My founder has the observant LTR and nothing came up, when I mouse over the box in the top left it shows her name and nothing else, usually there are the ? of unknown traits so I'm assuming she has none, it is very odd but I'm sort of glad to at least have the sim back even if she isn't the same as before she moved.
I don't mind if she stays blank to be honest, she might seem bland long term but she stayed overnight and got on well with everybody.
Shirin, the potential spouse is still in the tummy at the moment, I would imagine her own family tree is gone now, weirdly her father asked one of my other sims on a date just after I reloaded and she got her new name, he didn't show up though when I said yes.
I was thinking Rica meant spouse with like 4 traits (like Lisa Bunch), have to take her as it is. Since this is game error I didn't want to punish Turoskel for EA failure to create a bug-free game.
Let's check with the team/boss and will get back to you Turoskel.
Okay, I have plenty of time as I said he's not born yet, might not even be a fairy so may need to try again.