Hi everyone,
It seems like that EA patches aren't very reliable. I was using Patch 1.36 and then tried to patch up to date to 1.39, but for all the times, patching is not successful. Errors occured and stopped me from continuing to patch! (And the uninstallation made me most annoyed...)
So I searched for patches uploaded by others and starts downloading Patch 1.38. I've heard that some cannot play after installing patch 1.39. Maybe it's a good idea to wait for the Seasons patch, isn't it?
So, as a conclusion, I must tell you two points. Point one, backup before patching, or perhaps wait longer for the patches in case you have mods and creators haven't updated yet. Don't assume the mods are compatible.
Point two, any kind of help would be extremely appericiated!
(And one more: EA is JUST STUPID!)