Author Topic: Grey Immortal Dynasty - Triple Birthday (02/28)  (Read 28977 times)

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - Title Here
« Reply #60 on: December 28, 2012, 06:56:26 PM »
Aren't satyrs the half-goat people with ears that look human or goat-like?  :)
Satyrs are ofent potratyed as having sharply pointed ears, horns and (due to goat legs) have strange limps. I'm kind of a nerd about Greek myths. :P
Great job on the dynasty!
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Offline ladyaya

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - The Path That Truly Is
« Reply #61 on: January 17, 2013, 12:35:10 AM »'s been awhile, so I might as well update, right?

The Path That Truly Is

Anna: My sims shut down on me less than 24 sim hours after I opened it, so this chapter is really screenshots from both play throughs because they more or less did the same thing anyways. Off to the panda enclosure~

Luan: Ugh, fishing in a graveyard at night? Sims actually do this?
Anna: Some do, most don't.

Anna: How’s that novel Rob?
Rob: Not bad, it’s more money in the pocket either way.

Calli: *bleaugh*
Anna: I want twins – I didn’t buy you that fertility treatment just because!

Anna: Oh - I needed to add another bathroom because noone was happy with  having to share a single bathroom, lol
It's inbetween the first bathroom and Rob's room

Anna: Other than that, there has been skilling…and skilling….and skilling.
Those stairs downstairs lead to the preliminary museum – plus some gardening planters if needed.

Calli: Awwe, nooboo~
Anna: Yes, heir incoming~

Calli: I have some great news!
Cia: Really?!

Calli: I’m pregnant!
Cia: *flashes an awesome thumbs up and stares skeptically*

Anna: Awwe, the precious daddy/baby tummy interactions~

Anna: …and then he ruins it by a tickle-fest, lol
Ciaran: I’m gonna getcha!
Calli: *giggles* Not if I getcha first~

Anna: Sadly I never took a screenshot of Margo actually performing, so this is like all I got….and Carl’s there too~
(This is like totally old, and Shannon just moves really quickly in moving her dynasty right along while I…don’t. Anyways, Margo was the spouse of Cage, generation four of her Immortal Dynasty – Colt’s Return)

Anna: …I totally forgot today was your birthday… Okay, off to the dresser and mirror with you! Crawl child, crawl~

Anna: Isn’t she adorable? Looks a lot like her mommy, but with a love for orange like her daddy

Ciaran: Building done; renamed to Grey Moon Books
Anna: In the end, the only real difference was where Calli discovered she was pregnant (woke up and hopped out of bed to spin only to go back to sleep), and that when I had Rob heading down to the elixir store to keep churning out invigoration elixirs, I saw Carl there when I peeked in....and Mwyn's birthday was the second ply through because I got farther.

Next Chapter; Mwyn Training/Cuteness with a Teensy Bit Else

Oh, and that white male kitten the Greys adopted is named Anain - it means nature, temperment, power

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - The Path That Truly Is (Updated 16/01)
« Reply #62 on: January 17, 2013, 09:27:52 AM »
She is so cute! Where did that hair come from, it is adorable! There is so little in base game for toddlers.
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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - The Path That Truly Is (Updated 16/01)
« Reply #63 on: January 17, 2013, 09:32:23 AM »

Also, it's pretty cool to see Margo make a special guest appearance.

Offline sdhoey

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Grey Immortal Dynasty - The Path That Truly Is (Updated 16/01)
« Reply #64 on: January 17, 2013, 10:08:48 AM »
awe you make me miss Margo! I forgot all about that.

Toddle time ... Make uncle Cia, help train do he gets the practice.

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - The Path That Truly Is (Updated 16/01)
« Reply #65 on: January 17, 2013, 01:42:18 PM »
She is so cute! Where did that hair come from, it is adorable! There is so little in base game for toddlers.

That hair's actually a CC hair - I can see if I can find it, or upload a simlet with it on to the TS3 exchange for you if you don't mind it being CC. I never liked the small toddler hair selection, so toddler hairs is one of the main things I hunted down.


Also, it's pretty cool to see Margo make a special guest appearance.

I adore little Mwyn, but her cousin is even cuter^^
Yep, and she appears a couple more times, but like a dodo I missed shots of her performing every single time D=

awe you make me miss Margo! I forgot all about that.

Toddle time ... Make uncle Cia, help train do he gets the practice.

Margo was really nice, she was one of my favourite spouses (Maybe Cage can go back to being a musician for something to do, lol)
Yep, toddler time...but Uncle Cia taught her nothing...I don't think he ever helped with Mwyn at all, lol
Guess what duty he's going to be getting with his own nooboo?  ;D

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - The Path That Truly Is (Updated 16/01)
« Reply #66 on: January 17, 2013, 11:31:48 PM »

Aw, toddler adorableness. I love her outfits! *sigh* We really do need more toddler hair styles.

That red and black floral pattern is quite lovely. Is it one of Gheez's? It looks familiar.

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Offline ladyaya

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - The Path That Truly Is (Updated 16/01)
« Reply #67 on: January 18, 2013, 02:12:00 AM »
Aw, toddler adorableness. I love her outfits! *sigh* We really do need more toddler hair styles.

That red and black floral pattern is quite lovely. Is it one of Gheez's? It looks familiar.

I know, Mwyn's cute, but Gen two's cuter~ <3 Yes we do, and the store doesn't have that many either.
The original colouring is pink, and while looking through the swap shop for it again, I can't actually find it lol
So if it's a swap shop pattern, I don't know where it's hiding xD
I do know it's either in misc or fabric because those are the two I use the most for stuff such as clothing and furniture - really should branch out though

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - Mwyn Training/Cuteness
« Reply #68 on: January 21, 2013, 06:42:04 PM »
Hey, i'm actually updating quickly! Lol
I'm almost up to where I am in my game, so after a chapter or two, I need to play some and since I have school and i'm trying out the challenges who knows how well updating will go now?

Mwyn Training/Cuteness~

Anna: Now….for a toddler picture explosion…with a few story screenshots, lol

Anna: Enjoying that are you? Too bad your momma can’t make your favourite food yet ^^
Mwyn: Omnomnom

Anna: In Trip's words....SO DARN CUTE

Cam: It’s…….THE CLAW!
Mwyn: *gasp*

Mwyn: *giggles*

Cam: Uncle Cia likes to be fast
Mwyn: Unca Cia like to run ‘way
Ciaran: I can hear you teaching that child to mangle my name!

Mwyn: I wanna go ta Fwance!
Cam: Not until your cousin is old enough – Watcher’s rules
Mwyn: Fwance! Fwance!

Cameron: Come on Mwyn, this is easy – learn it well so I don't have to show you myself
Mwyn: *giggles*


Ciaran: Woman, what’s with the dinging?!
Anna: Congratulations Cia, you just maxed Athletics!
Ciaran: Stop with the Cia!
Anna: Nooooo~

Anna: This is Melissa Dreamer as a teenager, when Lysi tried to find Lori to make friends with her - she wasn't home at that point

Anna: Awwe, you’re adorable on your pretty orange swing ^^

Anna: Another Margo time where I didn’t take a screenie…zombie chick here…
Jeana: I want your graaaains~

Anna: Annnd she’s back to normal by the time she gets here, I mean what’s with that?
Jeana: So, like, did you know that the stories of zombies and full moons was like totally true? Because I like totally was just shambling around, before I like came and talked to you.

Anna: One zombie, two zombies Three oh wait, i'm not The Count and that is just a super excited fairy pap.

Anna: The collection of elixirs, some unneeded, some currently unusable, some that need to be consigned later

Anna: Velmoor’s unhappy with the random chick in an acrobat costume

Anna: Awwe, can’t you see the matching….well everything minus favourite colour?


Anna: Hey, you’re actually famous enough to need a limo now!
Calli: Yep – need to get home though
Anna: Why?

Anna: Ooh, such a big deal now that you can do it one handed…
Ciaran: *grunts*

Calli: Oh holy fish sticks......

Calli: *screams*
Anna: Oh….that’s why. Sorry, but I’m one from the picture limit, so you’ll have to meet the little heir next time~  ;)

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - Mwyn Training/Cuteness (21/01)
« Reply #69 on: January 21, 2013, 06:50:30 PM »
So unfair and Ciaran needs a shower! At least Colt and Artie knew when to shower!! LOL

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - Mwyn Training/Cuteness (21/01)
« Reply #70 on: January 21, 2013, 06:54:56 PM »
So unfair and Ciaran needs a shower! At least Colt and Artie knew when to shower!! LOL

I always had him on good pacing so he could work out longer, but he always needed to use the toilet or eat before he got anywhere near exhausted, lol
It wouldn't be fun if I just showed the heir off, now would it?  ;)

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - Mwyn Training/Cuteness (21/01)
« Reply #71 on: January 21, 2013, 08:36:31 PM »

Floor hygeniator placed right under the exercise equipment works wonders. Work out without the don't break a sweat option and stay squeaky clean!

No nooboo shot? What a tease!  :'(

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Grey Immortal Dynasty - Mwyn Training/Cuteness (21/01)
« Reply #72 on: January 21, 2013, 08:37:38 PM »
Floor hygeniator placed right under the exercise equipment works wonders. Work out without the don't break a sweat option and stay squeaky clean!

No nooboo shot? What a tease!  :'(

Thanks Rhoxi, I didn't know that.

Offline ladyaya

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - Mwyn Training/Cuteness (21/01)
« Reply #73 on: January 21, 2013, 09:35:02 PM »
Floor hygeniator placed right under the exercise equipment works wonders. Work out without the don't break a sweat option and stay squeaky clean!

No nooboo shot? What a tease!  :'(

Thanks Rhoxi, I didn't know that.

Neither did I ^^

I'll put together the screenshots for the chapter tonight so all I have to do is add stuff below them and that, and i'll post it soon^^
(before a week has passed at the least lol)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: Grey Immortal Dynasty - Mwyn Training/Cuteness (21/01)
« Reply #74 on: January 21, 2013, 09:47:34 PM »
That floor hygienator tip is brilliant, thank you. Congrats to Ciaran for catching up with Colt and Artie! He's been looking forward to doing the pull-ups one-handed, I know ;)
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