Author Topic: Rules: The Random Town Jump Project  (Read 121821 times)

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #105 on: April 24, 2013, 10:14:36 PM »
I lost my list of towns, but I had the first 4 memorized. Is it ok if i randomize the remaining towns, and #1 on the randomizer would be #5 on my town jump?

Yes, that's fine.

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #106 on: April 30, 2013, 09:05:26 AM »

'Nother question, for future reference.

I have six towns, so obviously I'll be repeating them. AP, Bridgeport, HS, Riverview, SV, and Twinbrook. So, let's say, I roll a d6 and end up with... *rolls a d6* 3: Hidden Springs. Then when my heir moves out, I roll that d6 again. Is 3 a "reroll," or do I simply stay in Hidden Valley should it come up?

Sorry I missed your question :(.

I would re-roll for a different town.

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Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #107 on: June 12, 2013, 10:12:20 AM »
I was looking through projects as it was suggested for someone and  they sounded right for me, the legacies and dynasties are to strict for me.  This sounds interesting, probably will start it up after IP is released and I somewhat know my way around. 

Anyhow, what I was wondering is, with the problem of story progression, unless it is fixed, I am concerned how easy it will be to find a mate for my sim.  Which had me thinking is, if we could move in a sim from another town to use.  Example is George Dean from RV, I love this man (for mates for my sims), he produces beautiful babies, is a great husband and father.  But, when I move my sim family to RV, he will be too old for the child they have to be a future mate (unless you can use the fountain of youth elixir).  So, could he be moved to say AS to be a mate?  I know from another time that an offspring from him, even though moved there from another game, he could not marry, so that removes him from the possible prospects.
I moved his great-great-granddaughter to RV to be a mate and the programming noted her as his relative and she couldn't go for more than a friendship. 

Another question, how does the epic lifespan work?  I am going from what I have read that the sims live a very, very, very, very long time.  Wouldn't their offspring also live a very loooooonnggg time also?  Same with aging off, doesn't that keep them from dying?

Can we assign a number and then roll dice, would that be random enough?  With seven towns it should be enough to give a random choice. 

As for story, if I can get my computer to let me bring up the photos, I will at least give some info, but I don't how good of a story I could write.  I may want, wish to write, but reality is I would make a lousy author. 

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #108 on: June 12, 2013, 02:14:11 PM »
Janna, you can use elixirs if you want. I've never brought in sims from a different town. Part of the focus of the challenge is to watch the change of genetics from town to town.

The challenge is played on a "normal" time span.

You don't have to write a story but I'm sure you could do it! It couldn't be any worse than my writing.

Have fun with it!

Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #109 on: June 12, 2013, 03:38:32 PM »
I think I know why I was confused on the age aspect.  I had read this one, went to another one and was reading it; during reading it my computer for some reason said the site was interrupted.  So, had to get back online, come to this project I want to do and mixed the two up.   
So, have to marry a sim from that town.  Sunset Valley is the only town I really have had problems with in finding a decent mate. 

I really like the sound of it, I will have to use the Fountain of Youth possibly, as I don't play on normal, have the ages changed to what I like so will have to remember to switch back and forth. 

Note to self:  Remember to write a note to remember to switch lifestages from other games for this game.    ;D

Another question, what about the WA?  How does that fit into the project?  Can "monies" obtained from adventures be used, or not?  My sim just returned from a trip to China, she left with $14,000 and after the metals and gems were smelted and cut she had over $260,000.  A nice haul from metals, gems and books from China.

I'm figuring we can't marry a sim from a foreign country, so that leaves out one source of mates. 

It sounds like a lot of fun, but as I stated, it will be after I have IP and have played for a bit to get used to the town, or should I say islands  :D

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #110 on: June 12, 2013, 04:17:18 PM »
Another question, what about the WA?  How does that fit into the project?  Can "monies" obtained from adventures be used, or not?  My sim just returned from a trip to China, she left with $14,000 and after the metals and gems were smelted and cut she had over $260,000.  A nice haul from metals, gems and books from China.

Your sim can travel and use the monies obtained without restriction.

I'm figuring we can't marry a sim from a foreign country, so that leaves out one source of mates. 

If your heir has aged up in his/her town, if they want to travel and marry a foreigner, the marriage should take place before the family moves to the next town.

Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #111 on: June 12, 2013, 10:32:12 PM »
okay, I want to clarify some things.

I can create my own founder couple, but their heir has to marry a townie.  If they travel to a foreign country and meet someone there, can they invite them to visit and then marry them, that's still considered a townie.

I can use the monies made from visiting WA countries to get the increase of income, the goal is to go to seventh generation, not to make a certain amount of money. 

If I decide to start the game now, before I have IP, then after I get that town I can redo the randomizing and add it in.  Or do I just make it the last town to be visited? 

What I am thinking of doing is having a type of story of two sims from another world will be transported to the sim world by an evil wizard they have been fighting.  The dragons they ride have been changed to baby dragons and in order to return to their world they have to visit a set number of towns, perform a set number of tasks and when completed they will be returned to their world. 
What I plan on doing is that even if DV isn't the seventh town, I can visit there after the project is finished to compete my story of being returned to their world.
Not sure if I can do a very good story, but I am thinking about it. 

I'm figuring that my sims couple will have to be fae in order to live long enough to visit the last town, or use the fountain of youth elixir.  Or save them to the bin and add them after the seventh generation is born so they can finish their story part.

Since the project and the cure for the curse will be to have seven generations, and as I have (with IP) seven towns, I can make the seven towns as part of the curse/cure.  The LTW can also be a part, added as each couple is given their LTW. 

Still bouncing around ideas in my head.  I really want to do this after reading your story with the Crosby family.  Something that I can do, enough of a challenge to keep my interest yet not overwhelm me with lots and lots of rules.


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Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #112 on: June 12, 2013, 10:35:52 PM »
That sounds like a great story. Everything looks good to go. You can add your new town in anywhere you want. That what I'm doing with the Winterly Random Town Jump and Dragon Valley. I just can't leave it out ;).

Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #113 on: June 13, 2013, 03:11:37 PM »
Another question, sorry so many.

The founder couple, I prefer to make my own, but do I do a random on looks?  I am figuring that I will need to do so on traits and LTW, but I would prefer to create the sims in how I like them to look, hotties   :D

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #114 on: June 13, 2013, 04:18:22 PM »
Another question, sorry so many.

The founder couple, I prefer to make my own, but do I do a random on looks?  I am figuring that I will need to do so on traits and LTW, but I would prefer to create the sims in how I like them to look, hotties   :D

You can create the sim but please randomize the traits. You can pick the LTW from those that appear after traits have been chosen.

Offline sammymcgoff

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #115 on: June 14, 2013, 01:50:30 PM »
Hey judewright,

I'm starting my own Random Town Jump and I have a question? Is it OK if one half of the couple is a Supernatural, in my case, Vampire?
The Twinbrook Genetic Challenge

Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #116 on: June 14, 2013, 01:52:28 PM »
Sure. That would be fine...and very interesting!

Offline bubbles

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #117 on: June 22, 2013, 04:01:19 AM »
I have a few questions, so sorry if they have already been answered.

1. Do the heirs have to complete their lifetime wishes before moving to the new town?
2. When moving, are we allowed to use the new method that came with the update for Island Paradise?

Thanks in advanced!
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Offline JudesSims

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The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #118 on: June 22, 2013, 02:25:15 PM »
I have a few questions, so sorry if they have already been answered.

1. Do the heirs have to complete their lifetime wishes before moving to the new town?
2. When moving, are we allowed to use the new method that came with the update for Island Paradise?

Thanks in advanced!

1. The founder/heir can finish their LTW in the new town.

2. Yes.  You can use the new method of moving if you wish.

Offline Janna

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Re: The Random Town Jump Project
« Reply #119 on: June 24, 2013, 10:10:30 PM »
I may have to change the LTW of my female founder.  I don't know if anyone else is having this problem, but it is in all of my towns -- my sims can't sign up for the self employed alchemy career. 

Frustrating, but hopefully they can fix it so that another member of the family can take that as a career, now I just have to decide what career would be good.  Need to do a check and see what will come up. 

I'm continuing to write the story, noting where pictures are to be at.  Hopefully, I can figure out what is going on.  Kids leave after the 4th of July, so if I haven't fixed it by then, I can focus more on it and yelling for help  ;D .

