Unfortunately I deleted my Life State dynasty game file instead of the one I intended to delete so I need to start over. I had a brain storm and was going to start a new thread since I will be making a new founder formy next try.
Question #1 I was wondering is there something I need to put in the title or the first/last post so it will be moved to the graveyard?
Question #2 Reading this thread has me worried/wondering if there is any restrictions on giving an Imaginary Friend to a "child"(could be toddler) other then the who has received it. The reason being I hope to do an Imaginary Friend as a Life state but I worry that the heir I would want to have an Imaginary Friend wouldn't receive one. If it can be given to the heir that then I know the heir is the one who who build a relationship with it and make it real when they became a young adult, since the heir must bring their spouse into the house and it must wait until they are of an age to get married.
Question #3 Does anyone know if the game treats Imaginary friends as an occult life state in that an Imaginary Friend/Alien hybrid would not count as an Alien since it is unable to use it's powers once it is of an age life with other occults or does it think of Imaginary Friends as human and they are able to use their power?
Question #4 I'm confused.
Are we supposed to add buildings: ie. Plumbob Pictures Backlot, Gypsy Wagon, and Arboretum, to an empty in edit Town before we place our founder or do we wait til our founder can afford to buy properties and them place them on the properties we own? I asked about the Plumbob Pictures Backlot despite it having a lot, because I haven't always been able to get a 64x64 lot in the Sims to place it in and the building itself can be put down and used for the acting/directing careers.
Hopefully that all made sense.