Some new additions.
First things first Cashew has completed all of his tasks.
One occult best friend:Dahlia Goodfellow(fairy)
Two carrer rewards:Fishing trophy and fishing certificate.
Three opps:A fisherman and a plumber,substitute instructor,bring back the jams.
four unique LTR:Body sculptor,attractive,always on the list,bookstore bargainer.
Five 5 k wishes:Catch every type of fish,reach level ten in fishing skill,reach level ten in handiness skill,reach level ten in fishing career,marry Sophie Rodgers.
Six skill challanges:Gem collector, Amateur Ichthyologist,Commercial Fisherman,electrician,plumber,tinkerer.
Seven items for the masouleum:Seven upgraded items using the handiness skill.
Now back to the story.
Meet Cerebus she was adopted from the shelter.
This is Fang he is also from the shelter. They keep Pistachio occupied.
Voice:Alrighty then tasks are completed lets make us some fairyboos.
Cashew:I accuse you of cheating. now.
Sophie:Calm down Chewy.
Cashew:I will not calm down you dirty rotten cheater.
Voice:Woah your relationship bar has totally tanked.
Several hours later.
Cashew:I am sorry I shouted at you Soph can you ever forgive me.
Sophie:Of course I forgive you snuckums.
Voice:Yes yes everybody forgives everyone else now go make a baby.
Voice:Come on fairyboo!
Cashew:That is not helping.
Voice:Just trying to give you some moral support.
Cashew:We have done this before you know.
Voice:Well excuse me for trying to help.
Sophie:Voice get out now.
Cashew:Hello little nooboos.
Nooboos:Alright dad see you soon.
Cashew:Yes you will yes you will.
Acorn she is a beautiful fairyboo with the loner and slob traits.
Almond she is another fairyboo with the friendly and couch potatoe traits.
Brazil he is a vampboo and has the loves the outdoors and disciplined traits. Seriously what is it with vamps and loving the outdoors in this family. Brazil is out of the running as far as heir goes.