I am 90% sure that this is allowed, but want to make sure, read the rules and can't find anything that says we can't do this.
The rules are that we can not repeat a LTW of the heirs, if the LTW to be a surgeon is rolled and chosen, it can not be used again.
Is that for just the heir? What about the heir's mate? If my sim choses a mate that has the same career as her mother, then what? Her mother isn't the heir, she is married to him but is that allowed? And if the heirs mate had the same career as previous heir, how does that work? Their LTW, careers have already been chosen for them by the time the heir marries them.
I have a sim who will be the heir soon and the sim I have chosen for her mate is in the military, same as her mother. She will have a different career, Alchemy. Her father, who is the present heir, is an author. Founder was in music (the Lombardi family) and I have already chosen Alchemy for her, she has shown an interest and has some of the required traits. Plus, it is one of the two possible choices, others involved WA activities.
I'm figuring that this is something that has come up and I may have missed it, but decided to still ask; it is only the heir's LTW that can't be repeated, not other members of the sim family, including the mate to the heir. Such as Hit Movie Composer was chosen for Gizetta, but she wasn't the heir. It can be chosen for a later member of the family, who will be the heir. Is that allowed?
On a side note, it seems that after removing SEA and all my old games, especially ones that had larger files, many of my problems with my game have stopped. I haven't checked out the WA ones yet, worried it could be connected so am planning on doing a check with the family after they jump to the next town. Will go to a couple saves in the old town and see how it works.