Author Topic: Vampire Child enherited the Genie Wishes of his Parents  (Read 2531 times)

Offline ExoGenesis

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Vampire Child enherited the Genie Wishes of his Parents
« on: October 18, 2012, 02:00:10 PM »
Pretty much what the title said, except he doesn't have the benefits. To explain it more clearly, I had my two vampire parents each wish for World Peace, Happiness and Beauty, since I had aquired a couple of lamps from the dimensional portal. They then had a vampire baby, and once that baby eventually grew into a child, I tried to have him use a lamp and wish for the same things. But these whishes were greyed out when I tried, and when I hovered the mouse over them, it said something akin to "You're already beautyful", "You're already happy" and "There is already world peace", even though the child never made those wishes and has none of the benefits of them either.

So my question is: do you guys know how to fix this, so he can actually make those wishes? Is there a way to reset the wish "counter"?

Thanks in advance.