Author Topic: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Twenty-Nine)  (Read 35750 times)

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fourteen)
« Reply #30 on: January 28, 2013, 01:34:27 PM »
Thanks for the compliments on the wardrobes. I don't usually think I'm particularly creative with my recolors. I've got a little question for you, the readers, that I'll put at the end of my post so I don't postpone the update any further. Also, 1000 views! Hooray! Thanks for reading!

The ice was sculpted, the photograph taken, and a masterpiece worthy of the museum was finished. It was time for my daughter to join me in immortality. The realization that this plate would take her another step from her beloved Ariel made her choke a bit, but she's a Medley, and she knows what's at stake.

As the ambrosia took effect on her, preserving her youth, I felt my mind slip away for a moment. I drifted down a hallway lined with paintings and photographs and felt the chill from never-melting icy likenesses of people I'd never met. Some were familiar, and others may as well have been strangers, but I knew that all had one thing in common: blood. These were the failed immortals. A misty form stepped from one of the ice sculptures and drifted down before me. I recognized this man; he was my father. He smiled at me sadly and said, “My darling Izzie, how far you've come. And yet, so far still to go...”

I shook my head, and the vision passed. Hyacinth was washing her empty plate, so I knew only a moment had passed. What was the significance? I must research.

Scarlet's been inviting over pretty much every young man she's met lately – at least the ones she's not closely related to. This fellow's Donnovan Steel, and he's certainly handsome, with the exception of the girlfriend he's already got in the military.

Sandra's elder birthday came around as so many of her other birthdays did – at the easel. I wish we'd taken more time to properly celebrate her birthdays, as well as the birthdays of the other mortals roped into the household, but we are generally a little distracted around here.

She looks so much like her father with that strong chin.

Hers was, of course, not the only birthday of the week. Little puppy Tiger Lily grew into a mature – if still small – dog.

I think she's the last dog we'll keep, though. The house is getting full, and it's sometimes difficult to get past the entry without tripping over dogs. Not to mention the wet dog smell every time it rains.

Ariel spent an evening teaching Garret how to drive, and when they were ready to come home, Ariel took a bit too long getting back to the car, leading the local law enforcement to believe that Garret was sneaking out past curfew. Garret found himself unceremoniously dumped into the squad car and carted home.

Scarlet refused to listen to his explanation and grounded him as soon as he walked in the door. Garret huffed angrily and stomped into his bedroom.

The next morning, he begged Ariel to unground him. After all, he'd done his homework and chores! Plus, prom was coming up. Ariel simply nodded, and Garret shot through the door to catch his bus.

Donnovan Steel wasn't the only man that Scarlet's had around the house lately. Cornelius Vandeen, target of rumors and speculation since I moved into town all those weeks ago (and newly cured werewolf) also spent a great deal of time in our household. It seems that Scarlet has made her choice.

Though it may have been a foolish choice on her part. Lycanthropy has a way of stalling the aging of its victims, but once cured, they almost immediately age many weeks in a matter of hours. But, young love is blind, and she asked him to move in anyway.

He's got such lovely eyes; I wonder why he always kept them hidden behind those sunglasses.

Cornelius had a little secret, though. He'd been living with Ms. Yolanda Shaw for some time, and in the interest of securing his new, fabulously wealthy lifestyle, he invited her over and ended their relationship immediately. I wonder what other secrets this long-lived wolfman may have.

Garret's prom was that evening, and while he was voted Prom King, unlike the girls, he didn't find any new crushes while dancing the night away. It's just as well. Chances are good that he'll wind up marrying one of the many supernatural young ladies that have been in this town as long as I have, if not longer. At this point, it almost seems as if this whole immortality thing is something of a waste of time. Why go through all the trouble if you could just, say, become a vampire or werewolf?

Ariel was spending the day at the spa, as most of us do once a week or so, when he had the sudden realization that he was 93. Wouldn't it be just like the grim reaper to find a man of his age when he's out of the house?

Of course, the reaper loves his irony – and timing – and dropped in for a visit, almost as if summoned. Ariel took his appearance with the good grace of a man who knows his time is up.

Almost immediately, Hyacinth started getting calls begging for dates with the newly-widowed hotshot doctor. She told them all that her heart was broken and she'd never consider spending time with anyone so inconsiderate as to try to woo her so soon after her husband's death.

Of course, as is so frequently the case, death serves as a reminder of life, and there was one couple in the house determined to celebrate that life with all they had.

And just like that, we're expecting a full house once more.

So, here's my conundrum. In-game, I'm at the beginning of week 16, and sweet little Garret is a young adult. I'm trying to find him a suitable bride from among the original townies still alive and in a life stage that'd be appropriate for bringing about the next generation. Currently, I have 6-7 young ladies in the running (one is marginal since she's an Adult werewolf). What I'm wondering is whether to go with the not-conventionally-pretty girl with a hidden trait, the Adult vampire he's actually throwing wishes for (she's now aged herself out of the running), or one of the girls with hair and eye colors that aren't currently already in the family (4 of the 7 girls have black hair, which is fine, but I've already got two immortals with black hair and more that'll be coming in from the spare line when they eventually merge). If you've got an opinion you'd like to share, let me know, and if you want to see the girls, I can post a link to a collage with most of them in it to avoid littering my thread with potential spoilers.


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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fourteen)
« Reply #31 on: January 29, 2013, 08:36:04 AM »
When I have a choice of spouses, I just let my heir decide for themselves. Kind of a shame that the one lady that Garrett threw wishes for is an elder, but maybe he'll warm up to someone else.

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fourteen)
« Reply #32 on: January 30, 2013, 12:09:28 PM »
If he doesn't warm up to someone else, I'd lean towards the unconventional lady with the hidden trait, assuming "unconventional" doesn't mean she's a female Arlo Bunch or anything like that.

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fourteen)
« Reply #33 on: January 31, 2013, 10:21:32 PM »

Cornelius really is a gorgeous elder. What great eyes!

I'm a fan of potential spouse line-ups, myself! They're always a lot of fun, just to get people guessing about who it'll be. Really though, you just gotta go with whatever seems the most fun to you. Breeding for hidden traits or physical characteristics are both good options.

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fourteen)
« Reply #34 on: February 01, 2013, 01:43:35 PM »
When I have a choice of spouses, I just let my heir decide for themselves. Kind of a shame that the one lady that Garrett threw wishes for is an elder, but maybe he'll warm up to someone else.

I prefer to let them choose, as well, and the attraction system helps with that some... but, he's wound up attracted to I think 3 of them, plus a few choices that wouldn't work or are a bit icky to think about.

If he doesn't warm up to someone else, I'd lean towards the unconventional lady with the hidden trait, assuming "unconventional" doesn't mean she's a female Arlo Bunch or anything like that.

Not quite on par with the Bunches, but her nose is a bit on the tiny side. I think the rest of it could be minimized by judicious use of haircut and makeup.

Cornelius really is a gorgeous elder. What great eyes!

I'm a fan of potential spouse line-ups, myself! They're always a lot of fun, just to get people guessing about who it'll be. Really though, you just gotta go with whatever seems the most fun to you. Breeding for hidden traits or physical characteristics are both good options.

I'll include the lineup with the next chapter, since it fits in well there anyway. It'll be posted as soon as I finish the write-up, and I think it'll be the longest chapter I've posted yet. I should have it up by this evening.

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fourteen)
« Reply #35 on: February 01, 2013, 09:03:32 PM »
Garret's become quite the socialite lately. Sandra was invited to a party at the Tanner's home, and she stayed long enough to be polite, but Garret stayed nearly until his curfew chatting with Yuna. Her siblings, Ethan and Raquel, and her father have long since succumbed to old age, but Yuna and her mother are still hanging around, thanks to the blessing of the fae and the blood of the vampire.

Meanwhile, back at home, Scarlet and Cornelius were having quite the crisis. One would think that nobody here has ever seen a birth before.

Meet Sara. Isn't she adorable?

After Sara was ensconced in her crib, Cornelius had a sudden wish... and apparently, so did Scarlet!

We invited over what seemed like all of the folks who lived here when I first moved in for a quick wedding that evening.

Those two were in such a rush, that not everyone managed to find a seat before they'd said their “I do's.”

Not all of the guests were as pleased with the marriage as the happy newlyweds though. Cornelius failed to mention that he may not have fully broken off a romance with young Cricket Irwin. She let him know in no uncertain terms that she was finished with him for good (interrupting every attempt to cut the wedding cake for hours).

By midweek, we were gearing up for a birthday extravaganza, with both Garret and Sara set to hit their next respective birthdays by the end of the week. Someone else had another plan, though. Goodbye, Saren. We'll miss you.

Early morning birthdays are pretty much the rule around here, especially when it comes to children and teens, and Garret was no exception.

After Garret's turn at the cake, Scarlet dashed back into the nursery to let Sara have a turn before Hyacinth had to rush off to the hospital. Note poor Garret's terrible luck with his hair and wardrobe.

He made a beeline for the vanity as soon as his cake was finished to find himself something more suitable. He's grown into a fine young man, if I do say so myself.

Sara also toddled off to the vanity, with some help from Scarlet, of course. Such a pretty little thing with her mother's eyes and her father's hair.

After the birthdays, I rounded up Hyacinth and Garret, and we made a family trip to China for 9 days. I asked Garret to keep a journal of his activities, since Hyacinth and I did little more than lounge around base camp the entire time.

“So, a journal, huh? Is this how you've been keeping records of the family and town all this time, Gran? Well, here goes. I spent pretty much the first week just running jobs off the adventure board, most of them involving some amount of tomb raiding. Here's the entry switch to the first tomb I went to.”

“Most of these tombs haven't been maintained in centuries, so there's been a lot of rubble to clear out of the way. Excavation is serious business.”

“Oh, plumbob! Not the hair again! sigh Some of the 'adventures' I had were geared more toward learning more of the art of Sim Fu. I certainly didn't mind getting some practice in against a much more well-trained opponent. I've been hearing rumors that there's some kind of tournament going on, and I wish I had the experience and time to participate in that. I suppose there's always next time.”

“In the Temple of Heaven, I found the most remarkable talking axe. I'll have to get you to look into its possible sentience, Gran, and see if that helps you with the ghost problem you've been looking into.”

“After a grueling eight days of diving in wells, dodging traps, and digging up treasures, I finally reached the coveted Level 3 Visa in China. I celebrated by buying the family a little vacation home near the market.”

“And what do I find when I finally make my way down there? Is this what you and Mom have been doing this entire time?! Wow.”

Ahem, well, yes. Something he didn't mention is that many of the locals are now calling him a “timber terminator,” presumably because of many hours spent in front of a board breaker while he wasn't busy wandering through the tombs of China.

We arrived home to the sight of Sandra teaching little Sara to talk. She must've heard about Garret's latest martial arts exploits, because she was mentioning that Cousin Garret could find gems in space rocks.

Garret attended another party at the Tanner household, where he met this lovely young thing. Her name's Pansy Northrop, and I've somehow managed never to run into her, despite her being in town longer than me. She lives with Ezekiel Reid, whom I have met, and she's dating Donnovan Steel.

Garret decided to throw a costume party on the night before Spooky Day – which just happened to be a full moon. Good for ambiance, terrible for taking pictures.

During the party, Ginger had her final birthday out in the backyard.

I'm not entirely sure how they ended up like this, but Clark Bellamore and Addison Ross danced this way for quite some time near the end of the party. Incidentally, Addison is actually a doctor, so this costume is less of a costume and more of a work uniform.

And, finally, a collection of most of the eligible bachelorettes in Lucky Palms. Not pictured is Yolanda Shaw, who was an adult at the time of the costume party, but aged into an elder before the next week ended. Also not pictured is Kinslee Hudson, who has been ruled out due to being the mother of Garret's half-sister, Carie. Cricket is stuck in the Adult stage, and Emi is a Young Adult (yes, the daughter is older than the mother). Yuna is immune to fire.

Offline azokka361

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fifteen)
« Reply #36 on: February 01, 2013, 09:17:39 PM »
Hmm . . . I vote for Pansy or Abrielle, though Emi looks like she would be very pretty in human state. Just an observation.
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Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fifteen)
« Reply #37 on: February 01, 2013, 09:21:22 PM »
Wow, Pansy really is striking with the red hair and blue eyes! She's certainly got my vote. Although I suppose having a sim that was immune to fire might be sort of fun . . . Does it mean that they'll catch fire but just not die? Cause that could be pretty funny.

Also, adorable nooboo and beautiful wedding! Poor Cricket. I like that she really felt the need to tell him it was over. Sort of like, "No duh honey, take the hint!"

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Fifteen)
« Reply #38 on: February 02, 2013, 07:03:15 PM »
I vote for Pansy or Yuna. They're both very pretty and Yuna being immune to fire could be helpful.
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Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Sixteen)
« Reply #39 on: February 09, 2013, 08:36:47 PM »
Yuna and Abrielle were my first two choices, picked before Garret ever aged to YA. I didn't even know Pansy existed until that second party at the Tanner house, and she completely threw a monkey wrench into all my plans. There was attraction, but she had a boyfriend and the only wishes Garret threw for her were "Convince Pansy to kiss another sim" or "Convince Pansy to dance with another sim." Oh, dear! I hadn't seriously considered Emi as a prospect, though she does have fun traits and she's quite pretty judging by her entry on the wiki. I don't think there's any attraction, though.

Anyway, thanks for reading and thanks for the input on Garret's little conundrum! Bit of a short chapter coming up, but that's only because the next one took me so long to play.  ;)

It's been a quiet week in Lucky Palms. Garret spent the week dating his romantic prospects and working on promotions at his sketchy job. Can you believe it? A Medley resorting to common criminal activity? What is the world coming to? Anyway, he decided to meet up with one of his accomplices after work one day, and when I heard about the attraction he felt, his mother and I had to step in and firmly overrule him. Imagine how awkward family dinners would be if poor Carie Hudson was both his half-sister and his step-daughter.

I don't know if his timing was off or most of the young ladies around here didn't like him (or perhaps they knew already where his heart belonged), but Garret had a string of awful dates with most of the women he was considering. The one exception was little Pansy Northrop. She's a bit older than I expected – she must've had a birthday soon after that costume party – but she certainly seems to make Garret happy.

Speaking of happy couples, Scarlet and Cornelius have been much happier together since he was made to see how hurtful his flirty ways could be. He refocused his efforts on cooking, but the damage between Scarlet and Sandra had already been done.

Sara had her birthday on Thursday, and Scarlet chose to enroll her in Dribbledine Sports Academy. Seems there was some sort of mixup, though, since the taxi never arrived to pick her up.

She chose her new wardrobe for school, even though the taxi never came. Instead, she enjoyed herself thoroughly by playing in the snow.

Garret and Pansy continued dating through the week. He decided it'd be best to let her keep her wings as long as possible, even if that meant she couldn't move in. There are stories of particularly long-lived sims in the world, and it'd be emotionally crippling to Garret if his lover grew too old to bear him an heir before there was room for another in the household.

Since everyone has started sleeping at more or less the same time recently, we've gotten more of Garret's peers creeping around the house late at night. One might expect them to know better, considering how badly they tend to get roughed up by a little old lady in her pajamas.

Last bit of news for the week: Scarlet has reached full adulthood. No mid-life crisis, no unseemly desires to move or end relationships. Just a quiet, peaceful birthday in the front hall.

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Sixteen)
« Reply #40 on: February 10, 2013, 01:55:06 AM »

Half sister and step daughter, eh? Did your family tree get a bug? I know that happens some times, with traveling. In a previous dynasty attempt, after traveling Gen 2 and Gen 3 didn't realize they were related anymore. That was . . . weird. Like, hey, don't even think about flirting with your mother! Well, I hope Garret finds the right lady. (Go Pansy!)

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Sixteen)
« Reply #41 on: February 10, 2013, 09:20:15 AM »
Half sister and step daughter, eh? Did your family tree get a bug? I know that happens some times, with traveling. In a previous dynasty attempt, after traveling Gen 2 and Gen 3 didn't realize they were related anymore. That was . . . weird. Like, hey, don't even think about flirting with your mother! Well, I hope Garret finds the right lady. (Go Pansy!)

No, Carie is the baby that Kinslee and Ariel Hudson are expecting at the beginning of the game. That's Kinslee in the first shot, and according to the family tree, she's unrelated to Garret and therefore a valid romantic target. So, if Garret were to marry Kinslee, her daughter would become his step-daughter in addition to his half-sister. I almost want to try it in an alternate-universe file just to see what the family tree would do!

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Sixteen)
« Reply #42 on: February 12, 2013, 11:00:22 AM »
Just discovered this one today!  Can't wait for more :)

Offline Lasnien

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Seventeen)
« Reply #43 on: February 16, 2013, 12:50:11 PM »
We threw a gift-giving party on Sunday as a way of keeping up with the family friends (incidentally, also the longest-lived of Lucky Palms residents). It seems that even the grim reaper took the elderly stray cat dying near the house to be an invitation, and seeing that we're destined to spend the next five or so generations having regular visits from him, I decided it'd be best to show some respect. He even received some flowers from an anonymous gifter among our friends.

By Tuesday, Sara was finally picked up to attend her prestigious boarding school, after some rather frustrating clerical mixups with her paperwork. Too little, too late, I'm afraid. She only had one day at school before she was pulled back due to extenuating circumstances. Among them was the death of her father, Cornelius Vandeen, at the age of 93.

Nights at the Medley house have been getting too restless for my taste, with all the ghosts of past housemates, lovers, and pets wandering around, so I bought the graveyard and had a private mausoleum built to hold the remains of all of our loved ones. They have all of the freedom to roam allowed them by the rules of death – and even a professional bar – and we no longer need to worry about precious sleep time being interrupted by a wave of cold air brushing through us at the presence of a beloved friend. Ariel seems pleased with the new locale, though he still misses his darling Hyacinth.

In this house, the tragedy of death is usually counteracted by the joy of bringing in new life. Garret invited over his romantic partner, Pansy, after work the day after Cornelius joined the other household members in the mausoleum.

A shot of potent curing elixir, and Pansy became as human as... well, I suppose Sara is the only other non-witch in the family right now. Pansy was immediately welcomed into the family.

Garret had a more intimate welcoming party planned for his little fairy-girl...

Sara had her birthday party early in the morning while she was home from school. Considering how little time she spent there and the fact that we had to pay her tuition twice due to lost paperwork (not that the money matters to us; it's the principle!) I have to wonder at Scarlet's insistence on re-enrolling her in their high school.

That's beside the point. Little Sara isn't so little anymore, and her wardrobe certainly shows off her unique sense of style. If Cornelius were still around, I doubt he'd approve of what his little girl is wearing.

Pansy seemed convinced that she'd eaten some bad sushi or spoiled salad for dinner last night, but I know better.

I went with the young lovers on a short trip to France (what can I say, I'm a sucker for travelling), and while Garret spent a great deal of his time delving through the old Landgraab mansion and other ruins, he made sure to take some time out to spend with lovely Pansy. He asked her to meet him at the cafe one afternoon, ostensibly to get a quick bite to eat between excursions.

Pansy should've known something was up; Garret's nearly addicted to his moodlet manager while he's on trips and rarely takes the time to visit the lavatory, even, let alone sit down and eat! I believe she was pleased with the way the date turned out, anyway!

We all returned home after a few short days in France. Garret didn't quite get enough of a visa to buy a vacation home, but there's always next time. It wasn't long before Pansy realized what was really behind her upset stomach. She and Garret decided that they didn't want to wait until after the baby comes before they get married, so the date was set: Friday afternoon, we'd have our first true Medley wedding party.

After work (for those of us that work days, anyway) everyone put on their best clothes for a fancy wedding bash. The guests started arriving, and then it happened. Sandra was like a daughter to me, and we'd only grown closer in the long days of elderhood. It hardly seems like 98 days have passed since the first time I held her in my arms.

The reaper made his visit quick this time and didn't stick around to cast a pall over what was supposed to be among the happiest days in this house. Sandra wished for just a few more hours, so she could see the wedding, at least; Grim, as usual, was not convinced.

The bride and groom quickly made their way out to the wedding arch, hoping to salvage what festive spirit they could after the unexpected guest. A few of the invited guests left early, put off by the intrusive – if only temporary – presence of death. Everyone else gathered round to watch the couple exchange their rings.

A kiss to seal the deal. My little grandson has finally married, and it won't be long before he has a child of his own.

Saturday rolled around, and there was a sense of anticipation in the air. We all knew it was coming; pregnancy does have something of a schedule after all. But, we forgot one small detail. Dear little Tiger Lily, the last of our family dogs, had her final birthday. The line that started with my lovely Lola has officially ended here.

At the same time, in the living room, Pansy finally went into labor. For the first time, it looks like someone is actually not panicking at the sight of something she herself has already been through!

May I present to you Finn Medley. He's taken after his grandmother with his good tendencies, and he's friendly with everyone – even his mother, who has professed that she really just doesn't like children.

And with this entry, the story has made it farther than either of my previous attempts! Hooray! Thanks to all of you for reading and commenting!

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: Medley Dynasty, the Third (Week Seventeen)
« Reply #44 on: February 17, 2013, 12:50:33 AM »

Well, I guess Cornelius would like Sara's last clothing option: the outerwear! Welcome little Finn! Getting to generation four is quite an accomplishment. Just think: half of all the immortals have now been born.

Also, death opening a present at your gift giving party is just too awesome! No, Grim! Dead cats are NOT an invitation.

