More toddlers then you can shake a stick at.
First things first adorable toddler birthday pictures.
Baby Bea is just so sweet,he has his dad's bone structure and it looks like he has his grandmother,Sophie, hair colour.
Baby Cee is very much her mothers daughter.
Baby Ay who is now known as Coconut gets her Grandpa Chewy's eye colour and her dad's bone structure.I think she is as cute as a button.
Bea:Mummy I see dead people.
Acorn:That is your great grandpappy son.
Bea:Oh okay then.
Gator:Woot roadtrip!
Acorn:Will there be people there.
Voice:Yes probably now shush.
Pistachio:I need the toilet.
Voice:I told you to go before we left.
Pistachio:I got distracted and forgot.
Voice:Well it is too late now,can you hold on till we get to the park and I will cure you.
Acorn:Of course she can't hold it she is about ninety seven.
Pistachio:No I am not..tell her I am not that old.
Voice:Stop arguing!
Gator:I think one of the babies needs a diaper change.
Acorn:Are you sure it is one of the babies.
Voice:Help somebody,please.
Gator:Clever girl Coco you are getting it.
Acorn:Come on Bea show mummy how clever you are.
Pistachio:I think my one is cheating she is flying!
Gator:And one day when you are a big wolf we can go hunting together.
Coco:Grrrr wolfy hunt!
Gator:Yes you are the fourth generation of werewolves in this town that is very important.
Coco:Wolfy part of pack..yes am!
Gator:Yes you are.
Coco:Yes indeedy!
Voice:Enjoying baby sitting duty.
Gator:Why won't they sleep..I just need to sleep.
Voice:Welcome to parenthood honey.
Voice:Synchronised toddler training how cute.
Pistachio*shouting from the other room:You know you don't really have to train the toddlers you know.
Gator:We don't.
Pistachio:No it is not in the rules,Coco just needs to be best friends with you and Acorn and learn two skills.
Gator:But she did that yesterday.
Voice:What,I just wanted to play with the cute little nooboos...okay okay someobdy go buy a birthday cake.