Author Topic: The Smith Life State Dynasty And they call it puppy love(June 7th).  (Read 76692 times)

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Time to grow up(November 4th)
« Reply #105 on: November 04, 2012, 09:39:33 AM »
From what I can remember she is friendly,inappropriate,commitment issues,athletic and technophobe. It was the technophobe trait that I liked I want her to break things for Cashew to mend for the handyness skil challanges.

@Wiry Sophie Rodgers she starts of in Moonlight Falls as a toddler.


Funnily enough, in my legacy Sophie got the good trait and her mom married Ayden Van Gould.
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Time to grow up(November 4th)
« Reply #106 on: November 04, 2012, 03:59:30 PM »
That is so the best vampire outfit! Aaahh! He is so handsome, I love his hair and his clothes he is so cool! Okay calming down.
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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Time to grow up(November 4th)
« Reply #107 on: November 05, 2012, 06:33:21 AM »
Very clever of Cashew to read the rules lol.
Good luck with those commitment issues. :P

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter A Cashew catch up(November 2nd)
« Reply #108 on: November 08, 2012, 05:29:40 PM »
Voice:Drat and double drat!

Thanks for making me laugh again ;D

Voice:Now lets try a romantic social or four.
Sophie:I don't know if I mentioned this or not but I have the commitment issues trait.

Don't you love it when that happens? ;)
Problem? Don't panic! There is always a solution. You just have to find it  :D

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Time to grow up(November 4th)
« Reply #109 on: November 08, 2012, 07:09:11 PM »
Rachel, So happy to have found you're continuing this. Chewy's a great nickname for a vampire -- did you think of that when you came up with Cashew?
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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Time to grow up(November 4th)
« Reply #110 on: November 09, 2012, 05:23:58 AM »
Rachel, So happy to have found you're continuing this. Chewy's a great nickname for a vampire -- did you think of that when you came up with Cashew?
No I have a list of names that I plan on using throughout the dynasty and Cashew as at the top of my list. The nickname Chewy just popped into my head when I was writing and I wanted to give him a shortened version of Cashew. Cashy or Shewy didn't seem quite right then inspiration struck and he became Chewy.

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Time to grow up(November 4th)
« Reply #111 on: November 11, 2012, 06:16:42 PM »
Commitment issues my foot.

The obligatory makeover although in my opinion Sophie is quite pretty and doesn't need much to make her over.

Pistachio:Run faster you worm.
Sophie:Help somebody..
Voice:Pistachio be nice.
Pistachio:I am being nice.
Sophie:This is you being..nice?
Pistachio:I am a former empress of evil you are lucky I am not making you run in the snow.
Voice:You can't do that.
Sophie:Because it is against my Sim-man rights?
Voice:No,because we don't have Seasons yet. Wait a week or two Pistachio then you can make her run in the snow.
Pistachio:Oh good I can't wait.
Sophie:Help anybody anybody at all.

Sophie:Chewy don't,I am all sweaty from my workout.
Cashew:Maybe I like you all sweaty.
Voice:You know it's love when even sweat can't come between you.
Cashew:Voice that is just gross.
Sophie:Yeah that is just wrong eww.
Voice:What did I say...hey it was you two who started talking about sweat....wait come back.

Cashew:Sophie my love my perfectly perfect darling say you will be mine.
Sophie:Nothing would give me greater pleasure.
Voice:So much for having commitment issues.

Sophie:Oooh shinny.
Voice:Even the most uncommitted of Sims just can't resist the lure of a big diamond can they.
Sophie:La la la why do birds suddenly appear every time you are near.
Voice:Not birds love,bats,its bats that appear around him.
Cashew:Don't mention the V a m p thing.
Voice:I mean yay congratulations.Now make the wish make the wish make the wish.
Cashew:I wish to woohoo with Sophie.
Voice:Typical man.

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Commitment issues my foot Nov 11th
« Reply #112 on: November 11, 2012, 06:27:27 PM »
350 or 575?  :D

Typical man is right! They get engaged and want to take the new fiance for a quick romp! or date. The first woohoo should be worth at least a 1000 LTH points, but nooooooo a measly 350 to 575.   :o

Love your Smiths!  ;)

Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Commitment issues my foot Nov 11th
« Reply #113 on: November 11, 2012, 06:34:26 PM »
Ha, typical man indeed!  I'm glad those commitment issues posed no problem for Cashew....I wouldn't be surprised if acquiring Pistachio as a mother-in-law gave her second thoughts though ;D

Offline MarianT

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Commitment issues my foot Nov 11th
« Reply #114 on: November 11, 2012, 06:49:08 PM »
Rachel, your song choices always crack me up. You're much too young to have heard of the Carpenters. Glad Chewy got past the commitment issues.
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Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Commitment issues my foot Nov 11th
« Reply #115 on: November 11, 2012, 07:08:39 PM »
The First WooHoo wish is worth around 2,500 in my experience but only if they are married. Otherwise it's just a random WooHoo wish. When they first get married is when they usually pop the First WooHoo wish.
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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Commitment issues my foot Nov 11th
« Reply #116 on: November 12, 2012, 04:41:18 AM »
350 or 575?  :D

Typical man is right! They get engaged and want to take the new fiance for a quick romp! or date. The first woohoo should be worth at least a 1000 LTH points, but nooooooo a measly 350 to 575.   :o

Love your Smiths!  ;)
Thank you I am pretty fond of my Smiths too.

Ha, typical man indeed!  I'm glad those commitment issues posed no problem for Cashew....I wouldn't be surprised if acquiring Pistachio as a mother-in-law gave her second thoughts though ;D
Pistachio says she doesn't understand and that she makes a perfectly lovely mother in law.She is delusional as well as being evil.
Rachel, your song choices always crack me up. You're much too young to have heard of the Carpenters. Glad Chewy got past the commitment issues.
My mum was a bit of a carpenters fan so I grew up listening to them. It could have been AbbA but I couldn't recall any bird or bat related songs that they did. Due to technical difficulties I played Chewy's proposal five times which was all kinds of fun.

The First WooHoo wish is worth around 2,500 in my experience but only if they are married. Otherwise it's just a random WooHoo wish. When they first get married is when they usually pop the First WooHoo wish.

To be honest I have never known anyone pop the woohoo wish after the engagement I usually get throw a bachelor party wishes. But Chewy is a Smith and they all march to the beat of their own drums.

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Offline ratchie

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter Commitment issues my foot Nov 11th
« Reply #117 on: November 12, 2012, 11:33:48 AM »
The way to a man's heart.

It seemed obvious that Chewy need a push in the right direction as far as wishing to get married goes. So he and Sophie went on dates they watched the stars and cuddled up on the sofa.This lead to many wishes to woohoo but not marriage.
So because there is a certain physical attribute I want in this here life states dynasty I sent Sophie to have plastic surgery.

Voice:So how did the surgery go?
Sophie:Don't look at me I am hideous.
Voice:Don't be silly.It won't be that bad.

Voice:Oh my god..kill it kill it...
Voice:My eyes are bleeding make it stop.
Sophie:I thought you said it won't be that bad.
Voice:I lied now get back into the hospital we need to fix this pronto.

Voice:That is so much better. Pointy little pixie ears.So adorable.

Sophie:Why have you locked me in a room with all of these electrical items.
Voice:Because you have the technophobe trait.
Sophie:So if I was hydrophobic you would make me go for a swim.
Voice:Well yes most probably but that is not the point.
Sophie:So what is the point.
Voice:You break them and Chewy fixes them.

Cashew:You know as I stand here repairing this television I just can't help wishing that I could marry Sophie.
Cashew:Yes now.For reals.
Voice:Hold on one second I need to go unlock the kitchen door.So excited a wedding woot.
Cashew:Shouldn't you move my wedding wish to the wish pannel to make it all official.
Voice:Whoops yes of course..silly me forget my head next.
Voice:I heard that.

Ladies and gentleman say a big congratulations to Cashew and his lovely bride Sophie.

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Offline Silverbella

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter The way to a man's heart Nov 12th.
« Reply #118 on: November 12, 2012, 11:46:51 AM »
Sophie's first reveal nearly caused me to fall out of my chair...yikes.  She looks sooo lovely after the second try though, good save Ratch.

Offline RainBeau

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Re: The Smith Life State Dynasty new chapter The way to a man's heart Nov 12th.
« Reply #119 on: November 12, 2012, 01:09:01 PM »
Heh heh. But anyway, Sophie looks absolutely adorable after the second makeover. I love how her little Katy Perry dress matches her wings! So cute!
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