Author Topic: Divine Life States (Complete 3/17/2013)  (Read 38330 times)

Offline Shirin

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Divine Life States (Complete 3/17/2013)
« on: October 09, 2012, 03:56:25 AM »
This is my attempt at a Life States Dynasty, with hopefully a vastly different format than my Immortal Dynasty (well, ok, it will be).

This is my second incarnation, as the first one was in Moonlight Falls (which is lovely), and like some others, my founder also went for a certain resident vampire. However, I opted to scrap that one in favor of this, with a different founder altogether, and a different town. I'm bad about getting new settings to play in, and then not actually touching them.

So I decided to go into a town I'd played in for an amazing three and a half minutes ever.

Go me?

(As before, I may have sporadic updates between work and school.)

Offline Shirin

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #1 on: October 09, 2012, 04:03:38 AM »
Address: 14 The Lake, Lucky Palms (29x13); 53 Waterfall Way, Sunset Valley (36x47)

Founder: Amaterasu Hendrix (fairy) - Amaterasu is the Japanese Sun Goddess
  • Traits: Unlucky, Frugal, Childish, Savvy Sculptor, Born Saleswoman
  • Spouse: Jaycen Hendrix
  • Offspring: Athena, Nixie, Minerva
  • LTW: Descendant of da Vinci
  • Toddler: N/A
  • Child: N/A
  • Teen: N/A
  • 1 Best Friend: Pansy Northrup (vampire)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Sculpting Skill Certificate, Epic Hero Medal
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: An Old Ruse, Sculpture For a Friend, Help the School
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Queen of the Fae, Suave Seller, No Bills Ever, Artisan Crafter
  • 5 5k+ wishes: Master Sculpting Skill (7500), Marry Jaycen (5000), Earn §5000 Sculpting (6000), Earn §20,000 Sculpting (15,000), Make a Masterpiece Sculpture (7500)
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Consignment Store Sales, Chiselmeister, Consignment Profit, Master Sculptor, Prolific Sculptor, Ice Personality
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Rory's Display Pedestal (Egypt) Ice Sculpture

Generation 2: Athena Hendrix (werewolf) - Athena is the Greek Goddess of Wisdom
  • Traits: Couch Potato, Friendly, Rebellious, Shy, Artistic
  • Spouse: Darrell Hudson
  • Offspring: Ma'at, Thoth
  • LTW: Leader of the Pack
  • Toddler: Best Friends with both parents; Logic/Writing
  • Child: Honor Roll - achieved; Opportunity - achieved
  • Teen: Honor Roll achieved; Level 3 Mausoleum job achieved; Romantic Interest - Dax Woodard
  • 1 Best Friend: Oscar Vasquez (fairy)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Logic skill certificate; Guitar skill certificate
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: Fixing the Celestial Slump; Charismatic Cash; A Public Speaking Event
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Alpha Wolf; Opportunistic; Legendary Host; Raised by Wolves
  • 5 5k+ wishes: Discover All Potions (5000); Marry Darrell (5000); Be Worth More Than §500,000 (12,500); Master Guitar Skill (5000); Own 5 Venues (5000)
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Teacher Extraordinaire; Money Maker; Master Chemist; Skill Professor; Master Guitarist; Celestial Explorer
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Mood Enhancer Potion

Generation 3: Thoth Hendrix (witch) - Thoth is the Egyptian God of Magic
  • Traits: Neurotic, Perceptive, Frugal, Angler, Heavy Sleeper
  • Spouse: Khalilah Woodruff
  • Offspring: Ishtar, Aradia, Inanna
  • LTW: Mystic Healer
  • Toddler: Best friends with both parents; Painting/Writing
  • Child: Honor Roll - Achieved; Opportunity - Achieved
  • Teen: Honor Roll achieved; Level 3 Mausoleum job achieved; Romantic Interest - Ernie Valdes
  • 1 Best Friend: Bryant Spicer (genie)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Cooking Skill Certificate; Ingredient Eviscerator 235x
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: Free the Genie; The Dish Showdown; A Plumber and A Fisherman
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Magic Hands; Flying Vacuum; Discount Diner; Born to Cook
  • 5 5k+ wishes: Own 7 Venues (7000); Master Alchemy Skill (5000); Marry Khalilah (5000); Master Cooking Skill (5000); Reach Level 10 of Culinary Career
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Master Alchemist; Alchemists Anonymous; Excellent Elixirs; Menu Maven; Star Chef; World-Class Chef
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Flask of Angry Bees

Generation 4: Inanna Hendrix (genie) - Inanna is the Sumerian Queen of the Gods
  • Traits: Friendly, Absent-Minded, Kleptomaniac, Slob, Natural Born Performer
  • Spouse: Shea Sutherland
  • Offspring: Lilith, Ninshubur
  • LTW: Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law
  • Toddler: Best friends with both parents; Logic/Writing
  • Child: Honor Roll - Achieved; Opportunity - Achieved
  • Teen: Honor roll achieved; Level 3 Mausoleum job achieved; Romantic Interest - Kenji Wellman
  • 1 Best Friend: Antoinette Kim (genie)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Inventor's Honor Trophy; Medal of Genius
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: Allow Me To Introduce Myself; Teching Up the Spa; Master Invention
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Efficient Inventor; ExtraordinAIRe-inator; Fireproof Homestead; Climatron Control Unit
  • 5 5k+ wishes: Build A Time Machine (5000); Marry Shea (5000); Detonate 100 Objects (7500); Have First Child (5000); Upgrade 50 Objects (7500)
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Electrician; The Scrap Collector; Tinkerer; Plumber; Diabolical Detonator; The Ultimate Invention
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Improved Smasher

Generation 5: Lilith Hendrix (vampire) - Lilith is the Jewish Queen of Demons
  • Traits: Evil, Virtuoso, Lucky, Technophobe, Perceptive
  • Spouse: Hank Goddard
  • Offspring: Mary, Demona
  • LTW: Turn the Town
  • Toddler: Best friends with both parents; Logic/Writing
  • Child: Honor Roll - Achieved; Opportunity - Achieved
  • Teen: Honor roll achieved; Level 3 Mausoleum job achieved; Romantic Interest - Michael Bachelor
  • 1 Best Friend: Faye Triplett (genie)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Photography skill certificate; Photographer's Key to the Town
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: New Era Master Class (Piano); Buoyant Bass; Absolutely Great Produce
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Eye Candy; The Hustler; Extra Creative; Immortal
  • 5 5k+ wishes: Master Photography Skill (5000); Take Photo Worth §2500 (5000); Make §5000 Selling Photographs (5000); Make §10,000 Selling Photographs (10,000); Marry Hank (5000)
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Architectural Eye; Photog; Shutternut; Human Form Expert; Money Maker (Piano); Master Pianist
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Photographs of Garden Plants

Generation 6: Mary Hendrix (non-occult) - Mary is the Christian Queen of Heaven
  • Traits: Heavy Sleeper, Genius, Childish, Computer Whiz, Absent-Minded
  • Spouse: Keenan Keaton
  • Offspring: Belen, Hél
  • LTW: Become a Creature-Robot Cross Breeder
  • Toddler: Best friends with both parents; Painting/Writing
  • Child: Honor Roll - Achieved; Opportunity - Achieved
  • Teen: Honor roll achieved; Level 3 Mausoleum job achieved; Romantic Interest - Tate Vance
  • 1 Best Friend: Aja Savage (genie)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Nectar Making skill certificate; Nectar Maker's Symbol of Honor
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: Lettuce Help Out; Pure Pomegranate; Seed Spittin' Made Easy
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Master of Seduction; Festival Frequenter; Haggler; No Jealousy
  • 5 5k+ wishes: Master Nectar Making Skill (5000); Make Nectar Worth §150 (5000); Make Nectar Worth §250 (10,000); Marry Keenan (5000); Make 500 Bottles of Nectar (5000)
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Mix Master; Flavorful Feet; Nectar Master; Vizard of the Vine; Master Bassist; Butterfly Collector
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Life Fruit Pomegranate Nectar

Generation 7: Hél Hendrix (ghost) - Hél is the Norse Goddess of the Dead
  • Traits: Perceptive, Eccentric, Light Sleeper, Bookworm, Night Owl
  • LTW: Illustrious Author
  • Toddler: Best friends with both parents; Painting/Writing
  • Child: Honor Roll - Achieved; Opportunity - Achieved
  • Teen: Honor roll achieved; Level 3 Mausoleum job achieved; Romantic Interest - Ralph McCoy
  • 1 Best Friend: Thad Smiley (genie)
  • 2 Career Rewards: Firefighter's Axe; Fireman's Coat
  • 3 Unique Opportunities: Amateur Olympics; A Large Painting; Uncommonly Good
  • 4 Unique LTRs: Fast Learner; The Cloud-inator 9000; Map to the Stars; Acclaimed Author
  • 5 5k+ wishes: Grow A Perfect Life Plant (10,000); Master Painting Skill (7500); Write 10 Best-Sellers (6000); Write 25 Novels (6000); Make At Least §10,000 Per Week In Royalties (7500)
  • 6 Unique Skill Challenges: Specialist Writer; Master Planter; Proficient Painter; Brush Master; Master Painter; Prolific Writer
  • 7 Mausoleum Pieces: Children's Books

Completed: Week 48, Day 7 (31/5 in Lucky Palms; 17/2 in Sunset Valley)

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Offline Shirin

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #2 on: October 09, 2012, 04:29:25 AM »
"What in the...? Ow, my head hurts. No, wait, my back hurts..."

"Hi there! Guess what? You're me, just digitized! We'll give the others a break and, well, you're my test subject. What name do you want for this?"

"...I hate you, Shirin."

"Yeah yeah, I know. Do you want to be a firecracker, or a flower, or a fungus?"


"Name! You can't be Shirin, it'll just be too confusing."

"I have to decide now? Seriously?"

"Well...yes. That picture is what you'll look like, but you're still stuck in CAS until you pick a name."

"I hate you. And since you're me, and you're egotistical, that makes me egotistical too. So I'll take a goddess name. Amaterasu, since we just studied a bit about her in history."

"Oooookay. But I hate to tell you, Egotistical is not a valid trait in this game, plus I have to randomly roll them. So unless you're really lucky (or you hack the game), you won't be a Bookworm, a Loner, a Computer Whiz, Grumpy, or Shy."

"Can I still wish death and destruction upon your fat head?"

"Your random traits, dear Ama...well hrm. You're Frugal, which kinda makes me laugh. You're a Savvy Sculptor, which is really funny considering that your last attempt at clay sculpture in fifth grade resembled some sort of melted deformity. You're a Born Saleswoman...but you barely know how to sell paper plates to charity. Unlucky, I guess this is true since you're my guinea pig. And Childish, which completely suits you, since that's what you're being."


"Fortunately for you, you actually lucked out with Born Saleswoman and Savvy Sculptor, so you can have a career in sculpting. And since you're Frugal, you won't want to spend a whole lot, right? I'll make you a fairy, then you can buy a fairy house and just need to have a toilet and shower in a small building."

"You know sculpting is boring, right?"

"And thinking about how broke I actually am is also boring."

"Sculpting is still boring."

"So is being broke."

"What the heck am I doing there?!"

"Apparently scraping dandruff off his chest pre-date?"


"Well, look at this. You actually scored a date with Jaycen Hendrix, local Rich Hot Guy. And a kiss!"

"Good, we can get rid of that stupid surname you gave me, and I'll just take his when I marry his money him."

"Am I really that shallow, Ama?"

"You're boring."

"Why do you keep posting pictures of me sculpting?"

"I'll keep doing this until you find a new word in your expansive vocabulary to replace boring."


"....was that really necessary?"

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #3 on: October 09, 2012, 04:39:50 AM »
This is looking like a really good start Shirin. Love Ama.
Gogowars Inc - The place to find all of my wonderful Sims 3 creations

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #4 on: October 09, 2012, 06:00:12 AM »
A simself Life States Dynasty! This should be interesting! :)
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By samoht04

Offline Shirin

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #5 on: October 09, 2012, 10:29:58 AM »
Thanks, guys :)

So far this file is fun to play, mostly because I deliberately put her on a small lot so I can't really go overboard like I wound up doing in my Immortal Dynasty (30 second Life States loading time vs 15 minutes Immortal loading time). I'm mostly getting snatches of time in, but fairies are fun and werewolves are creepy so far.

And Ama enjoys having fits at me while I'm at work, too.

Offline Shirin

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #6 on: October 10, 2012, 12:22:13 AM »
"I'm glad to see you're getting some time in with Jaycen."

"He's a nice break from you, Shirin. Maybe he has Commitment Issues, and maybe you're an idiot, but I do gotta say, having me find that Jar of Potent Friendship was pretty decent of you. Especially since I could afford it after that gem cutting deal."

"Whoa whoa, wait, who are you and what did you do with snarky Ama?"

"Oh, shut up."

"That's better."

"Oh ho, you didn't tell me you invited him over. After dark..."

"Then let me scare you - we're engaged."

" I thought you were supposed to be me, and therefore, scoff at the idea of weddings. I believe my phrase is, what purpose does it serve?"

"True, but in this case, it serves a very logical purpose. He gets a wife to romp with - and think of the mile high jokes you can make - and I get money to build a better house. A fairy house and an outhouse isn't very pleasant."

"Fine. But don't blame me when you finally decide you want to marry him."

".....SHIRIN! What did you do to him?!"

"What did....oh. OH. Ahahahahahaha! He's a werewolf!"

"Nasty hairy thing! Where's the razor? And the nail clippers!"

"Ahahahahahahaha! You're kissing him too!"

"At least he won't be a werewolf unless he has to...yuck."

"I'd make a crude joke, but I'm afraid of Rica putting the smackdown on me."

"Good, maybe I have an ally after all."

"Keep dreaming."

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Offline ladyaya

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #7 on: October 10, 2012, 12:30:07 AM »
Haha, that update was awesome!
Did you know he was a were and you just neglected to tell Ama?  ;D
Congratulations on the spouse though. All Ama has to do now is finish her requirements, and nooboo! xD

Offline Shirin

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #8 on: October 10, 2012, 12:54:02 AM »
Hehe, no. I was actually as surprised as Ama that Jaycen got hit in wave 1 of "occult transitions" and, of all things, was a werewolf. Even when I had her call him up to invite him over, he wasn't outlined in brown, so I figure he transformed sometime on his way over.

He's such an ugly werewolf too. Looks like he got hit by a few of those sticks they play chase with, doesn't he?

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #9 on: October 10, 2012, 12:57:36 AM »
Hmm I wonder what you could have said.  ;)   Don't forget in a Life States Dynasty - you're allowed to do plastic surgery.  You could always find out if that includes werewolf transformations to make him less primal. 

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Offline ladyaya

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #10 on: October 10, 2012, 01:03:20 AM »
Hehe, no. I was actually as surprised as Ama that Jaycen got hit in wave 1 of "occult transitions" and, of all things, was a werewolf. Even when I had her call him up to invite him over, he wasn't outlined in brown, so I figure he transformed sometime on his way over.

He's such an ugly werewolf too. Looks like he got hit by a few of those sticks they play chase with, doesn't he?

I think that's the default were look, with a little variation for the sim's natural facial least it seems that there's a semi-default. I didn't even think of the plastic surgery even though i've seen some people use it already, but Rica might be right.  :)
You never checked the sim page again after you called him over?

Offline Shirin

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #11 on: October 10, 2012, 01:17:22 AM »
Ooooh, I might do the plastic surgery just to experiment. That's a good idea! (Ama says only if they can also do electrolysis on werewolves too)

@ladyaya - No, because of where I put Ama's home lot (in Lucky Palms, it's the single empty residential lot at the wharf/docks), Jaycen lived close enough he actually showed up fast enough I didn't wonder where he was. And I was micromanaging her needs, unfortunately.

Hah, werewolf on the wharf!

I'm terrible.

Edit: Plastic surgery doesn't work on werewolves - you get the option to modify the normal face, but that's it. Only other note of interest is that werewolf eyes will show up in plastic surgery.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #12 on: October 10, 2012, 06:11:57 AM »
That's a shame that you can't alter their werewolf form. Was he in werewolf form when you sent him to the hospital? That might make a difference?
Also, he is far from the ugliest werewolf I've ever seen. You pretty much have to hand make them to make sure they're not hideous.
And did you try body waxing? It's no electrolysis, but...;)
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By samoht04

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #13 on: October 10, 2012, 07:06:54 AM »
I rather like Jaycen's werewolf form. (more than my own Founder's, in any case) Congratulations on the wedding, Ama and Jaycen! This is a very funny story!  ;D

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Goddess Life States
« Reply #14 on: October 10, 2012, 12:47:43 PM »
Even in normal form the were's eyes shine, or they do when you create them.