Author Topic: Rules: The Random Town Jump Project  (Read 124916 times)

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #120 on: June 24, 2013, 10:12:41 PM »
I may have to change the LTW of my female founder.  I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but it is in all of my towns -- my sims can't sign up for the self employed alchemy career. 

Frustrating, but hopefully they can fix it so that another member of the family can take that as a career, now I just have to decide what career would be good.  Need to do a check and see what will come up. 

I'm continuing to write the story, noting where pictures are to be at.  Hopefully, I can figure out what is going on.  Kids leave after the 4th of July, so if I haven't fixed it by then, I can focus more on it and yelling for help  ;D .

Yell all you want, Janna. I'm usually around here several times a day. ;) Sorry you're having technical difficulties. I'm also having problems in Lunar Lake. My sim can't sign up for any job or part time job. Sigh. Maybe it'll fix itself after Island Paradise is installed.

Offline Gogowars329

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #121 on: June 24, 2013, 10:39:13 PM »
Yell all you want, Janna. I'm usually around here several times a day. ;) Sorry you're having technical difficulties. I'm also having problems in Lunar Lake. My sim can't sign up for any job or part time job. Sigh. Maybe it'll fix itself after Island Paradise is installed.
Juderight, if you have a look at the Patch 1.55 thread on page 4 I also had that problem but it can be fixed by moving the rabbit holes back a few squares. You have to use moveobjects on to get the rabbit holes in a usable position.

Also, I've been thinking about starting one of these but after I finish a legacy or life states dynasty, it would be too much too write!
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Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #122 on: June 24, 2013, 10:51:07 PM »
I hope they get these problems fixed soon.  The problem with the combined rabbit holes where you can't go in, I was so glad that I had already bought the toddler books before the patch. 

It's going to be the end of July before I can buy the IP expansion pack, if nothing else happens, that is.  By then maybe they will have all of the problems taken care of. 
They are supposed to come and fix my fridge tomorrow, hope they can fix it.  The warranty runs out in Oct, glad I still have it but irritated that a new fridge, just five years old, it shouldn't have broken down once, let alone three times.  Not going to buy a GE every again, both appliances we bought at the same time, GE, have had nothing but problems. 

I just read the post of where you can move the rabbit holes. I am seriously thinking of just taking them out and using the ones from SV and making them single buildings.  I have done that in MF, I  hated those rabbit holes, they were so depressing looking, and no tables for dining outside.  Told my sims before I realized it was like that to eat outside and they had to stand on the sidewalk and eat. 
Took them out and added the Bistro, bookstore, grocery, spa and diner from SV and another town. 


Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #123 on: June 27, 2013, 10:23:09 PM »

My fridge is fixed.  The  new guy who came not only had the part for the inside, the fan and motor, but also some thingamajig for the back.  So I am trusting that it will now work, at least for more than just a year.  He also fixed my dishwasher, which I am glad for.

I am enjoying this project so much I have decided to do a second story, working on it now.  With this one I won't be doing one like the Guardian couple, where they have a curse to break, just the "regular" one, taking again a couple of aspects from some I have read here.  Instead of sending emails, my female sim is going to write in her diary. 
And another YEAH, my first roll was a town I was hoping for, so I can create a female sim and have her marry a sim that I really like and see what kind of offspring he will produce. 

A question on something that we can do. 

Are we allowed to let the heir and his mate have their first child in the town before they move and let the child grow to adulthood in the next town?  I'm not keen on having a lot of kids, usually one in my normal games, although for this project I will probably have at least two.  Anyhow, I am hoping that the first born will be the heir and want to give him or her a chance to age to toddler before I move so he will be closer in age to the kids in the new town.  A better chance to find a mate as there is usually a couple of kids that are in toddler or child stage at the beginning of a game.

Another question,

With the story progression problem but the need (which I like), for the mate to be someone from that town, can we save to the bin a couple of families from that town, say the Bunch and Keaton families from SV that have kids? 
Example would be, save those two families who have and are going to have children to the bin while the kids still young.  When your reaches the same age as those children are, such as the ages of the Bunch kids, you can then move them back to the town from your bin.  They are originally from there, but it will give your heir a chance to grow up with them and thus be able to find a mate when he or she becomes a YA.  Or even an couple of the YA who have died from old age, or are too old to be mates, so they can find one.  I am just wondering, I always think of the what ifs and would this work.  Drove my family crazy when I was a kid. 

Am I making sense?  Probably not, but just wondering how to work around the story progression problem.     

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #124 on: June 27, 2013, 11:06:55 PM »

A question on something that we can do. 

Are we allowed to let the heir and his mate have their first child in the town before they move and let the child grow to adulthood in the next town?  I'm not keen on having a lot of kids, usually one in my normal games, although for this project I will probably have at least two.  Anyhow, I am hoping that the first born will be the heir and want to give him or her a chance to age to toddler before I move so he will be closer in age to the kids in the new town.  A better chance to find a mate as there is usually a couple of kids that are in toddler or child stage at the beginning of a game.

Yes, that will be okay.

Another question,

With the story progression problem but the need (which I like), for the mate to be someone from that town, can we save to the bin a couple of families from that town, say the Bunch and Keaton families from SV that have kids? 
Example would be, save those two families who have and are going to have children to the bin while the kids still young.  When your reaches the same age as those children are, such as the ages of the Bunch kids, you can then move them back to the town from your bin.  They are originally from there, but it will give your heir a chance to grow up with them and thus be able to find a mate when he or she becomes a YA.  Or even an couple of the YA who have died from old age, or are too old to be mates, so they can find one.  I am just wondering, I always think of the what ifs and would this work.  Drove my family crazy when I was a kid. 

No, Sorry. That would defeat the purpose of randomness. The heir must marry a townie from his/her current town.

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #125 on: June 28, 2013, 09:49:22 AM »
Thanks for fixing my formatting. I was on my ipad and it wouldn't split up the quote.

Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #126 on: July 02, 2013, 11:53:13 AM »
I have a question.  Can we adopt children?  Not to be an heir (I already have that one picked out) but to be a type of babysitter?  I know that sounds bad, but my sims really need some help and I decided to adopt a child so they could have some help when needed, not considering if it is allowed. 
I am planning on aging her up four days early so she will be a teen.   

I am working on having some photos up about this family, the O'Shea's, sometime today.   

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Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #127 on: July 02, 2013, 11:56:05 AM »

I have a question.  Can we adopt children?  Not to be an heir (I already have that one picked out) but to be a type of babysitter?  I know that sounds bad, but my sims really need some help and I decided to adopt a child so they could have some help when needed, not considering if it is allowed. 
I am planning on aging her up four days early so she will be a teen.   

I am working on having some photos up about this family, the O'Shea's, sometime today.

Yes. There are no restrictions on who you add to the family. They just can't be the heir.

Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #128 on: July 03, 2013, 02:25:40 PM »

What is the order of how you write your stories?  Do you write the story and then get the photos to fit it, take photos and then write the story, combine or what?
With my memory problems, I am finding that if I play the game and then try to write the story I have forgotten things that happened and of course we can't backtrack.  I have been writing ahead, and taking photos, but realized when I was setting it up to post that some things had been left out; such as I forgot to take photos of her in China picking cherries.   

I have figured out what I am going to do to keep track which will work for me,  ;D but curious what others do to keep on track. 

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #129 on: July 03, 2013, 02:29:19 PM »
I take notes in notepad on my iPad. I don't really tell a story...I just narrate what's happening. I write down when I take a screenshot and the circumstances around it.

Offline bubbles

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #130 on: July 03, 2013, 04:54:53 PM »
I play the game, take screenshots, then work it into a story. I take notes on paper and don't play ahead of chapter posting so I remember what has happened. Sometimes, plan ahead if you want to get a special chapter that maybe just involves talking or normal everyday activities. Sometimes, these are the best chapters.
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Offline Ausette

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #131 on: July 03, 2013, 09:29:27 PM »
I like to take my screenshots first, taking notes in Microsoft Word as I go (I play with The Sims in non-fullscreen mode, which lets me refer to Word and my Screenshots folder). I find it easier to tailor my storytelling to the pictures than the other way around, so this method is what works best for me.  :)

Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #132 on: July 06, 2013, 04:56:47 PM »
Falsely accused of cheating.

I posted this in Misc Help section (I think) but I wanted to ask here what to do if I can't remove the false cheating accusation.  I won't give the details here as I don't want to double post, except that I have tried a couple of times to get to the RI (grandmother in Little Red Riding Hood family) and break it up and as soon as he sees her it comes up that he is a cheater and if he is near her she goes off on him and if he is near his wife she go off on him.  Either way, the relationship seems as if it will be ruined.

Any suggestions on what I can do to save it?  If I save them to the bin and move them back to another game in same town of DV would that remove the charges?  Can I even do that?  I just lost two hours of play time because of the stupid cheating charges.  He left to visit his brother and when he walked into the door it popped up that he was a cheater and his wife is furious and after an hour I couldn't even get her to talk just a couple of minutes before she starts to argue with him and then would be in tears; I guess due to one of her traits being Childish she isn't handling it very well.  Others are Flirty, Love of O., Perfectionist and Good.  His is Brave, Handy, Athletic, Charismatic and Ambitious.   

Or do I need to back track to a save before he was charged and see if I can play from there and hope he doesn't get charged again, or save to bin from there and move them back to a new DV town. 

For those who have read it do you think it is worth saving or should I just start a new game totally? 

It seems that right now no matter what my game may be lost.

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #133 on: July 06, 2013, 05:03:53 PM »
Don't give up yet. I believe there is a Lifetime Happiness Reward for "Clean Slate." Go ahead and do a cheat for 25,000 Lifetime Rewards to get the Reward. (Ctrl+Shift+C, then Ctrl+ Right Click around the Treasure Chest until you get that amount.) it should fix it.

Edit: You might have to put the Ctrl+Shift+C cheat in at the screen where you choose which family to play: Main Menu. I haven't done it for a long time so I'm not sure.

Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #134 on: July 06, 2013, 05:48:32 PM »
I've use that on testing games, you have to do it from the main menu before you go to your town. 
I just wasn't sure if that was allowed, which I am glad that I can as I am attached to this family and I have created a plot that I think will be nice and have some twists to it.  Or at least I am going to try to have some twists to it.

