Author Topic: Bonehilda  (Read 165033 times)

Offline Shirin

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #135 on: February 28, 2013, 04:08:39 PM »
My Bonehilda is doing fine on messes so far, she doesn't cook or bring out food (that I'm aware of), and has fixed a broken Nectar Machine too.

The only downside is if she's in one of the rooms where the son is, he'll flee. Even when he's sleeping. And he has the Heavy Sleeper trait (won't wake up for burglar alarms, but will at Bonehilda straightening up his room).

Offline Janna

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #136 on: February 28, 2013, 04:51:29 PM »
That seems odd, one of those weird quirks our Boney's have.  So far, knocking on wood, I have yet to have anyone other than maids run fom my Boney's.  I get a maid from the day the babies are born until they age up to child.  I am mean in that when the toddlers age up I don't fire them I let them run into Boney and then go dashing out, stating that they won't be turned into the walking dead.

What I find weird is that none of my sims seem to mind when she enters the bathrooms and they are taking a shower or on the toilet.  They just ignore her. 

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Offline Mahmeya

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #137 on: March 04, 2013, 02:49:12 PM »
Sims with Coward and Neurotic traits will run away for sure, maybe Supernatural skeptic too (not tested).
She is not counted as member of your household so if you want to "ban" her access to some rooms, just lock them with "all but my household" or such.

Offline tazem81

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #138 on: March 07, 2013, 01:08:53 AM »
Can anyone help me? Bonehilda will not take care of my children.. Every time she walks up to the crib, her interactions show but then quickly remove. like im glitched. I uninstalled supernatural and the sims 3 then of course re-installed both. i deleted her with the testingcheat, dismissed her to sell her back, bought 2 bonehildas  ugh nothing is working. i even renamed the saved game. I went back to an older game from last year with bonehilda and it does the same. i think someone hacked me. Any ideas. I bet if i start with a new family, the same thing will happen. this sucks

Offline Swirl-Girl

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #139 on: March 10, 2013, 04:47:28 PM »
Boneys are not meant to take care of children though. It seems more like a blessing that she isn't constantly bothering your kids.

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Offline Janna

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #140 on: March 11, 2013, 12:40:15 AM »
I wish mine would leave the kids alone.  I wouldn't have to lock her up and get a maid for those few days from birth to child. 
She won't let them sleep, always waking them up to snuggle, no matter how tired they are. 

Outside of that, I thinkk she is great, wish I had one here in my home. 

Offline Korva

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #141 on: March 12, 2013, 05:02:25 AM »
In my first game with Bonehilda, she did help with the kid, so when my current family got twins, I had hoped she'd reduce the stress with them too. No such luck. She'd walk up to one, pause, then to the other, pause, then back to the first ... over and over. Sounds like the same happened to you, tazem? I wasn't impressed.

Her biggest facepalm moment came at the toddler birthday party, though. I did the "call guests to meal" interaction on the first birthday cake after the candles had been blown out, and Boney decided to grab a slice as well, though I've never seen her eat before. The dishwasher broke when she put her plate in it, and she promptly decided to repair it. ZZZAP! Cue fire and the guests uselessly going into panic mode around the dishwasher while she stood in front of it, motionless and even more useless. But no fear, the kids' mother is a Fire Chief, she has handled far worse! Right? No ... she refused to put down her toddler to put out the fire or do anything else. The dishwasher and the counter it was under went up in flames, but thankfully her mate autonomously jumped in to extinguish the flames just as the NPC firefighter arrived on the scene and admonished the family to be more careful in the future.

... yeah. That wasn't poor Joia's proudest moment. I expect her colleagues will tease her about it for a while. And I'll make sure to never let Bonehilda anywhere near a broken electronical device again.  ::)

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Offline sharpsiren

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« Reply #142 on: April 04, 2013, 10:10:51 PM »
I'm having great fun with Bonehilda now as long as I keep her away from poor Marty Keaton (neurotic trait). One funny thing she did that I noticed: all day while my Sim was at work she did nothing but kick the gnome over, curse at him under her breath, stand him back up, and kick him over again. Rinse and repeat. She did this all day as I watched on the fastest speed.

Offline Niana

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #143 on: April 04, 2013, 10:33:09 PM »
My Bonehilda has a fascination with my Sim's blog - she's probably donated thousands of simoleons at this point. (My Sim's trying to get the five blogs sold skill challenge)

Offline Janna

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #144 on: April 05, 2013, 05:50:16 AM »
She did the same to my gnomes, would go over kick them and sometimes set them up and kick them again, then leave.  It could be later in the day, or the next and a repeat.

I guess they got wise to her, she now walks up to them and they vanish! I guess they got tired of being kicked around. :D

I apologize, but I fond that funny.  I've had mine get electrocuted a couple of times, she looks weird, as if she is running around in her undies, or a swim suit.  Boney, at a birthday party got a slice of cake but she put it in the fridge.  The maid was leaving so she stopped by and did the same; got a slice, stood there and then put it in the fridge and left. Boney came back and took the leftover cake and put it in the fridge and went back to cleaning.

I enjoy my Boneys, except when there are babies and toddlers around.  She gets put away then. 


Offline Turoskel

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #145 on: April 06, 2013, 04:21:20 AM »
I'm having my first experience with Bonehilda as I only just got supernatural, my sims are in a tiny starter home and didn't really need her but one of them wished to have her, it was the start of fall when I got her, she has spent the entire seven days raking and is still going into the start of winter, every time she makes a leaf pile a squirrel or chipmunk appears at last count I had 39 in my tiny garden.

The stray cats sit in the middle of all these rodents and look around like they are at an all you can eat buffet but don't know where to start  ;D

This picture shows just a fraction of them as they carry on right around the house, it's started to snow now so I'll just have to wait and see if she finally stops raking if not I might put her away poor thing.

Offline younggeneration

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #146 on: April 08, 2013, 08:20:11 AM »
Is this a glitch or something, because I shift-clicked on the mail box, and clicked something like add more supernaturals to the world, and I added more toad-people to the world, and I just went back to my house and saw Bonehilda with a toad/frog head?! Is that supposed to happen or something? It actually made me laugh quite a bit.

Offline MoMoll

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #147 on: April 17, 2013, 03:17:15 PM »
I'm having my first experience with Bonehilda as I only just got supernatural, my sims are in a tiny starter home and didn't really need her but one of them wished to have her, it was the start of fall when I got her, she has spent the entire seven days raking and is still going into the start of winter, every time she makes a leaf pile a squirrel or chipmunk appears at last count I had 39 in my tiny garden.

The stray cats sit in the middle of all these rodents and look around like they are at an all you can eat buffet but don't know where to start  ;D

This picture shows just a fraction of them as they carry on right around the house, it's started to snow now so I'll just have to wait and see if she finally stops raking if not I might put her away poor thing.

Guess the cat was lazy! With all those things to chase and kill! My cat would have been in heaven!

Offline VtheHappyLurker

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #148 on: May 08, 2013, 11:41:36 AM »
After reading some of these, I'm suddenly very glad I got my sims a Bonehilda. She's so far been very good about keeping the house tidied, though she doesn't pick up laundry. I have seen her walk into the bathroom while they were using it and not be embarrassed about it, which is doubly funny since both of my current sims are supernatural (a male witch and female fairy, brother and sister). Guess they're just use to Boney being around...

As for her little quirks, so far I've seen my Boney dear do an arm flexing pose (she's Athletic?), frequently check herself out in the bathroom mirror, clear dishes, clean the toliet, and make beds (definitely Neat). My sims have yet to chat her up since they're both working on getting skilled up to reach their LTWs, but I'll be trying that out as soon as I can. I'm hoping she'll be good with kids since I'm planning to marry off  my man-witch to a townie who's got a child and another on the way...

In short, I really recommend getting a Bonehilda just because she's a nifty addition to any household.

Offline Korva

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #149 on: May 10, 2013, 06:05:02 AM »
If you have University Life, you may want to lock up your juice keg. Boney gravitates to that thing like a moth to the flame, and she refills it when it's empty too. On the other hand, she's an animated skeleton that doesn't even get paid, so maybe letting her get "juiced" is at least some compensation for her hard work. :p

