I followed the link and got totally lost for a very long time looking at a bunch of different, way out there, houses. I LOVED it so thanks for the link.
Pam, since you've never played Sims2, and you might want to see some of the fabulous house kinds of things you could do and get for 2, follow the link and enjoy! I'm definitely going to purloin a few of the ideas I saw.
I do have one major problem with some of the houses for either 2 or 3. Whatever were people thinking when they made ginormous bathrooms with several jons, showers, etc. all in one bath room with no privacy? Obviously they were just doing practice architecture and never thought that no Sim would ever share a bath room with another for bathing or using the jon. Even same sex twins will not share bathrooms but will shoo out each other and get the embarrassed moodlet.