Author Topic: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (Updated!)  (Read 64362 times)

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Aww man, I saw a new post and got all excited! Hope you get back to this soon, Gwendy!

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #151 on: June 18, 2013, 02:34:59 AM »
A Rather Fabricated Childhood

All right, everybody! Gather 'round the grandkids, because we are finally BACK with another chapter!

The triplets toddled throughout their toddlerhood terrifically. They all successfully learned to walk, talk, and use a washroom, and Rammstein’s picture and ice sculpture were completed. All too soon, as they were doing whatever it is toddlers do (the close-enough-to-one I'm hanging around with lately likes to growl and get frustrated that she can't walk yet. She's awesome), they aged up to children who could spend time doing whatever the heck it is children do when I’m not yelling at them to get off my lawn, find the remote,  or get me a Coke. Rammstein got the Virtuoso trait,

 Das Auto got Vehicle Enthusiast (which is such a shame, because he’s liable to never see a car in his life),

and Nikolai got Angler.

Happy Birthday, boys. I give Nikolai credit for aging up in one of the worst set of jammies I’ve ever seen. He wins a bedtime story.

Arlo: “So Hansel and Gretel continued to mow down on Baba Yaga’s nice gingerbread house, despite the fact that bugs and small animals had probably crawled all over it, it was most likely rained on numerous times, and Baba Yaga still had a hefty sum of mortgage to pay on it, and the repairs would cost her dearly.”

Nikolai: “Baba Yaga’s gingerbread house must have been totally boss with the chicken feet sticking out of it. Would the gingerbread house taste chicken-y, Dad? You’d think that would be a major tip-off.”

Arlo: “Yeah, it would be. But these children were so hungry, they didn’t care. It was kind of a bum situation for everybody.”

Nikolai: “Does this family know any happy fairy tales? And how come in all my storybooks, the word ‘goat’ is crossed out and replaced with ‘DIE! DIE! DIE!’?”

Since the next day was their first day of school, the triplets decided to dress as sharply as they knew how. “Knew how,” being the operative word here.

I like to think that Nikolai really did put his all into it, and full-heartedly believes that a rabbit that taught itself to skateboard on its hind legs really is the sharpest thing ever.

They boarded the bus with great enthusiasm, eager to have their minds enriched with knowledge and information. Maybe they’d make some friends while they were there. Either way, they were sure they’d have a wonderful time, despite the bus driver almost having a heart attack when he saw them climb in.

Bus Driver: “OH MY GOODNESS! Oops, er, I mean . . . good morning, boys! Excited for school? *thinking* Don’t make eye contact, don’t make eye contact!

Das Auto: “Hey, Mr. Bus Driver? Why are you so sweaty, Mr. Bus Driver? Mr. Bus Driver, why are you so twitchy-looking? Mr. Bus Driver? Mr. Bus Driver? Mr. Bus Driver?”

And now for some lovingly taken screenshots of the triplets coming home from school and – Oh, I don’t have any screenshots of that? Well, I’m sure we have some lovely screenshots where they all hang around with each other and – What, none of those either.

Well, do we have . . . ?

Well, what about . . . ?

So, I have three screenshots of their childhood? And there’s nothing but birthdays as far as the eye can see? *sigh* Well, there’s only one thing to do now. Well, technically, there were two, but I forgot that MS Paint drawings are always an option.

All right, boys, I fired up a past save, saved you to the bin, realized that it turns out that Rammstein is on the rainbow slider after all (he’s on the far left side that makes you, “sunburn pink”), aged your happy selves down, and gave you all a second childhood. Go forth and frolic.

Rammstein: “Wo bin Ich?! Wo ist Morgenstern?!”

Das Auto: “I don’t know. I just suddenly feel the need to strike poses and be photogenic . . . ish.”

Nikolai: “Hey, is that a playground?”

Das Auto: “You can’t go over the bar, Rammstein! It’s physically impossible!”

Rammstein: “Sagst du!”

Nikolai: *plays quietly in the sand like a good little spare*

Rammstein: “Schau! Ich werde es dir zeigen! Ich werde dich selbst umwerfen!”

Das Auto: “I don’t think this is such a good idea . . . ”

Rammstein: “Sei nicht so ein Baby! Müsstest du nicht der Mutige sein?"

Das Auto: “There’s a big difference between brave and stupid, y’know!”

Although this childhood romp is a re-enactment for the sake of having pictures to show, Rammstein really did play in the sandbox as a small child. It gave me a heart attack, and I started shouting such things as, “RAMMSTEIN, WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU DOING?! GET OUT OF THE SANDBOX BEFORE YOU SCREW EVERYTHING UP WITH YOUR CRAZY NEED TO MAKE STUFF!  GET OUT! GET OUT! GETOUTGETOUTGETOUTGET-”

But I realized later on that the guitar skill is tricky as all get out to supermax (the decision to let him be anything he wanted to be despite his name was completely and utterly dashed fairly quickly), and the opps are incredibly iffy.

So never mind, Rammstein. Enjoy practicing for your sculpting supermax.

Oh, and the ice cream truck finally came back. I thought it was gone forever since that one time Drizzelda ran out at three in the morning in her underwear shouting incomprehensible excitable madness (“ARGABLARBAGGBA! ICE CREAM! ARGARBLARGALARG! TAKE MY MONEY!”), and was fairly certain the guy was scared off for good. It’s coming back wasn’t a permanent change, unfortunately. D.A. and Nikolai got their ice cream fine, but as soon as the probably-new guy laid eyes on Rammstein, he took off like a shot. He really is the greatest ever outcome for heir.

Speaking of Drizzelda, she was inside making use out of a newly purchased television set.

Arlo: *offscreen* “What’s with the new tv, Zel?”

Drizzelda: “Darleena said something about a cousin of mine being on this Bachelorette show. I’ve been watching it since it started, but I don’t see anyone! Do you think she meant the green one?”

Agnes: “What, that troll guy?”

Drizzelda: “Talus? No, not him! He looks NOTHING like me! I meant the other green one! ‘Baby Face’ Something-Or-Other.”

Darleena: “EVERETTE?! Sweet Mother of Baby Carl Metro Pam, NO! Just . . . how?! WHY?! NO!

So, thoroughly disappointed in television for the first and last time that day, Drizzelda did what any sane, sensible person would do.

If the sane, sensible person was actually straight-up cuckoobananas, that is.

It wasn’t all fun and games, though. The boys still had to soldier on through their homework like the countless children before them, regardless of how loudly the teacher screamed when she saw them.

Rammstein: “Das Auto, was reimt sich auf Biest?”

Das Auto: “What are you talking about? This is our geometry homework!”

Rammstein: “Hausaufgaben?! Ich dachte das wäre Schmierpapier! Wie auch immer, ich werde es weiterhin so benutzen wie ich es will.”

Das Auto: “Darleena would be proud.”

Rammstein: *trance-like* “Darleena ist toll. Darleena ist toll.

Das Auto: “Are you okay?”

Rammstein: “Entschuldigung. Gewohnheit.” *turning back to paper* “Tier . . . Tier . . .”

Then Arlo aged up to Adult out by the pond across the house. You can’t see it, but Nikolai’s with him.

As you can see, he has once again made a rather amusing face. Here’s a list of all the possible things that could have ran through his mind to have him make that face:

1.  “Wow, I have moved on from Young Adult to just regular, old, boring Adult. Huh.”
2.  Just reveling on how he’s so lucky to be living with Drizzelda with his three boys and how much it’s gonna suck when he eventually drops.
3. Darleena figured out he was missing for more than five minutes and screamed, “MAN SERVANT! WHERE ARE YOU?! I CAN’T FIND THE REMOTE (OR THE TELEVISION EITHER, FOR SOME REASON) AND I REFUSE TO STAND UP!”
3. He just realized that he left the stove on.
4. Trick question. His face has always been stuck that way, and it means absolutely nothing whatsoever.

Then it was Drizzelda’s Elder Birthday, known throughout the land as the day the option to bring more children into the world has presently escaped her, or even more transparently as, “Okay, guys, that’s it. No more Drizzarlo-boos. We’re done. Maybe when the Dynasty’s finished I’ll fix that, but for right now, that’s it.” (And it’s not like they didn’t want any more either. Arlo was constantly popping wishes for more kids every time I turned around. It broke my jet-black heart into itty-bitty pieces to right-click them.)

I know you can’t see it all that well, so I’ll tell you upright. She looks almost the exact same. I don’t see any wrinkles on her, and she’s too chubby to lose much muscle mass. She’s just gray, and her nose is bigger (and when I dyed her hair back, I forgot what colour her eyebrow was, so that’s off). That’s it. Wiggedy-Wack don’t crack, y’all.

The game took away her super-fun, young, whipper-snapper clothes, so we had to make do.

Still better than what Straight-Man Agnes ended up with. I love how with her top and skirt combo, it looks like Hello Kitty grew demonic green and yellow fangs and is out to go lay destruction to the land. My only regret is that we couldn’t stuff her back into her her bikini.

Then at some point in time, Darleena took a break from harassing Arlo and yelling at the neighbours and had her Adult birthday.

And to split up even more birthday pictures, Drizzelda bought her building and property, Hogan’s Deep-Fried Diner (renamed Drizzelda’s Deep-Fried Diner) and Crystal Springs (renamed Drizzelda Springs). Here’s Drizzelda Springs post-build-up.

It’s a dump, but it works.

Then it was time for the Triplets’ birthdays. Arlo was present for all of them.

Except for Nikolai's. Thankfully, he found solace in the blender.

Did they not turn out absolutely brilliant? Go ahead, look at me and tell me they didn’t. Man, I love these kids.


Special Thanks to Maisie for translating Rammstein's dialogue into German for me. Translations are (in order):

"Where am I?! Where is Morgenstern?!"

"Says you!"

"Look! I'll show you! I'll flip you over myself!"

"Quit being such a baby! Aren't you supposed to be the brave one?!"

"Das Auto, what rhymes with Beast?"

"Homework?! I thought it was scribble paper! Whatever, I'm still going to use it for whatever I want." "Animal . . . Animal . . . "

"Darleena is great. Darleena is great."

"Sorry. Habit."


The Bachelorette is a very fun and entertaining project and story put together by ombradellarosa. I highly recommend checking it out, even if I wasn't a sponsor.
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
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Offline Pyro0001

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #152 on: June 18, 2013, 06:07:27 AM »
WOOHOO! Another update! I definetly wasn't expecting this!

Happy birthday to everyone. Good ol' Drizzy might be even more hideous with extra lines! It's funny how everything Rammstein says is in German. Luckily I took high school German so I can understand most of it. Great update!
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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #153 on: June 18, 2013, 06:41:53 AM »
Great update!  ;)
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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #154 on: June 18, 2013, 08:00:19 AM »
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I've been lurking for a while, worried I'd miss the new update. So glad I caught it.  ;D

Wow, definitely testing my high school German a bunch with this chapter. :o Will Rammstein ever learn English, or will he be German forever? (If he does learn English, please give him a think German accent. I think it would be beautiful. ;D)

And all three of those boys are GOLD. Drizzarlo-boos are A++ in my opinion.

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #155 on: June 18, 2013, 09:46:11 AM »
Yes! Worth the wait! Don't think I didn't notice the little teaser, I'll be waiting to find out who Morgenstern is! ANd to think I went to the time to translate all that when the translations were just below. Well, I know for next time. Good on Maisie for translating it. I have the same question as enderkay, is Rammstein always but always going to speak German? I love that he's a Virtuoso, it just works. Does playing in the sand really raise skill? I had no idea! Mean Watcher that I am, I never had my kids play in the sand before.

That whole bit with The Bachelorette was just too funny. Yeah, Everette, that's it ::) Buahaha. And then her perfectly reasoned reaction. Thanks for the plug, I appreciate it.
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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #156 on: June 18, 2013, 10:24:09 AM »
So I've been stalking this thread for a long long while now, commenting only at th beginning, but I have been watching, waiting to cackle in hilarity at a Drizzarlo Boo. I just did.
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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #157 on: June 18, 2013, 11:06:28 AM »
Well, now that my hysterical laughter has woken my sister up, you'll have another reader. I simply cannot find words to explain exactly what is so funny :P

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #158 on: June 18, 2013, 12:06:40 PM »
The boys are FANTASTIC! lol  Love Rammstein.  I also got a huge kick out of that little thing you did with Arlo and aging up.

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #159 on: June 18, 2013, 03:09:52 PM »
Who/what is Morgenstern? If I'm not mistaken, that translates to Morning Star.
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #160 on: June 18, 2013, 10:13:30 PM »

Sadly, my roommate is out of town presently, but as soon as he's back, I'll see what little gems he pops out for you!


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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #161 on: June 21, 2013, 08:42:50 PM »

Quote from: Pyro001
WOOHOO! Another update! I definetly wasn't expecting this!

Happy birthday to everyone. Good ol' Drizzy might be even more hideous with extra lines! It's funny how everything Rammstein says is in German. Luckily I took high school German so I can understand most of it. Great update!

I swear, she looks almost the exact same. It's almost impossible to see wrinkles on her. And I think it's cool how your high school offers German. The ones I've been to only offered French/Ojibwe.

Quote from: Tiamet
Great update!   ;)

Thanks Mom.

Quote from: enderkay
Yayyyyyyyyyyyyyy!!! I've been lurking for a while, worried I'd miss the new update. So glad I caught it. 

Wow, definitely testing my high school German a bunch with this chapter.  Will Rammstein ever learn English, or will he be German forever? (If he does learn English, please give him a think German accent. I think it would be beautiful. )

And all three of those boys are GOLD. Drizzarlo-boos are A++ in my opinion.

Another high school German taker! I'm not sure just yet. He'll probably start speaking English when I get tired of having to get everything he says translated. I might write him with an accent when it gets to that point.

That they are!  :)

Quote from: ombradellarosa
Yes! Worth the wait! Don't think I didn't notice the little teaser, I'll be waiting to find out who Morgenstern is! ANd to think I went to the time to translate all that when the translations were just below. Well, I know for next time. Good on Maisie for translating it. I have the same question as enderkay, is Rammstein always but always going to speak German? I love that he's a Virtuoso, it just works. Does playing in the sand really raise skill? I had no idea! Mean Watcher that I am, I never had my kids play in the sand before.

That whole bit with The Bachelorette was just too funny. Yeah, Everette, that's it  Buahaha. And then her perfectly reasoned reaction. Thanks for the plug, I appreciate it.

Morgenstern is a secret! :P Yeah, I should have mentioned that there are translations at the bottom. And like I said above, probably for as long as I can before I get tired of it. And he absolutely had to be a virtuoso. And the sandbox does raise skill. Tiamet figured it out because she let one of her Gimli's play in it, and when she slapped him down at a sculpting station, he already had three points.

Y'know, I made Talus a troll just so I could make that joke. (Well, not that joke exactly, but you know what I mean.) And of course I was gonna plug it!  ;D You're welcome.

Quote from: Wiry
So I've been stalking this thread for a long long while now, commenting only at th beginning, but I have been watching, waiting to cackle in hilarity at a Drizzarlo Boo. I just did.
Success! *fist pump*

Quote from: honeylamb
Well, now that my hysterical laughter has woken my sister up, you'll have another reader. I simply cannot find words to explain exactly what is so funny  :P
Yay! Another reader!  ;D Thanks!

Quote from: Shewolf13
The boys are FANTASTIC! lol  Love Rammstein.  I also got a huge kick out of that little thing you did with Arlo and aging up.
Thank you! Arlo is absolutely amazing, and I refuse to be told otherwise. The faces he makes are absolutely fantastic. Even if you don't move him in to breed, he makes excellent entertainment.

Quote from: Hallucination
Who/what is Morgenstern? If I'm not mistaken, that translates to Morning Star.
Yes, it does. And on who/what Morgenstern is, why do you think all their noses are so big? They're full of secrets.  :P

Quote from: Shirin

Sadly, my roommate is out of town presently, but as soon as he's back, I'll see what little gems he pops out for you!


Thanks! I eagerly await his commentary.  :)
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
-Shirin's roommate's Seal of Approval

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #162 on: June 21, 2013, 09:12:29 PM »
And on who/what Morgenstern is, s,why do you think all their noses are so big? They're full of secrets.  :P

My friend and I nearly passed out we were laughing so hard at that. We are temporarily banned from the local library because of it.
I'm not pedantic! I just believe in precision of language.

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #163 on: June 21, 2013, 11:01:44 PM »
My friend and I nearly passed out we were laughing so hard at that. We are temporarily banned from the local library because of it.
See this, folks? This is my greatest achievement. Whatever else I do in life means NOTHING if it doesn't get someone kicked out of the public library.

(But seriously, it's really just a variation on one of my favorite quotes from Mean Girls.)
The Hideous Immortal Dynasty

I think those pictures gave me heartburn.
-Shirin's roommate's Seal of Approval

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Re: The Hideous Dynasty - A Rather Fabricated Childhood (UPDATED! OMW!!)
« Reply #164 on: June 22, 2013, 09:30:34 PM »
And on who/what Morgenstern is, why do you think all their noses are so big? They're full of secrets.  :P

A nose full of secrets, eh? Better not sneeze then! And if Morgenstern is a secret, that means it's a booger?

Anywho, great update! Well worth the wait. I love that Ramstein will be learning the guitar skill; so perfect! If Driz is related to Everette then . . . dear lord, just who was Gage woohooing with when I wasn't paying attention?!  :o