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You can age them up early if they are a spare but if they're the heir, you have to wait until their birthday and then you can use the cake on their birthday, not before.
I know you say it's only effecting one household member but did you try replacing the stairs just in case? I hate to say use Edit Town if something like replacing the stairs does work.
Yes, I already did that twice. It seems to work for a sim day or two, but then the bug starts again. I even tried remodeling the house and puting the stairs somewhere else but it always ends up coming back after a while. I've had this bug in other files before and it always goes away by reseting the affected sim, but I have no idea what's different now .
Even though they are triplets, the game will allow you to age them up separately unless you want them to remain the same age for your story.
Just wanted to doublecheck on this - it says on the first page with the rules that after all toddler/child/teen tasks have been achieved, you're allowed to use the birthday cake to age them up, but I can't see it stated anywhere that you have to wait until their birthday. I haven't reached this point myself in my current attempt, but I would like to be absolutely sure.
burrito life stage
Seriously? Who comes up with this?
burrito sounds better than maggot
I just want to say, I do not recommend allowing your Sims to become celebrities for this challenge. Every time my Sims WooHoo they get Publicly Disgraced for WooHoo with an occult! Why is that a public disgrace anyway? It's fairly frustrating.