Author Topic: Review?  (Read 9390 times)

Offline simone23

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« on: September 24, 2012, 11:46:34 AM »
I'm still trying to decide whether or not to get supernatural.  I'm more of a realistic player and I'm worried about zombie invasions wreaking the kind of havoc that the vampire and celebrity invasions did (although I do love my Extravagator).  Sooner or later I will probably play a vampire or a genie, I do play mummies but only until I can transform them into hu-sims and move them out, and I had a ghost baby once...

My question is: is there enough other content for me in the Supernatural EP to bother with this pack? And, if one disallows witches, does one still get inundated with zombies?

Offline samoht04

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Re: Review?
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2012, 11:49:30 AM »
We have a whole thread for First Impressions of Supernatural that you might find helpful.  :) I really like this EP, it's a lot of fun and still have yet to try everything!

Zombies can't be turned off like other Occults but you can wipe them with a new cheat on the Mailbox or just not have a Full Moon.
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Offline simone23

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Re: Review?
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2012, 12:09:01 PM »
Thanks, I looked at the First Impressions thread and it was helpful, but it didn't give me a good overall impression of the game (or at least, the impression it gave me was that fairies are pretty, rainbow nooboos are super cute, and zombies are everywhere).  What I'm really interested in are new objects / skills... What would someone get out of this EP if they didn't want to play a witch, fairy, or werewolf?

Offline Ricalynn

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Re: Review?
« Reply #3 on: September 24, 2012, 12:16:04 PM »
Carl's Guides give helpful information about the new content that came with expansions but what I think you're looking for might be best found on another website.   We tend to deal in facts and if the opinions of other members already stated aren't enough for you then maybe a review from SimsVIP or one of their linked reviews might help you better. 

If you're not going to play a Supernatural - there are new recipes, new plants.  The furniture and clothes are fun for themed houses, such as whimsical & victorian.  I'm in love with the new fence because I've wanted one with columns built in forever.   Alchemy is a skill you can read about and I find it fun but part of that is turning other sims into tragic clowns.  Beyond that - I'm not sure if it offers a lot to someone who isn't interested in the new life states part of the game play.
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Offline Schipperke

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Re: Review?
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2012, 01:39:33 PM »
Simone, I am also not very interested in alternate life forms.  I do have SN but had to uninstall it because I think my disc may be faulty (or perhaps the problem is in my aging computer, I'm not sure).  What I did like, during the brief time I had it installed, was all the new stuff - clothes, hair, objects.  I think they did a nice job creating distinctive, attractive stuff for this EP, more than most of the others - of course, that is my opinion and probably relates to the kind of tastes I have.  I hope to be able to reinstall SN but it will be mainly for the objects, hair, etc - I will likely turn off the supernatural populations most of the time.  And I'd like to try the Alchemy skill because I think there are some very interesting potions that can be created.
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Offline MoMoll

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Re: Review?
« Reply #5 on: September 24, 2012, 01:46:34 PM »
Personally, I like the witch and alchemy aspects. Not too crazy about werewolfs, fairies and zombies. My witch, has almost fulfilled her alchemy skill. You know how singers get trashed when performing? After the show, she casts spells on those who booed her. Turning them into frogs, or giving them a "pestilence curse", or my favorite "haunting curse" (lasts 3 days).. One way to get back at jerks who throw rotten fruit at you.

Offline Susinok

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Re: Review?
« Reply #6 on: September 25, 2012, 06:24:43 AM »
I'm still trying to decide whether or not to get supernatural.  I'm more of a realistic player and I'm worried about zombie invasions wreaking the kind of havoc that the vampire and celebrity invasions did (although I do love my Extravagator).  Sooner or later I will probably play a vampire or a genie, I do play mummies but only until I can transform them into hu-sims and move them out, and I had a ghost baby once...

My question is: is there enough other content for me in the Supernatural EP to bother with this pack? And, if one disallows witches, does one still get inundated with zombies?

Being able to control vampire population (and all supernaturals) and celebrities was worth the price of admission alone. Plus there's new plants, the gem cutter, hair, jobs, clothes, cool furniture, and I even did make a family of vampires and werewolves to live in my town, even though I am focusing on one family. I like that I can turn their spawning off so they don't take over the entire town.

But I can't resist an EP or stuff pack. I have everything except Katy Perry.

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Offline Shirin

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Re: Review?
« Reply #7 on: September 25, 2012, 07:22:42 PM »
I thought that the population controls came with patch 1.38?

But the plants, gem cutter, hair and clothes, and furniture? Total extra bennies.


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Re: Review?
« Reply #8 on: September 25, 2012, 07:53:05 PM »
There are also loads of little fun objects in the EP. Rocking chairs, toy trains, new arcade games, and beekeeping.

Offline simone23

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Re: Review?
« Reply #9 on: September 26, 2012, 12:23:44 AM »
Thanks! I think I'm going to go ahead and get the expansion.  It sounds like, on balance, there's enough in this to make it worthwhile even for a non-SN player.

Offline LivvieLove

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Re: Review?
« Reply #10 on: September 28, 2012, 07:01:41 PM »
I know it's probably a little late to throw in my opinion but I wanted to say that I, like you, never really liked Vampires or Mummies or Ghost-Sims and never played them frequently. I was actually ready to pass up this expansion entirely (especially after I saw the video about how it looked, the werewolves looked so silly!) but in a splurge of the moment when pre-ordering seasons I went ahead and got it anyway. I was very pleasantly surprised and I even have grown to like these supernaturals. I think you'll be surprised, but I can't speak for you. Be sure to let us know what you think!

Offline roboveg

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Re: Review?
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2012, 12:20:33 AM »
I might also be late to the party, but here's what I think: If you have any interest in collecting or gardening (as I do), this expansion is pretty sweet. Plenty of new types of plants and gems, and the gem cutter and indoor plant pots add variety those skills. The alchemy skill ties in nicely to collecting/gardening, too.

I actually thought I would like the supernatural life states more than I do, but they take a lot of micromanaging to control, in my experience. I prefer the witches, as their powers are not as much a departure from the vanilla sims as, say, werewolves freaking out and transforming because they're tired/hungry/whatever. The random element of the transfiguration charm is fun - there's a chance of getting some pretty hard to find collectables that way.

I was surprised to find that I love the atmosphere of Moonlight Falls. It doesn't feel quite as finished as the other towns, but there's room for expansion and renovation. But the ambience seems very different than other towns, and it adds a grittier feel to my storytelling.

Offline simone23

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Re: Review?
« Reply #12 on: October 03, 2012, 07:50:03 PM »
Thank you everybody for so much interest :) I have to confess, after saying so much about being a "realistic" player... I am now playing Robin Pistachio (male witch) and Whisper Morgan (female fairy) and loving them.  They're engaged and planning a honeymoon to China...  I'll see what I can do about pictures.

Edit: Married under a full moon...

Offline Skyla

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Re: Review?
« Reply #13 on: October 04, 2012, 10:14:01 AM »
I'm the same, right now I can't decide on The Sims 3 supernatural. I play The sims on a laptop and with seasons on it's way I can't decide which to get. Does supernatural take up much space on a laptop/PC? (is it a big Ep like pets?)

Offline MoMoll

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Re: Review?
« Reply #14 on: October 04, 2012, 03:33:11 PM »
Thank you everybody for so much interest :) I have to confess, after saying so much about being a "realistic" player... I am now playing Robin Pistachio (male witch) and Whisper Morgan (female fairy) and loving them.  They're engaged and planning a honeymoon to China...  I'll see what I can do about pictures.

Edit: Married under a full moon...

Cool! I have 2 witches together; because she likes to do spell casting duels and I'm not playing Moonlight Shores at the moment.