Author Topic: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 61: Arrival in Sunset Valley 20 August  (Read 166771 times)

Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Twelve Updated 17 Oct
« Reply #60 on: October 17, 2012, 08:57:01 PM »
Whew that was almost a social disaster, good thing Marjorie is so good at groveling! 

In my game not only has Miriam Hoppcraft become a vampire, she is also married to one of THE vampires of Moonlight Falls, Tristan Van Gould!  (Her fellow Supernatural Skeptic husband James Hoppcraft died a long time ago).

I don't know how she manages to hate everything supernatural while married to one and being one, but I think it's funny because she's such a horrible lady.  Poor Tristan though.   Oh and she's been a toad for several years now.  I could cure her but....meh.   ;D

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Thirteen: PAAAARTY!
« Reply #61 on: October 18, 2012, 08:02:38 PM »
Whew that was almost a social disaster, good thing Marjorie is so good at groveling! 

In my game not only has Miriam Hoppcraft become a vampire, she is also married to one of THE vampires of Moonlight Falls, Tristan Van Gould!  (Her fellow Supernatural Skeptic husband James Hoppcraft died a long time ago).

I don't know how she manages to hate everything supernatural while married to one and being one, but I think it's funny because she's such a horrible lady.  Poor Tristan though.   Oh and she's been a toad for several years now.  I could cure her but....meh.   ;D

It really is. She has to be, since she's Inappropriate. She's always offending people! I think the Soothing Aura may have helped that.

Wow, how funny! Yeah, is it me or has Story Progression gone mad? Only couples in my game keep breaking up and getting together with other people. They still aren't having any babies though :(

Chapter Thirteen: PAAAARTY!

Hey Marjorie, you have to have a bachelorette party before you get married!
Marjorie: Yes, sir!

No need to tell you twice!
M: You kidding? Commitment Issues Sims live for bachelorette parties.
Uh oh, with your combination of traits, I'm afraid of what's going to happen.
M: Don't worry too much.
Oh great, not too much.

M: Sure, bring all your friends. Why not?

Two fairy guests arrive: Marjorie's old friend Branch Timbley, and Marigold Maldano, who is Zack's boss.

Haley Sumari brutally attacks Marjorie with bubbly nectar, while Bailey Swain dances with Branch nearby.

Apparently Marjorie's bridal outfit was soaked, which necessitated a change into...sleepwear? I don't think she minds at all--look, she even changed her wings to match.

Here's a hunky cowboy of a Party Dancer! Surprisingly, Marjorie did not get even one wish to flirt with him.
Didn't I tell you not to worry?

As her best friend, Branch of course must give the toast.

As you can see, no one really listens except for Marjorie.

M: No...Noooo...

M: Aaaaahhhhh!

Marjorie wants everyone to have as much fun as she's having...

...So she spreads the Fairy Dust love. Apparently, her friends disapprove of her even interacting at all with the Party Dancer. One must wonder why they hired him then.

Branch must have had a bit too much nectar.

Marigold chooses the fairy house rather than the floor.

...At least until the stereo wakes her up.

Marjorie takes the opportunity to do a bit of schmoozing on Zack's behalf.

Speaking of Zack, where is he while all of this is going on?

Oh, he went to the gym. In his suit.
The invitation clearly said "Dress to Impress!"
I don't know how you would know, since you didn't get one!

Grumbling, he changes and works out.

I just hope this Forum you're always going on about appreciates all the work I'm putting in to fulfil your promise.

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Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Thirteen: PAAAARTY! 18 Oct
« Reply #62 on: October 18, 2012, 09:47:50 PM »
I love how Marjorie uses everything as an opportunity to walk around in her underwear.  She's so funny  :)

Offline RainBeau

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I love how Marjorie uses everything as an opportunity to walk around in her underwear.  She's so funny  :)

She really does, it's ridiculous. And she went out and got herself something special for the bachelorette party, apparently, because I've never seen that outfit before or since. I've given up on trying to stop her, she really has a mind of her own.

Chapter Fourteen: Not a Wedding: Or, An Abundance of Zombies

I just wanted to get that out of the way--in case you were very naturally expecting a wedding chapter to follow the bachelorette party chapter, I'm afraid I'm going to have to disappoint you. The wedding is not for awhile yet.

Instead, things are going on as normal. Marjorie is working on Requirement #7, the seven mausoleum pieces. She has plants. Here she is "helping" them along.

Zack is a Couch Potato and defaults to the TV I bought for him when I leave him alone. At least he autonomously chooses the cooking channel!

The new indoor kitchen! It's green for Marjorie and red for Zack. (Fairy and vampire coexisting and that.)

Zack is so Good. He got a promotion and popped a wish to donate §1000 to charity.

They still take time out to show each other they care.

Zack visits his--sire? dam? whatever you call a vampire's female changer--to thank her again for giving him a new chance at life. They have a toast to Zack's new, better life.

Zack: Thanks to you, I have these fabulous new canines!

The mausoleum plants relocate to see if the sprinkler will water them so Marjorie doesn't have to.

It won't.

Uh oh, zombie fairy. We all know what comes next, right?

Yes, you guessed it.

Marjorie: Oh yeah? We'll see about that!
Marjorie has some new tricks up her sleeve to deal with this situation.

Zombie Oberon Summerdream: Sooo...looouuud! Caaaan't...sleeeeep!

He waits patiently to attack Marjorie, but she doesn't oblige him by coming out.

And here it is, ladies and gentlemen, my first daytime glitch zombie!

When my Death Flower Bushes die, I put them out behind the broom arena to distract the zombies from the garden. It works very well. They can't kill the plants again, but it seems to make them happy to attack them anyway.

Poor Zack is trying to study Cooking when Zombie Flint McDuff very rudely tries to walk through him.

Failing that, he settles for using the computer instead.

This paparazzo, Spencer Lanier, heard about Kieran CrumpleSteel's latest fashion trend and was quick to jump on the bandwagon. TheTripWasInfraGreen would approve.

This is gold for paparazzi! Spencer gets to be right there, up close and personal, when this Sim dies right on the Callahan's lot (Sims really like to do that for some reason).

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By samoht04

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Thirteen: PAAAARTY! 18 Oct
« Reply #64 on: October 20, 2012, 02:27:12 AM »
The kitchen looks really nice! Great idea to put the plants into the planters and the Death Flower Bush behind the house.
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Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Thirteen: PAAAARTY! 18 Oct
« Reply #65 on: October 20, 2012, 03:34:35 AM »
Yeesh Marjorie needs a full time bouncer for her little house.

Ha Kieran really did start a trend, that's hilarious!  Maybe I'll pick up a nice red one for Lilith...

Offline RainBeau

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The kitchen looks really nice! Great idea to put the plants into the planters and the Death Flower Bush behind the house.

Thank you to all three! Yeah I'm usually not much of a builder/decorator but since the eyes of the world are on me now...hahaha. But seriously, there is a bit more pressure, which I like since I have the Perfectionist trait and it's much more justifiable to obsess over things other people will see. I was trying to figure out how to get plants in the mausoleum and those new planters came in handy. They are so perfect too with their gothic look. And the Death Flower--well, I wanted to save it for a Green Thumb to Revive later on (despite the Fairys' hidden Green Thumb trait, they do not have that ability!  >:() And I figure I might as well put them to use as a zombie deterrent.

Yeesh Marjorie needs a full time bouncer for her little house.

Ha Kieran really did start a trend, that's hilarious!  Maybe I'll pick up a nice red one for Lilith...

I literally laughed out loud at that idea. I would love to have a bouncer! Oh man how to arrange that...

Oh yes, absolutely. They're what the fashionable Sim chooses when nothing else will do!

Chapter Fifteen: Still Not a Wedding

Meanwhile, completely oblivious to the deaths and zombies outside, Marjorie and Zack enjoy the pancakes he made them for breakfast. Hers are Flame Fruit, his are Plasma.

Marjorie thanks Zack for the pancakes and kisses him goodbye as he leaves for work. (They had a late breakfast.)

The zombies do not let the homeowners' obliviousness stop them. They Smustle late into the night.

Another party at Pip Goodfellow's house. Of course Zack is invited.
Zack: He still has a nicer house than me...Woman! Why haven't you built us a bigger house yet?
You're not Artie, you don't get to call me Woman.
Z: *grumble*

Well this isn't at all awkward.
Z: Hi, I'm Zack. Best friends with your husband.
Dahlia: I'm Dahlia. Nice to meet you.

*shaking head* Only in the Sims.

Next thing you know...

Fawn Goodfellow: Wow, Mom. Really?

And...we have another ghost. This must be the hotspot for dying of old age. Is that a thing?

Zack was so proud of the new uniform he got with his last promotion that he decided to sleep in it.

And in order to keep getting those wonderful promotions, he makes sure to keep up with the Cooking skill requirements.
In his own favoured way.

When morning comes, he doesn't want to quit. He's so close to gaining the point! So he uses a special gift from me:

And keeps watching.

Author's Notes
Sorry to keep you waiting for the wedding, I was waiting for Marjorie to pop the wish to Marry Zack. It's coming soon, I promise!
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By samoht04

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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Sixteen: Guess Whaaat? 24 Oct
« Reply #67 on: October 24, 2012, 03:27:56 PM »
Chapter Sixteen: Guess What?

Yes, finally! The wedding!
I finally gave up on Marjorie wishing to marry Zack. I am just not going to get that wish out of a Sim with Commitment Issues. So I went ahead with the wedding anyway.

The guests begin to arrive.

From left to right, we have Erica Wolff, Megan Rumpp, Branch Timbley, Pip and Dahlia Goodfellow, Marigold Maldano, and Miriam Hoppcraft. Their collective idea of "formal dress" disappoints me.

The setup:

Zack has realised that Megan, his vampire guest to whom he owes his own vampiricity, does not have the benefit of the Vampire Sunscreen he's using. Like the Good friend he is, he is mixing her some.

Unfortunately, he was too late and she gave up and left before the ceremony. Oh well, it's the thought that counts, right Zack?
If you look carefully, you can see Marjorie doing a Fairy Repair on the broken sink.

A nervous groom, Zack turns to his venerable boss and good friend, Marigold Maldano, for advice and reassurance.
Marigold: You look great, Zack. You got nothing to worry about. Just make sure you provide her with lots of fish! These young fairy girls love fish.

Yeah, in case you didn't know, Marigold is Insane. As Zack also just found out.

Time to get ready! I'm making Marjorie wear a proper wedding gown and she's left it to the last minute to put it on.

She also gets makeup, a new hairdo and a veil. Doesn't she look just lovely?

Here is the full ensemble, including her special wedding-day wings. I think she is a vision of fairy beauty.

Marjorie: I agree!

Fairy tradition: At any and every party, you must hold a fairy house party. I am disappointed that none of the many fairy friends we invited join in.

Meanwhile, the groom is cleaning up the bathroom for the guests. Again, this should have been part of the prior preparation!

Zack catches the first glimpse of his beautiful bride.
M: You ready?
Z: (jaw drops)

The guests are preparing for the ceremony to begin.

It would seem that Miriam and Marigold are feuding. Or perhaps Snobby Miriam just doesn't approve of Marigold's attire. A nightdress is no more appropriate for a wedding than that T-shirt from earlier, Marigold.

Marjorie and Zack take their places under the wedding arch...

M: Zack, you know I love you, but--
What but? There is no but!

M: I just can't do this right now.

Guests: Okay, no wedding, I'm going home.
Marigold: Who is this guy next to me?
Branch and Pip: Marigold gives fairies a bad name. Come on lady, wear a real dress. Seriously.
Dahlia: But seriously, who is that guy?
Random Paparazzo who invited himself to the wedding: I can see the headlines now! "Celebrity Zack Durwood, left at the altar! Is Marjorie just getting cold feet, or is there someone else?"

(Considering she had a thought bubble of Branch earlier, I can see where he gets that idea.)

No! No! The title implies a wedding! The readers have been waiting for a wedding! I can't disappoint them!

Miriam: Most likely she couldn't stand getting married next to someone in a nightdress!

In the background, Zack tries to talk some sense into Marjorie.

Up next: What will happen? Do Marjorie and Zack actually get married?
(Of course they do, otherwise he wouldn't be allowed to move in. But I have to create some suspense somehow!)
Will it be today, or does she need to have more privacy?
Find out in Chapter Seventeen of the Callahan Life States Dynasty!
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By samoht04

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Sixteen: Guess Whaaaat? 24 Oct
« Reply #68 on: October 24, 2012, 03:35:44 PM »
Marjorie looked very pretty in her dress. Why aren't they getting married? Was that a phony marriage from the start in hopes that Marjorie will spawn the wish?
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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Sixteen: Guess Whaaaat? 24 Oct
« Reply #69 on: October 24, 2012, 04:14:43 PM »
:) I love this story, Its really well written, The wedding Dress was really beautiful. Was it from Supernatural?

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Sixteen: Guess Whaaaat? 24 Oct
« Reply #70 on: October 24, 2012, 04:24:14 PM »
:) I love this story, Its really well written

Thank you! I try. I like it when someone says that, because otherwise I get really insecure.

Marjorie looked very pretty in her dress. Why aren't they getting married? Was that a phony marriage from the start in hopes that Marjorie will spawn the wish?

What do you mean by a phony marriage?
Marjorie: More importantly, thank you. I did look fantastic, didn't I?
Marjorie! What are you doing here? Now you're commenting on your own story? Even Abed from Community isn't that meta! Only Insane Sims are allowed to invade the comments! You're no Velmoor De D'Onlyn, honey.
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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Sixteen: Guess Whaaaat? 24 Oct
« Reply #71 on: October 24, 2012, 04:25:13 PM »
well, they don't HAVE to get married. It would be nice for the next gen, but not necessary according to the rules.  8)

Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Chapter Sixteen: Guess Whaaaat? 24 Oct
« Reply #72 on: October 24, 2012, 06:53:03 PM »
As I was reading I was all prepared to type my congratulations to the newlyweds....what a twist!

Offline RainBeau

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As I was reading I was all prepared to type my congratulations to the newlyweds....what a twist!

Muahaha, yeeeesss! *rubs hands together* Yes, my plan the whole time.

well, they don't HAVE to get married. It would be nice for the next gen, but not necessary according to the rules.  8)

Eh, you speak the truth. But I like them to get married :)

Marjorie looked very pretty in her dress. Why aren't they getting married? Was that a phony marriage from the start in hopes that Marjorie will spawn the wish?

I figured out what you meant. No, that was not what I was doing. I had really lost all hope of her wishing to get married by this time. I have done that before though.

The wedding Dress was really beautiful. Was it from Supernatural?

Thank you, I arranged and recoloured it myself ;) The pieces are from Supernatural, yes. The top and skirt are separate. I was ridiculously proud of that dress, I'm glad you like it :)

Chapter Seventeen: Ending the Suspense

Last time on The Callahan Life States Dynasty...
Marjorie: I'm sorry Zack, but I just can't do this right now.

M: We're going to need some more light.

*Forum breathes a sigh of relief*
Oh, is that all! Well why didn't you say so?
M: Um, just did?
Well, here you go.

Oh yeah, I love MoveObjects on. You know that looks awesome!

The guests settle back into their seats, some of them grumbling about all the up-and-down.

Marigold and Random Paparazzo: Looks like this is going to be a good party after all.

M: Zack, I love you. And although I never thought I'd say this to anyone, I promise to always love you. Forever.

For a moment, Zack has to fight back tears.

You know, the man way, how they fold their lips together and blink and breathe deeply.

Then he smiles.
Zack: Marjorie, I promise to love you forever, too. Every single day of forever.


At least one half of the couple had a wish to marry the other! Yay, 5,000 points for Zack!

The two late arrivals, Bailey Swain and Israel Spain (oh wow I did not plan that rhyme), rise to greet the newly wedded couple.

Posing for the usual "before the cake cutting" picture. Only Zack is looking at the camera.
M: That's because he doesn't mind, because he isn't going to eat any of the cake anyway! Hurry up and take the picture, I'm starving!

Zack proceeds to spoil the actual cake-cutting picture by raging at Marigold. He only just noticed she's wearing a night dress.
Z: This is my WEDDING! Seriously, you couldn't find ANYTHING ELSE to wear?
Sweetie, you live with Marjorie. You'd better get really used to sleepwear as everyday wear.

Despite the lovely set-up outside, Marjorie brings her cake indoors to eat it privately.

Only Marigold and Miriam were even interested in the cake.
Miriam: *grumbling* I may as well get my money's worth.

M: Thanks for coming. I love your wings!

With all of the guests now safely out of the way, Marjorie gets another clothing change. One she's sure to enjoy.
Was anyone wondering where her "something blue" was?

Here it is.

Since they are now married, Zack and Marjorie get a wedding gift from the Watcher--a new master bedroom.

It's fairy-themed for generation 1.

Zack shows his appreciation for Marjorie's new outfit in his accustomed manner.

But he's wanting to try something new, too.

And Zack also discovers another new pleasure...Fairy plasma.

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Offline Silverbella

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Omg she just needed more light before they could proceed?  Bahaha!!  Zack crying "the man way" was also really funny!

Marjorie looked absolutely beautiful for her wedding, that hair style really suits her...of course so did her 'something blue'!  ;)  Lucky Zack finally gets the fairy good stuff!

I don't know why I never realized before that Marjorie is almost the same color as Lilith, I love her even more now!  I'm soooo excited to finally see your vampboos, (hopefully vainboos)!  Here let me rub some of my heir luck off on you *rub rub rub*  ;D