Wow, you are just hilarious! A good laugh is something all of us need from time to time, and you can certainly deliver!
On a wild impulse I decided to skim your story, skimmed through to page two, then went back and read every word. And it was two scoop fulls of funny in every update, I love it!
Yay for Arlo, if only he could have the family we forum readers all so deserve to have inflicted, I mean bestowed upon us.
I can't wait to see these kids age up, and I will be reading every update from now on, great writing! *Kneels in prayerful manner* Oh watchers above if there is any justice in the universe the bugs will pass by this Dynasty, probably scared away by Drizzelda and the Drizzarloboos(Hey that's a band name if ever I heard one, and there's four of them, I feel a tingle of destiny *spooky shivers*). For truly this will be a Dynasty HOF picture, eight generations of Hideous family that I want, no I need, to see!