Decisions regarding Patch 1.55 Features:
The main features we are going over is in regards to: Moving Towns, Private Lot Purchases and New abilities to place Lots.
In regards to placing lots: Yes it's cool we can now place lots over water. However, Players have never been able to place an empty lot just to place one and still cannot. This part of Edit Town is never going to change. If you place a lot, it needs to have a purpose and a venue put on top of it. Otherwise, don't place the empty lot.
In regards to moving towns: Life States Dynasties are not allowed to move unless absolutely necessary, can't complete the challenge without it, permission is mandatory beforehand kind of way. Things to note about the new feature to move towns. It will be the preferred way to move towns when the need arises. If your file ever gets so bad you have to move because we can't find another way to fix the issue, then we will work with you get to the new town in tact.
In regards to purchasing private lots/additional homes: There is absolutely no reason why a family cannot buy a private lot. There are many advantages to having another lot and if someone can think of a reason it should be banned - don't hesitate to tell us. At this time, dynasty families are allowed to purchase extra homes. However, dynasty families still cannot move from their original location. The active lot must always be the one you purchased as soon as you started the game. Another stipulation is that private lots purchased cannot be an empty lot that was placed by a player. Sure you can by that empty 20 x 30 next to the Bunches but that new one you put down on the beach. Forget about it. Not an option. This is too close to making your own lots which is against the rules.
In short - No you can't move towns without permission. No you can't go place a new empty lot over water to buy. Yes you can have new home lots but no you can't move and no they can't be lots you placed.
Things to note about private lots: grills do not work, increases file size.