Ah, the life of a teenager! Freedom! Adventure! Wide open spaces!
"Skye, you still ahve to go to school, even if you did register as a horsewoman."
"Oppression! I hate you all! Only my horse loves me!"
"Dear daughter of mine, if you want to express disdain for all about you, pay attention to the master. You need to look like *this*."
"Okay, wow, Dad how did you pull that off?"
"I work in an upscale French Bistro dear, it's a required skill. You'll have plenty of time after school to ride and work with your horses."
Skye perked up at the thought. Yes, she was a teenager now, and was free to ride her horses over the rolling hills!
umm.. oof... riding! Riding as soon as she could get up... Crimson was really kind of tall...
Okay... Maybe she needed some more practice...
Skye spent most of her school days hanging out with friends, she wasn't taking many advanced classes and with turning in her homeowrk daily, was easily maintianing good enough grades to keep her parents happy.
"Hey Skye, take a look, they posted some afterschool projects on the wall!" Lorenzo pointed out a list on the school's bulliten board. "You can get a part time job, or catch fish for the science center... or fix the boiler... pass on that!"
Skye really wasn't interested in boosting her own grades, she already had her life's goal firmly by the reins as it were, but one of the flyers caught her attention. "Interview a French person... hmm... I wonder if Dad counts. He sings that wierd French song in the shower and he's a French chef..."
Lorenzo laughed, "I think they meant like an actual french person. Like one of the tourists or even a cultural trip."
Skye nibbled on her lip thoughtfully. She really hadn't ever planned on taking a trip, but how often would an opportunity like this ever come up again? She should talk with her mother once she got home.
Mu lan looked at the flier her daughter handed to her and got a far away expression on her face for a minute. "France? Goodness, I haven't been there in so long, but you are right, this is a good time for an adventure."
Riley looked it over when he came home that evening and sighed. "It sounds wonderful, but right now two of my line cooks quit and we're shorthanded, I can't go."
"Why not make it a girl's trip then?" Dean suggested. "I'm good for making sure the horses stay fed for a week or so while you girls enjoy Europe."
"If you're sure?" Skye asked, looking back and forth at the adults. "I mean, it's not too much of a problem?" Her mother was getting a little old, and Skye didn't *have* to go.
"I think a girl's vacation is a great idea," Mu lan replied. "Let me go check my suitcase and passports."
The flight was long and Skye yawned a bit as they were dropped off at the villa. "Let me go put our suitcases up and then we can have a look around, okay Mom?"
"Of course dear," Mu lan replied. "I'll just be out here." She gave the board out front of the villa a long look and then grineed as she saw several notes tacked up. Adventures!
After Skye came out Mu lan pointed out the little scooters at the front of the villa. "We can use these to get around, they're very easy to use. I have an interview set up for you down by the cafee, if you want to head that way."
"What about you?" Skye asked.
"Oh I'll be fine."
Skye felt her mother had no sense of adventure at all. Why come all the way to France and stay inside all the time?
"Mrs. Dumas? Hi I'm Skye Calhoun..."
"Oh, my, yes, your mother spoke of you. Come along, we'll sit and have some coffee!"
"So the house has old passages in it from before the Revolution? How fascinating, yes, I'm quite sure I can help you out!"
"Well, maybe I'll bring some of this back to the villa for Mom. Mrs. Dumas had a lot of positive things to say about the nectar here."
"pish, and they call this a trap? Child's play!"
"It's just that she's old, Polly, I'm not sure if she's having any fun out here."
"Now if I was a secret door, where would I be?"
"Thanks for the follow up interview, Mrs. Dumas, say have you seen my mother around recently?"
"Bugs, bugs, more bugs.. aha! There's the switch!"
"The old art museum, the villa's owner said she was headed there this morning."
'Ah, the old girl's still got it!"
Skye found her mother looking a little dusty and tired but happy as she arrived at the museum.
"I've been looking for you, Mom."
"Oh, well dear, I was just exploring some of the old houses while you wandered around the countryside. Did you have a nice time?"
"Yes, but I'll be glad to go home. There's not a whole lot to do here, unless you like food and art."
Mu lan sighed and gave her daughter a pat. She definately hadn't inherited her mother's sense of adventure it seemed.