"Moonlight Falls is full of handsome guys. It's definitely much different from Twinbrook in that regard. "
No kidding! The one vampire guy whose name I forget is my favorite . . . and, of course, Tristan Van Gould is modeled after Edward Cullen. Too bad the Van Gould family moves during the first week in pretty much every game I start! And have you seen the Durwoods? Ooh la la . . .
The van Goulds tend to stick around in my game. In my last attempt, I thought they moved out until Pappy ran into Tristan van Gould at the karaoke bar. The Durwood kids age up really nicely too, but sadly, they're not getting a place in the dynasty.
But you can't beat any of the Wolff men in looks. Or Malcolm Harris. The watcher may not like him, and he may stalk Cadmium to oblivion, but I'd be darned if he isn't completely adorable and huggable looking. By many virtues, he's guaranteed himself a future spot in this dynasty.
Cricket is beautiful! I don't think Pappy's features would have looked right on a little girl anyway. I do agree that he needs to strip though!
They look right on adult women, as the grown-up Clover sitting in my bin shows. She was still a cute child in my opinion, even though I never got to share screenshots of her childhood days. I really wanted Cadmium's ears to be passed on (Pappy has tiny little ears! I like them on the big side), so I'm a happy camper with Cricket.
Pappy is actually in his swimwear a lot of the time (not as much as his athletic wear, though). Let's just say that Pappy is one of the only reasons why I keep
this swimwear in my game, in spite of it being a set-for-random-and-everyday pain in my rear. Yet he won't ever change into his skimpy, Master Suite Stuff sleepwear.
(I should have guessed, because insane old Juan Darer never wore his sleepwear in either of my decadynasty attempts, in spite of also being inappropriate, though that was for the better).