Author Topic: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 61: Arrival in Sunset Valley 20 August  (Read 165516 times)

Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 29 Nooboos 20 Jan
« Reply #150 on: January 20, 2013, 08:12:14 PM »
Sorry, Zack; you know that the the entire world should be your clone! It's just that . . . erm . . . having another sim living in the same household who looked like you would destroy the hotness-o-meter of everyone reading?

The nooboo is so cute! I know everyone loves the werewolf toddlers, but personally I like the fairies the most!

Plus a female Zack clone just wouldn't be the same. A male Zack nooboo clone on the other hand......

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 29 Nooboos 20 Jan
« Reply #151 on: January 20, 2013, 11:17:15 PM »

It looks like I've missed several updates. I don't check the Life States Dynasty forum as much as the Immortal Dynasty one. Biased watcher/reader, I know! Still, at least I got to see the nooboo without having to wait in suspense!

I love the idea that the paparazzi can read the forums to find out all the latest gossip. Imagining paparazzi in my head: "O-m-gee! Did you hear that Marjorie woohooed with her own husband in their own bedroom in private? No? Well, their watcher told the entire forum, hehe! Now excuse me, I have to call absolutely everyone I know!"

Vervain is a total cutie. It's nice to learn that fairyboos can get different wing shapes and colors. So far in my game, all of Sophie's fairy children got her exact wings. Can't wait to see the heir, whenever it arrives!

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Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 29 Nooboos 20 Jan
« Reply #152 on: January 21, 2013, 01:41:43 AM »
It looks like I've missed several updates. I don't check the Life States Dynasty forum as much as the Immortal Dynasty one. Biased watcher/reader, I know! Still, at least I got to see the nooboo without having to wait in suspense!

I love the idea that the paparazzi can read the forums to find out all the latest gossip. Imagining paparazzi in my head: "O-m-gee! Did you hear that Marjorie woohooed with her own husband in their own bedroom in private? No? Well, their watcher told the entire forum, hehe! Now excuse me, I have to call absolutely everyone I know!"

Vervain is a total cutie. It's nice to learn that fairyboos can get different wing shapes and colors. So far in my game, all of Sophie's fairy children got her exact wings. Can't wait to see the heir, whenever it arrives!

I'm pretty sure Vervain's wings are the wings the game thinks that Zack would have if he were a fairy.


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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 29 Nooboos 20 Jan
« Reply #153 on: January 21, 2013, 06:27:45 AM »
Vervian is very cute! I hope the nooboo is a little vampie lol.

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 29 Nooboos 20 Jan
« Reply #154 on: January 22, 2013, 03:30:36 PM »
Just gotta post that I am really enjoying this story. Your sense of humor is great! I cannot wait for more Marjorie, Zack, Vervain, and the up coming vainboo! (fingers crossed)

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 29 Nooboos 20 Jan
« Reply #155 on: January 22, 2013, 08:46:16 PM »
Cuter than my sim-toddlers, for sure!

Aww, I think your toddlers are cute!

That's it.  My next thread is going to need rainboo genes and pointy ears.  She is completely adorable.

Yes. :)

Sorry, Zack; you know that the the entire world should be your clone! It's just that . . . erm . . . having another sim living in the same household who looked like you would destroy the hotness-o-meter of everyone reading?

The nooboo is so cute! I know everyone loves the werewolf toddlers, but personally I like the fairies the most!

I think you laid it on pretty thick there, but Zack seems to be placated.

I do indeed love and want a wereboo, but I love faeboos too, and you'll see why right after these messages!

Plus a female Zack clone just wouldn't be the same. A male Zack nooboo clone on the other hand......

Heh heh heh. No comment.

It looks like I've missed several updates. I don't check the Life States Dynasty forum as much as the Immortal Dynasty one. Biased watcher/reader, I know! Still, at least I got to see the nooboo without having to wait in suspense!

I love the idea that the paparazzi can read the forums to find out all the latest gossip. Imagining paparazzi in my head: "O-m-gee! Did you hear that Marjorie woohooed with her own husband in their own bedroom in private? No? Well, their watcher told the entire forum, hehe! Now excuse me, I have to call absolutely everyone I know!"

Vervain is a total cutie. It's nice to learn that fairyboos can get different wing shapes and colors. So far in my game, all of Sophie's fairy children got her exact wings. Can't wait to see the heir, whenever it arrives!

Cheater! :P

That is a hilarious scenario. I think it happened just like that.

She is, I think she's a darling. Mine have got a variety in the different games I've played, although it tends to be biased in favour of the parents' wings. Yay heir!

I'm pretty sure Vervain's wings are the wings the game thinks that Zack would have if he were a fairy.

That is entirely possible. I think Zack would look quite dashing with gold wings.

Vervian is very cute! I hope the nooboo is a little vampie lol.

Fingers crossed!

Just gotta post that I am really enjoying this story. Your sense of humor is great! I cannot wait for more Marjorie, Zack, Vervain, and the up coming vainboo! (fingers crossed)

Thank you very much for posting. I am glad you are enjoying the story. And just for you, I will post another chapter right now.

Chapter Thirty: Toddler Training

Vervain looks questioningly up at Mummy, as though to ask what they're doing.
Marjorie: Mummy is toilet training you now, darling, so she doesn't have to change your wet nappies anymore!

Having Bonehilda can come in so handy. This way the potty never makes a mess!

M: Hold on one second, Vervain. Mummy has to take care of this annoying paparazzi.
Vervain (thinking): I'm tired. I want to sleep.

M: There. Much better.

The next morning...
M: Aww nooboo.
Not angry, are you?
M: No. Vervain turned out to be worth it, I guess this one will too.

Awww, look at the wee sleeping family. Wait, who put Vervain in the crib?

Notice the co-ordinated high chair, there.

Zack, as the doting father, of course cannot give his perfect darling anything but his own Perfect food. He carefully blend sit up in the food processor...

Rats! Foiled again by Bonehilda!

Caption this as you will.

Then it's Daddy's turn.
Zack: Come here Vervain! Come to Daddy!

They decide the library would be a better place to conduct toddler training.

Marjorie reads a book, while Zack continues to teach Vervain to walk.

Then Marjorie takers a turn with the walking.

But when she gets distracted...

Zack finishes the job.

Now you shall see the beauty of a fairy toddler.

Yes, she is a throwing a fairy house party.

And look who's joining!

She can also put herself to bed and feed herself, which is just brilliant.

And people say having a toddler is difficult!
Oh, just you wait until you have a non-fairy toddler!

I love the beauty of a glow-in-the-dark garden at night.

Uh oh.

Marjorie, how dare you go into labour when I've hit my screenshot limit again!

Sorry, folks. Guess you'll just have to wait 'til next time.
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By samoht04


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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 29 Nooboos 20 Jan
« Reply #156 on: January 22, 2013, 08:53:50 PM »
But are my toddlers as cute as Vervain? Didn't think so.

Oh my god, I never realized that toddlers could use the fairy house. It would have made raising two fairy toddlers so much easier.

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Offline ladyaya

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 29 Nooboos 20 Jan
« Reply #157 on: January 23, 2013, 01:20:26 AM »
But are my toddlers as cute as Vervain? Didn't think so.

Oh my god, I never realized that toddlers could use the fairy house. It would have made raising two fairy toddlers so much easier. didn't know that? First game I made that had a fairy toddler I figured that out - plus if you read Rica's life state dynasty, Addy's kids have used the house as toddlers.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 30 An Heir At Last? 28 Jan
« Reply #158 on: January 28, 2013, 07:47:09 PM »
Wow, it's been a long time since I posted. I didn't realise it had been so long, sorry readers! And I want to say also, that I am so grateful for you reading and commenting, it really means a lot.

But are my toddlers as cute as Vervain? Didn't think so.

Oh my god, I never realized that toddlers could use the fairy house. It would have made raising two fairy toddlers so much easier.

Well, no one is as cute as Vervain, so I guess not. didn't know that? First game I made that had a fairy toddler I figured that out - plus if you read Rica's life state dynasty, Addy's kids have used the house as toddlers.

Yes. I discovered this with Vervain, actually. She surprised me by taking care of herself!

Chapter Thirty: An Heir At Last?

Last time, on the Callahan Life States Dynasty...

Marjorie was going into labour and apparently missing a meal at the same time.

Here come the sparkles! Marjorie actually looks happy! She must know...

That this is the heir.

Meet Rose Callahan, second generation and heir, born thirsty and crying.

She is Excitable and Hates the Outdoors. As a vampire, I don't blame her. It's actually rather convenient.

Zack: Is her Daddy's widdle girl? Her's Daddy's widdle vampire girl!
Zack is very pleased to have a child after his own kind.

We now have one of each, with teddy bears to match.

Zack doesn't play favourites. Vervain is still Daddy's girl too. I forgot to mention it, but Vervain is a Slob and Light Sleeper. Thank heavens she wasn't the heir.

Marjorie: Hi, baby! How are you? Huh? How's Mama's baby?

M: Yay, I'm pretty again!
Showing off how you can fit into your old clothes, I see.

Zack shows Marjorie some well-deserved attention for bearing him two beautiful girls.

What with the new baby, Vervain is getting a lot of her attention from Bonehilda, but she likes Bonehilda and doesn't mind.

Z: Your tummy is so tiny! What's Mummy feeding you?

Z: Here, Daddy will give you the good stuff.

Z: Daddy loves you, Rose-bud.

Author's Notes
Somewhat sadly, Rose did not inherit her mother's colouring (which turns out not to be on the rainbow slider at all, but green). Fortunately, I was not going for a rainboo dynasty so I don't mind. I wanted Marjorie to be green because, well, she just is green. But Rose just isn't. I like a green fairy and a pale vampire. That works for me :)
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By samoht04


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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 30 An Heir At Last? 28 Jan
« Reply #159 on: January 28, 2013, 07:51:51 PM »
Quick, marry an original ghost and get some blue in the family!

Oh, and it's about time we get an heir. :P


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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 30 An Heir At Last? 28 Jan
« Reply #160 on: January 31, 2013, 03:02:10 AM »
Congrats on getting a heir! ;D

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 30 An Heir At Last? 28 Jan
« Reply #161 on: February 01, 2013, 08:52:13 PM »

Aw, I love the matching bears for each child! Haha, poor Vervain! What a creepy nanny Bonehilda makes. Still, I guess what with her dad she's used to cold, dead types. Rose getting the Hates the Outdoors trait is pretty fitting for a vampire.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 31 Grim Fans 4 Feb
« Reply #162 on: February 04, 2013, 07:59:17 PM »
Quick, marry an original ghost and get some blue in the family!

Oh, and it's about time we get an heir. :P

Hahaha, we'll see.

I completely agree, thank you all so much for your infinite patience! One hopes that Rose will not take so long--it was fully thirty weeks before Marjorie qualified for an heir.

Congrats on getting a heir! ;D

Thank you! Second time is the charm, I suppose!

Aw, I love the matching bears for each child! Haha, poor Vervain! What a creepy nanny Bonehilda makes. Still, I guess what with her dad she's used to cold, dead types. Rose getting the Hates the Outdoors trait is pretty fitting for a vampire.

Thank you, I do too. I am a firm believer that we are given bears for all life states, we should match them. That will continue throughout the dynasty. Indeed, Vervain is not bothered at all by death. She has a vampire father, a skeleton nursemaid, and zombies and ghosts are constantly about her. Perhaps it will affect her later in life.

Marjorie: We just think both our children are the most beautiful nooboos ever born. No, Trip, I don't mind at all that they're not green like me. Maybe we'll have another child that's green.
What's this? My commitment phobe plotting another child?
M: Aw, shut it.
So respectful of your Watcher.

Apparently some Sims are still sore about Marjorie's supposed solecism (how's that for alliteration?). Including their disrespectful maid.

Zack holds up Rose so we can get a good look at her. Looks like she got his eyes. At the point she looks absolutely nothing like her mother. But then, she is still a burrito. She is a very pretty burrito though, I think.

Marjorie watches solemnly as Grim removes an unwanted guest.
M: That will teach you not to sit in our rockers! So, Grim, how's it going?
Grim: Oh, fine. Not much going on at work, you know, except the usual. There are rumours, though...
M: Oh, do tell!

M: You poor man! If anyone needs a Sorrow Annihilator, you do.

Marjorie teaches Vervain to talk, saying all the important things.
M: Maybe when you get bigger you can fish! Daddy would like to make some new fish dishes. Can you say fish?
No response.

M: Is nooboo too hungry to learn to talk right now? Want a bottle?
Vervain: Bottle!

Ah, she has her priorities. What toddler cares about fishing, anyway?

M: Daddy gives Mummy flowers. Maybe some day a boy will give you flowers.
V: Daddy say Mummy flower.


M: Maybe when you get older, Mummy and Daddy will throw you a party!
V: Party!

M: You should be glad you're a spare in a Life States Dynasty and not a Immortal Dynasty. You can fall in love and get married.
V: Wuv!
Z (from another room):Not until you're 30 days at least!

M (ignoring Zack): Then we'll throw you a big wedding party!
V: Yay party!

There seems to be a theme here.

M: I dunno, Zack. I'm kind of tired.

M: Ugh! What am I thinking? We still have two nooboos!

But Zack is very patient, and resourceful.

M: Oh! Flowers. How sweet.

Next thing you know...
M: The nooboo is crying.
Z: The nooboo can wait.

Then, of course, since they are parents now, someone has to get up and take care of the nooboo. Zack clearly disapproves of what Marjorie is feeding the child.
Z: She's a vampire, for Watcher's sakes!
M: Yes, a
nooboo vampire, Zack! What do you want her to eat?
Z: *grumble grumble*

And, in closing, some people will stop at nothing to get famous, or to meet famous people.

Person who starved to death to meet Grim: Hey, it's true! You do get to meet Grim if you hang out here!
Grim: You people keep me in business, I'll say that.

Starvation ghost: So totally rad to meet you, man.
Grim graciously shakes her hand, ever kind to his fans. Aside from taking them from life, of course.

And the maid is not impressed.
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By samoht04

Offline azokka361

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 31 Grim Fans 4 Feb
« Reply #163 on: February 04, 2013, 08:05:13 PM »
Wow, it must be hard for poor Marjorie to resist Zach in his sleepwear! Methinks and/or mehopes there is another nooboo on the way soon! Vervain is very pretty! So is Rose--I think. She's a very lovely burrito!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Rhoxi

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Re: The Callahan Life States Dynasty--Ch 31 Grim Fans 4 Feb
« Reply #164 on: February 07, 2013, 10:42:51 PM »

Whoah, thirty weeks just in the first generation? Craziness!

Just have Marjorie tell Zach it's plasma juice. ;) Oh, the unforeseen marital squabbles of fairy/vampire couples!

