I'm into the second generation. I started with a fairy, she completed all of her requirements before getting married and giving birth to the next heir. My founder is a gardener and so I used the gardening skill challenges, as well as the fishing skills and the Mushroom Collector skill for her six skill challenges. The problem that I am facing now, is that I was double checking the collection journal for her spouse, because I wasn't thinking about him hunting and I want to use those skill challenges as add-ons for other heirs. It is showing that he has the mushroom collector skill challenge completed. I know for a fact that he didn't have it when he married my founder, I checked for all of that. His hunts have only produced a couple of metals, gems and insects, no where close to having enough to complete a skill challenge, so he's done hunting for the duration of his lifetime. However, the 2nd generation twins are also showing that they have collected mushrooms, though they have not maxed the skill, but I believe that is because the founder no longer has all the mushroom types in her garden. Each time she harvests a mushroom the entire household is getting a memory notification. None of them have gone out collecting mushrooms on their own, and the garden is locked to only the founder having access. None of the other collection items are being recorded by anyone but the founders spouse, since he is the one who hunted them.
So what I need to know is if I need to restart or is this going to be considered a glitch and I can carry on? If I had known it was going to happen I would have removed all the mushrooms from the garden before getting my founder hitched, lol.