Is anyone else having problems with opportunities lately?
I'm not sure where to post this, but I've been cruising this forum all night looking to see if others are having my problems with opportunities, so moderators feel free to move this if I'm in the wrong place.
I have had two of my dynasty heirs come up with the "Smooth, Like Verbal Butter" charisma op and neither could get the Smooth Recovery interaction, they only got Apologize. Between them they must have insulted every Sim in Sunset Valley but to no avail.
Similarly, my Culinary Career Sim got a couple of career opportunities from the Little Corsican Bistro for "Serving the Masses" (prepare 2 group meals of xxx and bring to work), but the op doesn't go into the op panel when I selected it. I saw the little chef's hat go into the panel but when I clicked on the star the op is not there? The "Bring the Buffet" and "Burners Down" culinary opportunities did exactly the same thing.
The Law Enforcement heir has something similar with the "Improving Disguises" (travel to China and meet 4 locals) op. When I get my heir to China, the op is in the panel until I try to greet the first local and then it disappears. My Journalist Sim heir had something similar with the "Exotic Living" (go to France and interview 5 locals) op and the "Historical Interview" (go to China and interview an elder) op.
I know I can easily nix these ops but sometimes time is of the essence to get my 10 ops and move my heir out.
These are the op glitches I've noticed - any suggestions forum?