Hello! I'm new here and just discovered all of these wonderful challenges/dynasties. I've been trying to read through threads carefully to learn rules and terminology, (VERY confusing for a newbie), as I would love to try the Life States Challenge.
However I am unsure if I would be able to reach all of the career placeable reward and skill challenge requirements with only Base, Generations, Pets, and Supernatural installed. Do I need to get ambitions to even attempt this challenge?
If you ever need help with the rules or terminology just ask and a lot of people have no problem stepping in to answer the questions, or you can always feel free to PM me and I'll respond as quickly as I can.
You do not need ambitions to do this challenge. While I think ambitions makes playing the game as a whole more fun, it's definitely not required with the expansions you have. The only one I'm not entirely certain of at the moment is the skill challenges but I know for a fact you can get the career rewards and 7 mausoleum items taken care of. I'm going to crunch some more numbers on the skill challenges but it looks like you should be able to do this no problem.
Just so you know, the other two dynasties are both achievable with just the base game. You don't have to read the entire thread of both and if you have any generalized questions about either, like I said, feel free to PM me anytime.
Oh and welcome to the forum!
Edit: I just crunched some numbers but if you plan very carefully and you watch some of your Sims to make sure they don't max (reach level 10) a skill they're not supposed to. You can do it. Without the collecting skill challenges, you have 40 that you could do and only one of them has ever proven to be so difficult most people give up. You need 42 total for the dynasty so I think you should be able to handle it with a little micro managing maybe here or there.