Author Topic: The Generational Immortal Dynasty - To the Graveyard  (Read 9977 times)

Offline Deklitch

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #15 on: October 28, 2012, 05:41:20 PM »
Chapter Five - A Few Birthdays and a Dual Wedding

Hi there, I'm Allana Koffi Donner, but you can just call me Allana. I'm now attending the Community School here in Sunset Valley.

All I want to do is be creative. I want to put my artistic tendencies to use by painting or my newly acquired photographic eye to use by taking photographs. I'm easily impressed by cameras and art, I could spend hours talking to Auntie Emma about painting or Uncle Cycl0n3 about cameras. They aren't really my aunt and uncle, of course, but I don't want to call them by their first name, and calling them Mrs Generational or Mr Sw0rd would make me think I'm in school.

School is a drag. I want to visit the local museum, but NO! I have gone on an excursion to the bistro not once, but twice, and I also had to write a report on the local supermarket. The supermarket were so impressed by my report that they are using it in their marketing materials, but painting and photographing are much more interesting than writing or cooking. Don't let Auntie Emma know I said that about cooking, will you? She is a celebrated five star chef these days, afterall. Her cooking is brilliant, especially her waffles, I could eat waffles all day, every day, but I'm told by mum that I have to eat meat and greens. I don't know why meats and greens are so important, but I know better than to argue with her.

Talking about mum, she's a witch! She has a vacuum cleaner she flies around on and everything! I see her casting good luck charms on my aunts and uncles all the time. I keep on asking her to do one on me, but she hasn't yet. But she does it without a wand, she must have magic hands or something. Mum still spends a lot of her time in the garden outside, when she isn't flying around town on her vacuum cleaner. In recent days, she even says she's liking Uncle Stiles. Of course, mum's now an elder, and her dress sense has gone down the drain!

Uncle Stiles talks about a lady he met at the consignment store, by the name of Madison VanWatson. Apparently she's a witch like mum, and Uncle Stiles is quite taken by her. Mum tells me that Ms VanWatson came home one night with Uncle Stiles and she was quite rude. What was Uncle Stiles thinking of? Besides, from what Uncle Stiles said, Ms VanWatson already had a boyfriend, a Mr Steel. Uncle Stiles has a dog and a cat and I don't know why he wants to have a girl friend. Someone at school said that my uncle Stiles and Ms VanWatson were sneaking around in the backstage area of the theatre one night. Just yesterday, Uncle Stiles told us he was a father, that he and Ms VanWatson had a baby girl, I guess I have to now call Ms VanWatson 'Aunt Madison' now. And that little girl, she is a witch! That is so unfair! Uncle Stiles still fishes and gardens, he has just become an elder. He looks so smart with his grey hair, even if he only ever gets around in his dressing gown.

Uncle Adam and Auntie Emma are so much in love, they really are. They've been faithful to each other for so long. Auntie Emma is such a great cook and is teaching me to paint, and Uncle Adam plays guitar in a band, he is their lead guitarist. He is also purple with purple hair, and purple is almost as cool as pink. He is also very muscular. I remember him picking me up when I was a toddler and putting me into my toddler swing. He is speaking about becoming a guitar star, and is waiting by his cell phone for two more parties or venues to contact him. Most recently, he was asked to organise the music section at the bookstore in town. I hope he gets what he needs to make him happy. He gave me a multitab 6000 as a gift when I became a child, it helps me get my homework done quicker, so I can spend more time painting and taking photographs.

Auntie Emma, as I've said already, is a celebrated five star chef, and she has recently purchased a lot of cook books from the bookstore. She has already become a culinary librarian, but she said she wants to learn all of the recipes available. She loves being a mother as well.

I still remember the day when the quietness of the home was broken by the crying of a noobo. It was all quiet and then the crying started. I had learned to potty by that time, but the nooboo was pooping his nappy. His name is Moses Hatch. He is kind of cute for a toddler. He became a toddler when I first went to school, and thankfully he now knows how to potty, instead of pooping his pants. He has the same type of purple hair as Uncle Adam, but Moses Hatch doesn't have his father's purple skin. His parents and my mother and Uncle Stiles and Uncle Cycl0n3 and Auntie Blair like to spend time with him, teaching him to speak and walk. I don't mind, especially as Auntie Emma teaches me to paint when I get home, and mum and Uncle Cycl0n3 talk with me about cameras and teaches me to use a camera properly.

Moses Hatch is especially cute when he plays inside the toy chest, so cute that Auntie Blair asked Uncle Cycl0n3 took a picture of him in it.

Auntie Blair is great fun. She loves playing with the toys with me. She is a police officer, and is wanting to be an international superspy. She works out hard on a pull up machine. She and Uncle Cycl0n3 got married, she looked so pretty in her dress.

Uncle Cycl0n3 is currently doing a lot of sculpting out of metal. He said he's very nearly become a master sculptor, and his simbot scrap sculptures could become a chorus line. All I know is that he sculpted Uncle Stiles when he became an elder, and that he wants to sculpt mum as well. He also did a sculpture of Moses Hatch as a toddler. He didn't do one of me, but at least I didn't have to sit still for that long, I much preferred reading about painting with mum, one of my aunts or one of my uncles.

Anyway, the bus has just pulled up at home, and ... oh mum is in tears ... excuse me please.

Up Next - The Family Learns to Grim and bare it...

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #16 on: October 29, 2012, 05:35:11 PM »
Chapter Six - Grim Pays A Visit

Allana: Mum! What is it?
Tamara: He's gone, Grim came and collected him and took him away.
Allana: Not Uncle Stiles?
Tamara: Not him, he's devastated!
Allana: Not Uncle Adam?
Tamara: No, not him. If it was him, we wouldn't be having this conversation, and this story would be in the graveyard by now.
Allana: Not Uncle Cycl0n3?
Tamara: No, though he was the first one to see Grim, after the victim, of course.
Allana: Not Moses?
Tamara: No, not Moses either, what I said for Adam goes for him as well. My lifetime companion is gone!
Allana: You mean dad? Oh mum, I'm so sorry.
Tamara: No, not your father, Gobias is still alive.
Allana: Then who are you talking ... oh no, Ichabod McGraw, Uncle Stiles' cat. I'm so sorry mum.

Mum just nodded and I hugged her tightly and consoled her. The news of that cat dying hit me hard. I remembered that cat, and Uncle Stiles' dog. They were in the house from before I was born. Ichabod was rather old, but it didn't make the news any less distressing. Mum had counted Ichabod as her familiar, and had seemed to draw strength and power from the cat for her spellcasting.

Each of my aunts and uncles were devastated by the news of Ichabod's death, and I went around from adult to adult, hugging them and consoling them. I was just as distressed as each of them, but given they had taught me so much when I was a toddler, it was the least I could do, the very least.

Firstly Uncle Stiles ...
Allana: I'm really sorry, Uncle Stiles, I know that you loved Ichabod.
Stiles: Thanks Allana. I was pleased to rescue him, and he gave me much happiness, in the sad times ahead, I'll be able to remember those times.
Allana: Other cats are sure to need rescuing ...
Stiles: No cat can ever replace Ichabod.
Allana: Of course not, you'll love a different cat for their own uniqueness, uncle. I will help you pick one out, if you like. *hugs*
Stiles: Thank you Allana. *hugs*

Then Uncle Adam ...
Allana: Uncle Adam, I am sad that Ichabod died.
Adam: I am as well, Allana.
Allana: I loved Ichabod when he played on his cat gym. *hugs*
Adam: I remember this morning when he was yowling along with my guitar. *hugs*

Then Uncle Cycl0n3 ...
Allana: Uncle Cycl0n3 what are you smiling about?
Cycl0n3: Grim took a picture of me, he said that I was a big star back where he came from, and that Artie wanted my picture.
Allana: Too bad you didn't get a picture of Grim ...
Cycl0n3: Who said I didn't, young lady? *Show her a picture on his camera* Look at this!
Allana: Cool picture, Uncle Cycl0n3. *hugs*
Cycl0n3: Thanks Allana. *hugs* Now, if you'll excuse me, I want to sculpt out of metal.

I watched him head over to the sculpting station and felt a sudden chill come over me. Nothing would happen to Uncle Cycl0n3, of course not, he was indestructible! I looked around for Auntie Emma, she was out by the pond, so I went out to her.

Then Auntie Emma ...
Allana: You miss him, don't you Auntie?
Emma: Yes, I do, Allana, but I can see you do as well. *hugs*
Allana: I do, oh I do, Auntie Emma *hugs*
Emma: I was just remembering how he used to catch fish, and how happy he made Stiles. Stiles treated Ichobad and Petunia as his children and babied them constantly. *Looks inside* CYCL0N3 be careful!

I turned and looked inside as well, to see Uncle Cycl0n3 have his butt on fire. If it wasn't so serious, it would have been funny. Unfortunately, Uncle Stiles was using the main bathroom at that moment ... fortunately in our most recent renovations, we added in a couple of additional bathrooms. Unfortunately, they were a bit away from the main house ... fortunately Uncle Cycl0n3 got there in time to put out his backside.

Cycl0n3: I guess that sculpting metal in the midst of sadness isn't the best thing to do.

Uncle Cycl0n3 got a chuckle from that, but there wasn't much humour. Suddenly, I thought of Moses and went in and checked on him. He was in his playroom, happily playing with one of his toys, the death of Ichobad didn't really affect him. Then a car pulled up, it was Auntie Blair, and her face was streaked with tears.

Excuse me, it looks like I have another hug to distribute.

RIP Ichobad McGraw, Elder Cat;
best friend of Petunia McGraw, your 'sister';
beloved pet of Stiles McGraw;
Familiar to Tamara Donner;
friend to
  • Cycl0n3 and Blair Sw0rd,
  • Adam and Emma Generational,
  • Allana Koffi Donner
  • Moses Hatch Generational.
You will be missed but never forgotten.

And yes, Cycl0n3 catching fire as he was sculpting metal really did happen, and Stiles really did go to the shower just before that happened. Thankfully, I had the foresight to install a couple of other showers on the lot.
Ichobad was a red ghost by the way.

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #17 on: November 04, 2012, 12:36:46 AM »
Since you've supermaxed guitar now, congrats to Mr. Generational for doing the impossible!

Just think about it; everything will be easier from this point on. :)

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #18 on: November 05, 2012, 03:42:08 PM »
Chapter Seven - Food of the Gods
Hi there, I'm Moses Hatch Generational. I'm the teenaged son of mum and dad, oh you want to know their names? I know them as mum and dad, but others call them Adam and Emma. To me though, they'll always be mum and dad. I'm sorry if I'm rather verbose, but I understand there is something going on at the moment called National Novel Writing Month and well, the person who is typing what I say is doing that.

Anyway, I'm an excitable artistic bookworm, and I'm wanting to spend my days becoming an illustrative author. Mum is teaching me to paint, and I've always had a way with words, or at least that's what dad told me. He helped me learn to speak when I was younger and he read some books with me, "Sam I'm Not" and "Handprints of the Masters" among them. Dad is amazing! He is very old, but he still has a lot of muscles, I guess it is all that rocking he does. No, I'm not saying that he spends all day in a rocking chair, he's a Rock Star! I have a famous father! The only downside to that is that others at school want to become my friends because they want me to introduce him to them. They aren't REALLY interested in being my friends at all. Girls fall over themselves trying to get me to go 'steady' with them, but there is only one girl for me, and she's older, and probably isn't interested in me with my big ears and purple hair. I miss Allana and I hope she comes back from Le Fromage Art School soon.

Anyway, mum and dad were talking the other night, I overheard them, and mum told dad that he was already a rockstar, and he shouldn't run the risk of dying and dooming this attempt at immortality because of his ego. Dad really wanted all his life to be a one sim band, but he apparently decided that mum had a point and agreed to be happy to be a Rock Star. He was also confirming his friends, and mum was in the kitchen cooking a special dish that she said only dad could eat. Mum normally cooks food for everyone, so this was a change. She told me that one day I'd be eating it as well, but that would come when I was an elder. An elder? Me? So I'm going to have big ears, purple hair, drooping bits and no purple skin? That doesn't sound too good to me. I wish I could stay young forever!

Dad ate his special meal, and Mr Stiles gave him a seed, called a death seed. Apparently someone called Colin will come for dad one day and if dad gives him the seed, Colin will leave dad behind. Mr Cycl0n3 has a picture of a fellow in a black cloak and carrying a scythe, with the caption "This is Bob Willhelm Jake Grim, known to his friends as Colin." So I suppose that's the Colin that Mr Stiles was telling me about.

Mrs Blair is an international superspy now, and when she comes home from work, she's always got different clothes on. Some days she wears fancy clothes, others she dresses like a mad scientist, and still others she dresses up as one of the other careers around town. Mrs Blair is fun.

Mrs Tamara has been sad. She was engaged to a man by the name of Gobias Koffi, who was the father of Allana. He died a day or so ago, and Mrs Tamara has complained that she has a broken heart. She's also a witch, I'm not a witch, but she allowed me to ride her vacuum cleaner one day, when I missed the bus. That was amazing, it was very fast, AND I beat the bus to school! How cool is that!

We used to have a cat called Ichobad. Ichobad died while I was a toddler, but Petunia is still alive and Mr Stiles got another cat. The new cat is called Misty. The other night, Ichobad visited us as a ghost. It was so exciting to see a cat ghost! And he was red. Petunia and Ichobad talked for a bit in barks and meows, before Ichobad went off to wherever ghosts go during the day hours.

Oh one last thing, before I go, Peanut, I love having you as my special friend. No one else can see you, apparently, they think you are imaginary, but I know you are real. Thank you for cleaning up for me, and getting me snacks, thank you for sharing secrets with me and sharing laughs with me. Thank you also for not complaining about my dreadful singing voice. Mr Cycl0n3 made some potions when he was younger! One of them, I am sure, will let me make you real and then they'll all see that you are not imaginary! How cool that would be. Thank you Peanut for being my friend!

Thanks Trip. I decided that supermaxing guitar was enough, I didn't want to run the risk of him dying before I had the chance of maxing all four instruments for the one sim band ltw, especially as he qualified for Rock Star.

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #19 on: November 05, 2012, 03:55:04 PM »
I'm glad everything is going so well for you. The one sim band is a tough one, and I'm happy you feel ok with switching to something easier in order to get the requirements done sooner.

I like your writing style.

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #20 on: November 05, 2012, 03:58:55 PM »
I'm just sad that there isn't that many pictures at all in your updates, because you do write well.
Although congratulations on your first immortal!

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #21 on: November 06, 2012, 05:43:06 PM »
Intermission - Colin's Return

The Generational family is very sad to announce that Tamara Donner has died at the age of 91.

Fiancée to Gobias Koffi (dec/d) and mother to Allana Koffi Donner, Tamara was well known to the residents of Sunset Valley. As a witch and gardener, Tamara knew many alchemical concoctions and grew multiple perfect plants during her life time. Sunset Valley and the Generational family will be much poorer in the aftermath of her death, especially as she will no longer fly across the skies on her vacuum.

Friends of Tamara are invited to join the Generational family at Aleister's Elixirs and Sundries for a memorial service. Moses Hatch Generational recently purchased Aleister's in memory of the recently departed Tamara. The teenager said he was happy that he had purchased it before Ms Tamara died, as she spent many a happy day there reading through the alchemical treatises on display there.

RIP Tamara Donner (91 days)
  • Fiancée to Gobias Koffi (dec/d)
  • Mother to Allana Koffi Donner
  • Friend to Emma Generational (nee Hatch), Adam Generational, Moses Hatch Generational, Stiles McGraw, Blair Sw0rd (nee Wainrwight) and Cycl0n3 Sw0rd
  • Witch to Ichobad McGraw (dec/d cat), Misty McGraw (cat)
  • Companion to Petunia McGraw
Thanks for the memories, Tamara

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #22 on: November 07, 2012, 05:57:48 PM »
Chapter Eight - A Woman Scorned ...

Hi, Allana Koffi Donner here. I've just graduated from the Le Fromage Art School. I am really excited to come home to see mum again and him again. I've been dreaming about seeing his purple hair and big ears. I guess he must be in highschool now. I'll have to wait before he is a young adult before we can get married, but it'll be worth it, I'll be with my love, Moses Hatch Generational, and I'll be Mrs Moses Generational for the rest of my life.

I arrive home, wow it has gotten bigger, space for a third car, it seems. Mum doesn't come out to see me on my arrival home, and there is a strange sim there, he'd be a similar age to Moses, I suppose. he tells me his name is Peanut Generational. Wait a minute, Peanut was Moses Hatches' imaginary friend's name. But he seems real, that must mean someone died. I wonder which of my aunts or uncles died, I don't want any of them to die, but for another sim to join our household, one of the existing ones must have died.

Uncle Adam was playing the guitar, but he stopped to welcome me back. Inside, Uncle Cycl0n3 and Auntie Emma were sculpting and painting respectively. Mum still hasn't seen me, and so I head back to her room, but not before saying, "How's Auntie Blair?"

"She's good," Uncle Cycl0n3 replied, "she recently stopped Magnus Landgraab from taking over the world. I'm so proud of her career as an international superspy."

"It is what she always wanted," I told him, "excuse me."

I went outside and saw Uncle Stiles, my favourite Uncle!

"Uncle Stiles," I said, and then realised with a chill on my heart what that meant, "Uncle Stiles, my mother, is she..."

"Yes, she's dead, Allana," Uncle Stiles told me, even as he put his fishing line down and hugged me to him. I cried. I'm not ashamed to admit that. Both my parents were dead, I barely knew dad, but mum, I knew and loved. And now, she was dead. I feel the knife twist slightly in my stomach.

"Then that blue haired person I saw ..." I continued.

"Was that Peanut friend that Moses always spoke about as a kid," Stiles said, confirming what she suspected, "Cycl0n3 made the potion needed to turn him real, and Moses took the potion and used it on Peanut a night or so ago."

"I see," I replied, "and where is Moses now?"

"At a friend's house," Stiles said.

I had a sudden suspicion, and though it would hurt to know if it was true or not, it would hurt more not to know.

"And is that friend a female friend," I asked.

"Yes it is," Stiles said with a certain amount of pride, "and it is Robyn VanWatson, my daughter."

I felt a further twist of the knife in me, and this time, it had moved to my back. Moses was holding it and driving it in, and my Uncle Stiles and Uncle Cycl0n3 were both helping him! I was crushed ... I went off to my room, which now had a double bunk as well as my single bed in it, and then into the bathroom, looking the door after me. I cried and cried and cried, until I could cry no more. No one came to the door or anything. Clearly I was unwanted here, my painting, my photography, all of it was unwanted, and to think I was once in love with that purple haired, big eared freak who ...

Then, I heard a knock on the door, and I opened it, a teen stood in front of me, muscular and with the purple hair and big ears I recognised as belonging to Moses Hatch Generational. He held a box out to me, "I got you a gift, Allana, I'm so pleased to have you home again," he said in a deep baritone voice.

"Shouldn't you be giving your gift to your little girlfriend, Moses?" I retorted as I pushed past him.

"I have a girlfriend now, I thought you'd be happy for me, Allana," he said.

"Well, I'm not, I'm sure you and her will be very happy together, and that you won't mind that you've trampled all over my feelings." I said.

"I ... I'm sorry, Allana, what have I done? How can I make it better, we've always been friends, you've been like my cousin, my older cousin growing up," Moses replied, looking confused.

"I thought we'd be more than friends or cousins, Moses Hatch Generational," I told him sharply, "I loved you a lot, and you've hurt me in running off with some one else the moment I've gone away. I hate you, Moses Hatch Generational, I hate the mockery you've made of me and my life."

Moses looked at me with those large purple eyes of his and I had to fight to keep my sympathy and my desire to run over and hug him deep inside, instead I turned and walked out of there. I could here him sobbing, but I didn't stop, and I didn't turn to look at him or console him. I am Allana Koffi Donner, child of a witch and I am aggrieved. Deeply aggrieved. I am also scorned ... and as you know, hell has no fury like a woman scorned!

Thanks Satlpastillen and Ladyaya I do have lots of pictures, I just keep on forgetting to include them.

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #23 on: November 07, 2012, 06:06:14 PM »
I love the woman scorned angle!

You could do some collages and add them in special posts, so you wouldn't have to match them to the story exactly. That would be an easier way to add screens of things that has already happened. I mean, you wouldn't need to add a lot of them, it would just be nice to see how the sims look like. I myself am very visual, and I always like to picture characters in my head as I read a story. I would love to see what they really look like, but if you don't feel like it it's no big deal.

Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #24 on: November 07, 2012, 08:00:09 PM »
I love the woman scorned angle!

You could do some collages and add them in special posts, so you wouldn't have to match them to the story exactly. That would be an easier way to add screens of things that has already happened. I mean, you wouldn't need to add a lot of them, it would just be nice to see how the sims look like. I myself am very visual, and I always like to picture characters in my head as I read a story. I would love to see what they really look like, but if you don't feel like it it's no big deal.

I don't mind the walls of text that make me think of a real story, but this is a Sims story, some pictures of the craziness would be nice, you know?
Plus with no pictures, we don't get to see how the genes mix! Plus that collage idea sounds nice, and if you wanted, you could add a simple line of text underneath that tells what's happening/who it is. And the women scorned is a very nice angle.

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #25 on: November 08, 2012, 05:35:43 PM »
Intermission - Colin Loves the Generationals

The Generational Family is sad to announce that Stiles McGraw has died at age 99 (so close to 100). Father to Stephanie VanWatson and also  'Father' to Ichobad McGraw(dec/d cat), Petunia McGraw (dog) and Misty McGraw (cat), Stiles was considered a master of both the horticultural and angling fields.

Friends and family are invited to a small memorial service near the private pond on the Generational family lands that Stiles populated with Death Fish, Angel Fish and Alley Catfish. Adam Generational said that Stiles would be happy that we remembered him in the midst of what he loved to do most of all - angling and gardening.

RIP Stiles McGraw (99 days)
  • Partner to Madison Van Watson
  • Father to Robyn Van Watson
  • Friend to Tamara Donner (dec/d), Emma Generational (nee Hatch), Adam Generational, Moses Hatch Generational, Blair Sw0rd (nee Wainrwight) and Cycl0n3 Sw0rd
  • 'Father' to Ichobad McGraw (dec/d cat), Misty McGraw (cat) and Petunia McGraw (dog)

Thanks for the memories, Stiles, what a shame you didn't make it to triple digits.

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #26 on: November 08, 2012, 06:42:45 PM »
Argh! 99 days, I always feel like Grim is going "nananana bobo" when he comes on the 99th day.

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #27 on: November 08, 2012, 06:46:15 PM »
Argh! 99 days, I always feel like Grim is going "nananana bobo" when he comes on the 99th day.

And it was 23:55 or something like that as well ... so so so close :)

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #28 on: November 09, 2012, 05:52:37 AM »
A trio of collages ... more are coming :)
Moses Hatch Generational Toddler clothes

Moses Hatch Generational Child clothes

Moses Hatch Generational Teenager clothes

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Re: The Generational Immortal Dynasty
« Reply #29 on: November 09, 2012, 06:34:17 AM »
Chapter Nine - I'm Mad, I'm Mad, I'm Really Really Really Mad!

Hi there, I'm Emma Generational, I was Emma Hatch before I got married to Adam Generational. I'm a retired celebrated master chef and love to paint in my elder days. I've always loved to paint. People look at me and realise I'm a natural cook, my size gives it away a bit, but my talents at painting don't necessarily come to the fore, unless people want to see them. I'm happy, I'm the wife of my very own purple man, who mastered the guitar and became a rockstar and I've got a son of whom I am very proud ... or at least I used to be very proud of him. At the moment, I'm very mad with him and his little friend, Peanut.

Let me calm down a bit before I go on, ok? Cake usually helps me calm down, and there is still some of Moses' cake in the fridge from his teenage birthday.

Now then, where was I? Oh yes. My son, Moses Hatch Generational and his little friend, Peanut Generational, the banes of my life. As a child, Moses was such a pleasant kid, always studying his writing tabcasts and painting. Like me, he wants to be a painter. He always talked about his imaginary friend, called Peanut. We all smiled at him, but didn't believe in this Peanut. Then one day, Moses proved to us that Peanut was real, and then Moses seemed to change. He suffered mood swings, and he was very rude to Allana. I blame this Peanut for the change in Moses. A bit later and Allana received a free all expenses paid holiday for all the adults in the home. Most of us were elders, and we were looking forward to a break. I trusted Moses to keep the house in shape. Boy, was I wrong.

Those two skipped school while we were away. I know this, because I was contacted by the school to find out where they were. I also received a report from the police that they were out after curfew. And if that wasn't bad enough, the house had wet puddles throughout it. I was so mad with my son and Peanut. I told them both that they were grounded. They were to go to school, and then come back home, nothing else.

Peanut went outside and sculpted, while Moses ... sneaked out. That little blighter paid no attention to my instructions and instead decided to go out around the town somewhere. I later learned that he went to Madison Van Watson's house and spent time with her daughter, Robyn. Madison had Robyn with Stiles, so Moses is kind of keeping it in the family, so to speak. I was extremely cross with Moses when he got back from breaking his grounding. I placed even more restrictions on his movements. Not only that, but I was told by the school that Peanut was in danger of failing his school work. Drastic action was needed, and I convinced Adam that the boys needed some discipline in their lives, he agreed and we sent them to Fort Starch Military School. Both boys were scared as they left for the school, but I was determined to see it through.

Of all people, it was Allana who asked me to relent and bring the boys back. She said the house was too quiet without them, and I had to agree with that. So we withdrew the boys out of Fort Starch and we returned them to our local public school. Both of them improved their behaviours and in the case of Peanut, his grades as well. They also went to their Prom. Moses took Robyn as his date, while Peanut went solo. Apparently Peanut had a crush on a girl, but hadn't worked up the courage to ask her out. Moses and Robyn had a great time. Moses was named prom king. While Peanut's crush refused to dance with him, he managed to impress her enough with his solo dancing abilities that he and she ended up going steady by the end of the evening.

Things had been going well, and we were preparing to celebrate Stiles' 100th birthday, when he died very late one night when he was 99. Colin coming at that time made me very cross, and I told him so. Colin smiled at me and left with Stiles, despite my protestations. I'm getting on in ears myself, and I know that it'll be sooner rather than later when Colin returns for me.

I am Emma Hatch and between adolescent angst, Colin's inappropriate visits and pets that make a mess in the house, I'm Mad, I'm Mad, I'm Really Really Really Mad!

