I do have money and venue-related wishes, but she's just barely fired the 2500 point for 3 venues - and once that was fulfilled, a replacement one didn't fire. She's working on painting and writing, and successfully got the Master Painting for 5k. She's at level 9 for writing, and Master Writing won't fire either. Nothing for painting a particular number of brilliants or masterpieces, or for writing a particular number of books. She's almost consistently at 4 empty wish spots. The only other thing I can think of it at present is to pick up the logic skill, and see if the Discover All Potions will fire. Reaching level 10 of her career is also blank, but that's somewhat understandable as she's just barely level 7.
Bah, maybe more will fire once she hits adulthood (and has a midlife crisis, I hope!).