been given.
I decided to be a professional gardener. This way I may eat my produce and sell it to provide for myself. I set about the area to introduce myself to some of the people. They all seemed a bit taken aback by my speech and perhaps my strangeness, but were all friendly to me.
The woman in this photo is named Ruby. She is expecting a child from the soldier, but they are not married. Evidently this is all accepted by the community. I rather like Ruby. She is warm and helpful.
She brought me to the library to show me the skill books and explain to me how to use them. She knew Dr. Wyles, it turns out, and suspected that he was successful in his endeavor. She asked me where he was, but I honestly do not know. There was also a woman named Rhoda at the library. She was very kind and helped me find a book on ... well, on myself.
I read with fascination at the speculation of where I'd gone. Even I don't know the answer, though I suppose it's possible I was always right here, all along.
Unable to bear the lodging house much longer, I built a small "outhouse" facility with Ruby's help and am sleeping in a sleeping bag outside with the garden. It's really not so bad.
When my first harvest day arrived, I woke up able to smell the sprouted produce. It was possibly one of the happiest moments of my life
I used the proceeds to purchase a table and some cooking wares. Ruby encouraged me to throw a small "house" warming party and meet more of the community, which I was happy to do!
Ruby and Rhoda brought friends and family to meet me, and no one commented on my very small means. One of Ruby's many family members was particularly kind. This is Trigger. He is Ruby's cousin.
I confess Trigger and I spoke quite at length. The girls were helpful enough to clean up the mess from the party while I was making small talk.
I think I may be okay here after all.