My fridge is fixed. The new guy who came not only had the part for the inside, the fan and motor, but also some thingamajig for the back. So I am trusting that it will now work, at least for more than just a year. He also fixed my dishwasher, which I am glad for.
I am enjoying this project so much I have decided to do a second story, working on it now. With this one I won't be doing one like the Guardian couple, where they have a curse to break, just the "regular" one, taking again a couple of aspects from some I have read here. Instead of sending emails, my female sim is going to write in her diary.
And another YEAH, my first roll was a town I was hoping for, so I can create a female sim and have her marry a sim that I really like and see what kind of offspring he will produce.
A question on something that we can do.
Are we allowed to let the heir and his mate have their first child in the town before they move and let the child grow to adulthood in the next town? I'm not keen on having a lot of kids, usually one in my normal games, although for this project I will probably have at least two. Anyhow, I am hoping that the first born will be the heir and want to give him or her a chance to age to toddler before I move so he will be closer in age to the kids in the new town. A better chance to find a mate as there is usually a couple of kids that are in toddler or child stage at the beginning of a game.
Another question,
With the story progression problem but the need (which I like), for the mate to be someone from that town, can we save to the bin a couple of families from that town, say the Bunch and Keaton families from SV that have kids?
Example would be, save those two families who have and are going to have children to the bin while the kids still young. When your reaches the same age as those children are, such as the ages of the Bunch kids, you can then move them back to the town from your bin. They are originally from there, but it will give your heir a chance to grow up with them and thus be able to find a mate when he or she becomes a YA. Or even an couple of the YA who have died from old age, or are too old to be mates, so they can find one. I am just wondering, I always think of the what ifs and would this work. Drove my family crazy when I was a kid.
Am I making sense? Probably not, but just wondering how to work around the story progression problem.