Author Topic: The Mole Season Two: Retirement (Move to Graveyard)  (Read 80000 times)

Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #255 on: October 28, 2012, 10:29:21 PM »
Yeah I'm really worried for him, I hope he's okay :-\   I can't wait until this storm is over for everyone.

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #256 on: October 28, 2012, 10:31:27 PM »
He most likely evacuated. I heard in some areas that evacuation was mandatory.

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #257 on: October 29, 2012, 06:48:56 AM »
"Oh thank you Dennis, you always make me feel better ;D"
Evacuations? Oh no! I hope Audren is okay!
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By samoht04

Offline Audren

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #258 on: October 29, 2012, 07:49:58 AM »
I haven't seen a post from Audren for almost a week.  Anyone know what's going on?

I'm fine for now, thankfully. Either this storm has more to come, or it's not what it was cracked up to be. I've been away building something for the Mole. I'll see if I can get screenshots soon.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #259 on: October 29, 2012, 09:50:28 AM »
Oooh, yay! Can't wait to see what you have, Audren! And really glad you're okay.
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By samoht04

Offline Audren

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #260 on: October 31, 2012, 08:37:22 PM »
Well, it's all over where I live, and thankfully I got off much better than those not far away. I had Internet issues, hence why I haven't posted, but I didn't lose power or anything like that. So, I'll get that post I had mentioned posted tomorrow.  ;D

Offline Blayzen

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #261 on: November 04, 2012, 12:57:29 AM »
I was just wondering if you still needed 3 males and 2 females for Season 2 of The Mole? I am so anxious to see what you have in store for us this Season...What about the possibility of running the show with a smaller cast? I'm not sure how that would affect what you have planned so far but I think that might be a good option if it works for you. It was just a thought that I had as your poor, over-worked, under-paid assistant. There's absolutely no reason for you to take my ideas into consideration unless your public demands action. *Hint*  :-X  *Hint*
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #262 on: November 04, 2012, 01:03:12 AM »
"A has an assistant? Hi Blayzen! Nice to meet you!"
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By samoht04

Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #263 on: November 04, 2012, 07:50:47 AM »
Welcome Blayzen!  Where has Audren been hiding you all this time? ;)

Offline Audren

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 3 Males, 2 Females Needed
« Reply #264 on: November 04, 2012, 05:29:06 PM »
I was just wondering if you still needed 3 males and 2 females for Season 2 of The Mole? I am so anxious to see what you have in store for us this Season...What about the possibility of running the show with a smaller cast? I'm not sure how that would affect what you have planned so far but I think that might be a good option if it works for you. It was just a thought that I had as your poor, over-worked, under-paid assistant. There's absolutely no reason for you to take my ideas into consideration unless your public demands action. *Hint*  :-X  *Hint*

Ha ha. Very funny.  :P

That being said, I do think reducing the cast to 12 will be a better idea, both to be able to start quicker and to make things easier on my end. Therefore, I only need 3 more contestants, not 5. Everyone wins!  ;D

Offline Seabody

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 2 Males, 1 Female Needed
« Reply #265 on: November 04, 2012, 09:56:28 PM »
"A.'s assistant, you say? No, it is impossible! He must be an imposter!"

Offline Blayzen

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 2 Males, 1 Female Needed
« Reply #266 on: November 04, 2012, 11:03:33 PM »
"A.'s assistant, you say? No, it is impossible! He must be an imposter!"

"An imposter? Not in my nature, My Dear Seabody.... I have merely been following the code of my profession and staying out of the spotlight. However, as every good EA (Executive Assistant) knows, sometimes you need to make your own moves in the interest of moving the story along. So, here I am."

Thanks for the welcome!  :D
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Offline Audren

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 2 Males, 1 Female Needed (A's Dilemma)
« Reply #267 on: November 10, 2012, 09:17:36 AM »
A's Dilemma

Powell House. A high-rise apartment complex that still, after 20 years, was not finished. At this point, someone would have to be brain-damaged to consider purchasing such a hopeless project, especially to convert it into an office building for local television. A. Simself may not be brain-damaged, but it was still a questionable use of his finances. Regardless of his curious economic investments, A. did have a rather large sum of wealth, thanks to the Mole.

What A. did not have a large sum of was reliability. After all, it had been many weeks since any significant progress had been made on The Mole, and outside support for the Mole had waned. A. was particularly hoping that he could negotiate an advertising deal with Doo Peas Corporate Towers, but he became increasingly worried that he would be unsuccessful.

Being late for his own business meeting certainly did not help matters.

A: I must apologize for the delay, Mr. Chase. I may have, um-
Mr. Chase: Forgotten, Mr. Simself? No matter. Let us discuss your proposals.

Now, most businesspeople have offices that show professionalism, organization, perhaps even fanciful furnishings. A's office had none of these, though he would strongly protest the matter of furnishing.

Mr. Chase: Now, what do you have to show me, Mr. Simself? Or have you forgotten your materials as well?
A: *chuckle* No, Mr. Chase, I do have some things to show you. Take a look at this.

Mr. Chase: Who are these people?
A: Contestants, Mr. Chase. Nine contestants have approached me requesting a spot on the show. Only three more remain and we will be able to launch.
Mr. Chase: So what is the delay, Mr. Simself?
A: Lackluster advertising on my part, I'm afraid. One of my proposals was that I would pay the executives to run a advertising campaign. The sooner we start, the sooner you get your money, no?

Mr. Chase: And the CDs?
A: Videos of the previous season, as well as preliminary videos of our contestants. Rather heated debates and the like. Makes for good episodes, of course.
Mr. Chase: I presume the bulletin board is much of the same material?
A: Yes. Challenge plans, video sets, et cetera.
Mr. Chase: What about the shoe rack?
A: .... A hobby.
Mr. Chase: I've heard enough.

Mr. Chase: I admire your dedication to this project, Mr. Simself, but dedication and ability do not come hand and hand.

A: If this is about the tardiness-

Mr. Chase: I am not finished, Mr. Simself, though I would be lying if your punctuality didn't weigh into my thoughts.

Mr. Chase: I have confidence that you want this to succeed. I can see that. What I don't have confidence in is your ability to deliver. As long as you are not on the air, Doo Peas Corporate Towers will not support you or The Mole.

Mr. Chase: If you would excuse me, I must be off. It's a busy day today, and I have several more meetings to attend. Good day, Mr. Simself.
A: Have a nice day, Mr. Chase.

A. did not entirely believe that he would receive all of his requests, but he didn't expect all of his proposals to be shut down. As long as The Mole was not running, Doo Peas would not offer their support. But if Doo Peas won't help, than The Mole could very well never air at all.

He was loathe to admit it, but A. needed help. He wasn't very keen on asking even more from her, not so soon after the anniversary. Without her, however, The Mole would never see the light of day. He made the call.

An hour later, she had agreed to meet A. on the other side of town. He quickly left his house and walked to the nearby subway, taking care not to be late this time.

(Only you can help A. and The Mole make it to the air. If you want to join The Mole, please be sure to upload a Sim and we'll get started soon.  ;D)

Offline Schipperke

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 2 Males, 1 Female Needed (A's Dilemma)
« Reply #268 on: November 10, 2012, 09:22:50 AM »
Oh, no!  don't let the Mole be shut down!  Please?

... but thank you for giving us such an innovative update!  :)
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Offline SadieHamming

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Re: The Mole Season Two: 2 Males, 1 Female Needed (A's Dilemma)
« Reply #269 on: November 10, 2012, 09:31:50 AM »
Please don't shut it down!
Please, A. Or, Mr.Chase. Who ever controls this thing in that sense!