A Cashew catch up.(with screenshots)
Cashew and Daddy. Basically Cashew is a little Tristan mini-me.
Cashew:Plink plonk plinky plonk.
Fang(vampire bear):Can you stop making that racket.
Voice:No,no he can't.
Fang:It is driving me insane.
Cashew:Plinky plonkerty plonk.
Voice:(turns volume down)I don't understand what you are complaining about.
Fang:It is okay for you,you have a volume switch.
Pistachio:Chewy you will learn to play faster if you stop sitting on your xylophone.
Fang:For goodness sakes woman do not let that child near any musical instruments ever ever again.
Tristan:Heart broken in two...cannot go on...so very very sad.
Voice:And engage moodlet manager.
Tristan:Okay so it was nice being married to you and whatnot.
Pistachio:Yeah you two,laters hun.
Cashew:Well this birthday pretty much sucks.
Voice:Aww don't be sad.What do you want to do for your birthday my treat.
Cashew:I wish to see the ghost of Tristan Gould-Smith.
Voice:I think you may need to see a therapist.
Cashew:I am from a broken home what do you expect.
Voice:And you don't even have the evil trait either.
Cashew:I know freaky or what.
Voice:Welcome to your future Chewy.
Cashew:Well this is boring.
Voice:Shouldn't have rolled the loves outdoors trait then..I mean you do know that you are a vampire don't you.
Cashew:Your point being.
Voice:Vampires are not generally know for being the outdoorsy type.
Cashew:Shut up Voice.
Voice:I am just saying.
Chewy all grown up and handsome. Like I said before he is very much his fathers son.
Cashew:Mum,I don't how to tell you this but..
Pistachio:You can tell me anything son.
Cashew:I am a vampire.
Pistachio:Despite the fact that your father was a vampire I am shocked and surprised at this revelation.
Cashew:How dare you react in that way.
Pistachio:I dare,oh I dare alright sunshine.Big fat negative signs all around.
Voice:Oh for goodness sakes.Stop being so silly and make friends.
Cashew:Don't want too..
Pistachio:He started it.
Voice:You are both as bad as one another..now make friends.
Voice:What you doing?
Voice:But the pages are blank and slightly glowy.
Cashew:It is okay I am a vampire.
Voice:So vampires can read books that have blank pages.
Cashew:I am reading the books mind so I know what it is trying to say.
Voice:That is so awesome.
Cashew:I know,right.