One of the stories reminded me of a problem that many of us face in the town jumping, finding a mate for our heir due to the lack of pregnancies and births in some of the towns, such as in RV.
I am wondering if this might work. To start a new game, play a couple and have them have children, at least one if not more and then save them to the bin. When you move to the town you can move the family out (to the bin) and replace them with the saved family, who are original townies, but who have offspring.
Wonder if that would work. It could be done with several families.
I think I will try that with some of the families in RV to see how it will work. Set up a test town.
I have my sim couple who have a possible heir. The problem is, she has aged up to a teen and has (at least to me) an ugly mouth, and neither of her parents, nor does her father's twin brother have the same mouth.
Can I please change her mouth? I searched, and unless I missed it, I haven't found anything that states either way if I can change her mouth. She isn't a very pretty girl, and I have already been considering having another baby with this family, but still, I really, really feel sorry for her to have such a mouth when the other members of the family doesn't.