Here I go updating a bunch at once again. I'm holding off on my other two stories but feeling the need to update, so the Callahans are the lucky outlet.
Chapter Forty-Eight: Bother Whom?Marjorie: I'm just saying, you make everyone else's favourite dish, could you make me some Ratatouille now and then?
Zack: I thought you loved my Flame Fruit Pancakes!
M: I do, honey, I just want my favourite food for once.
Z: They're not you're favourite? But you're a fairy!Vervain: Dad, I'm going to stop you right there. You do not want to get into this with Mom. Just make the ratatouille, okay?
Z: Oh--okay. Rose: Guess what, Daddy? I got a new job! I'm a Mausoleum Clerk now!Z: Well, good for you, Rosebud. Watch out, though, you don't want dead things to catch you!
R: Oh, don't be silly, Daddy. Peanut Bahl hangs out here all the time, and he's harmless. Except for getting food out of the refrigerator and walking in when we're showering.
M: Yeah, sweetie, that's not going to endear ghosts to your father. At all.R: Well, you're proud of me, right Mum?
M: Yes, of course, dear. I'm very glad that you're fulfilling your dynasty requirements.
R: Thank you!
Z: Ugh, dynasty requirements! I'm going to go cook something.R: Mum . . . can I ask you a question?
M: Of course, darling.
R: Well . . . this is awkward, but--how do you know when a boy--likes you?M: Well, I never much worried whether a boy liked me, I just kissed 'em if I liked 'em.
R: Well, that is certainly not going to happen.
M (shrugging): Don't knock it 'til you've tried it.
R: Well, I won't worry about it right now.R: Thank you for your unhelpful but characteristic advice.
M: You're welcome!R: Hey, Verve.
V: Hey, Rose. Wanna work out? *snicker*
R: No, I'm going to go work on my book.Z: It has been too long, my lady.
M: Yes, it really has.M: And now that were relaxing, I'm exhausted from the kids. Parenthood is so unfair.
Z: Well, there's no one I'd rather be a parent with than you.R: Okay, time to get some inspiration. I haven't worked on this in ages.Not since I was hoping to get you to actually pop the wish to Master Writing.
R: Oh, there you are. I was wondering when you'd show up.You were doing a fine job of it yourself, so I let you handle it.
R: But you're there as soon as I start talking to myself. That's classic.I'm sorry, did you say ironic?
R: You know I didn't. It doesn't apply at all.No, but I can't find the word I'm looking for.
R: Is it 'curiously appropriate'? Do you have a neat little synonym for that?
R: Unfortunately, no. I am trying to focus on my book.Well, do try not to master writing until I can promise the wish.
R: No promises. You know how quickly I learn new things.Have you been watching The Big Bang Theory? You're channelling Sheldon.
R: No, but you have.Ah, well that explains it. Enough meta for one update, I think.
R: Too much, I should say.Right.
Now what are you doing?
R: Reading for inspiration. I couldn't focus because someone kept talking to me.Now you're, what, painting for inspiration?
R: No, I'm painting to complete skill challenges.M: When your sister is working, she's not to be disturbed.Ash: Who, Vervain?
M (thinks): No, Vervain you can bother. Rose. Don't bother Rose.M (thinks some more): Hazel is okay to bother too.
A: Nah, she lectures me if I throw off her counting.A: How about Daddy?
M: No.M: Okay, baby, let's finish up your toilet training!
Hazel: It will be such a relief to deal with my own waste needs.M: Yay! You did it!
H: I did! We did! Hurray!Ash has a wish to go to the graveyard at a Full Moon, so he continues his fishing at the graveyard with a random old lady as a minder.
Meanwhile, Rose is ecstatic over another finished painting.
Marjorie does another shift at the Red Velvet Lounge, just to pass the time.
Vervain tends the garden.
And poor old Joanie MacDuff is a zombie.
Joanie MacDuff: Unngggh arrrrgghhh.I know, you poor dear.