Author Topic: Bonehilda  (Read 165104 times)

Offline Schipperke

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #120 on: January 27, 2013, 09:36:57 AM »
Mahmeya, that is the most fascinating picture!  Bonehilda eating?  My Bonehildas have never shown the slightest interest in food, other than to put away the leftovers (sometimes before the family members can get their dinner).  I think you must have a highly intelligent Bonehilda, as she obviously knows she needs to put on a bit of weight.

I find it fascinating that the different Bonehildas behave so differently.  I wonder if they have traits?
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Offline Susinok

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #121 on: January 27, 2013, 09:42:18 AM »
One of my Bonehilda's always grabs a piece of birthday cake for herself when there is a party. She will eat, sort of randomly. But I love my Bonehilda's. I've had one in one family for five generations now. She's snuggled LOTS of babies and raised them well.

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Offline smartburn

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #122 on: January 27, 2013, 02:51:15 PM »
As far as traits, I know I've seen a couple of my Bonehildas randomly do the athletic boxing animation, in addition to checking themselves out in the mirror which I think is for snob. I was hoping that they could eat and I just hadn't seen it yet, so I'll definitely have to watch out for that.

I just remembered something, wish I had a pic of it - I was giving the Big Brother challenge another shot, and I usually installed a hot tub during the contestants' non-skilling days. I knew some would skinny-dip and others would take the clothes of the skinny-dippers. All the thievery gave Bonehilda some ideas because she started in on the clothes-stealing shenanigans too. ::) It was amusing at first to see her giggle mischievously while picking up the pile(s) of clothes, but I ended up sending her to the coffin whenever the roommates started skinny-dipping after awhile.   

Offline MoMoll

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #123 on: January 27, 2013, 03:19:45 PM »

I find it fascinating that the different Bonehildas behave so differently.  I wonder if they have traits?

Using Twallan's mods, I found out the traits and skills of my boney. Traits were OK (Brave, adventurous, friendly); but, she had ZERO skills. So using a mod, I gave her skills (cooking, handiness, gardening). BUT, she still did nothing but drink and lounge in the pool!

I'm waiting for either EA, or a modder to make her useful!

Offline Schipperke

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #124 on: January 27, 2013, 03:23:45 PM »
Using Twallan's mods, I found out the traits and skills of my boney. Traits were OK (Brave, adventurous, friendly); but, she had ZERO skills. So using a mod, I gave her skills (cooking, handiness, gardening). BUT, she still did nothing but drink and lounge in the pool!

I'm waiting for either EA, or a modder to make her useful!

So Bonehilda has 3 traits, or are those just the ones you remember?

I find the Bonehildas and their various personalities fascinating.  None of mine ever seem to anything except clean and return to their coffin.  I wonder what would happen if you had more than one Bonehilda - would they fight over who got to pick up the dishes or use the mirror? 
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Offline MoMoll

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #125 on: January 27, 2013, 03:27:59 PM »
They are all different. had a Boney, with Brave (seems to a pre-requisite), handiness, and neat. She did have 10 for handiness; but, she still fried herself when fixing the broken dishwasher.

I have not used enough of them to see the variations (using mods).

Offline photobella

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #126 on: January 30, 2013, 07:52:21 AM »
I tried a Bonehilda in one game. All she did was swim and dive in the pool. Couldn't get her out so I had to move my family out of the house and delete the house in Edit Town mode, replace it and move the family back in. No more Bonehildas for me. She was fun for a minute or two before she got stuck in the pool. I tried a resetsim but I don't think you can reset Bonehilda. Oh well.

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Offline Janna

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #127 on: January 30, 2013, 10:16:38 AM »
Hit the wrong button (Again!) and lost my post.  So, try again.

I don't know what you know about cheats, but you could try this one  Control+Shift+C and hit enter.  Type at top in blue section   testingcheatsenabled_true   just that.  Hit enter.  Redo the Control step and type in moveobjects_on   and then enter key.  See then if you can pick her up and move her.  I did that accidently to one of my sims.  Was picking up a chair by her and picked her up instead, so you should be able to do that if the resetSim doesn't work.

*Note* when finished with the cheats, always remember to do the moveobjects_off  cheat, that is an important step. 

As for Bonies, I have a bad habit of deleting games that I just don't feel good about, no connection to the family, I guess.  I give almost every family a Boney, so I have had a lot of them. 
Some good, some bad, some seem to have a set "glitch" in them, such as the take food out and replace it several times before going back to cleaning.  I have no problem in just getting rid of an annoying Boney and trying another one.  Generally I cheat with the motherlode to get my family started, so that and fast earning from collecting, writing and painting, I get more than enough money to buy and return a couple of Bonies.

Anywho, try the reset and see if that works, if not you can try the   moveobjects_on   cheats and see if that works (if memory is correct you have done something that got rid of Boney and the pool).  But for next time you have a problem, you can try that. 
And don't give up on Boney, they can be a big help, especially if you have a large family.

Offline MoMoll

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #128 on: January 30, 2013, 10:32:53 AM »
So Bonehilda has 3 traits, or are those just the ones you remember?

I find the Bonehildas and their various personalities fascinating.  None of mine ever seem to anything except clean and return to their coffin.  I wonder what would happen if you had more than one Bonehilda - would they fight over who got to pick up the dishes or use the mirror?

Interesting thought. But, they would probably fight over who gets to snuggle the child.

Offline photobella

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #129 on: January 30, 2013, 10:37:47 AM »
Thanks very much for this, Janna. I'm off to try it now!

Hit the wrong button (Again!) and lost my post.  So, try again.

I don't know what you know about cheats, but you could try this one  Control+Shift+C and hit enter.  Type at top in blue section   testingcheatsenabled_true   just that.  Hit enter.  Redo the Control step and type in moveobjects_on   and then enter key.  See then if you can pick her up and move her.  I did that accidently to one of my sims.  Was picking up a chair by her and picked her up instead, so you should be able to do that if the resetSim doesn't work.

*Note* when finished with the cheats, always remember to do the moveobjects_off  cheat, that is an important step. 

As for Bonies, I have a bad habit of deleting games that I just don't feel good about, no connection to the family, I guess.  I give almost every family a Boney, so I have had a lot of them. 
Some good, some bad, some seem to have a set "glitch" in them, such as the take food out and replace it several times before going back to cleaning.  I have no problem in just getting rid of an annoying Boney and trying another one.  Generally I cheat with the motherlode to get my family started, so that and fast earning from collecting, writing and painting, I get more than enough money to buy and return a couple of Bonies.

Anywho, try the reset and see if that works, if not you can try the   moveobjects_on   cheats and see if that works (if memory is correct you have done something that got rid of Boney and the pool).  But for next time you have a problem, you can try that. 
And don't give up on Boney, they can be a big help, especially if you have a large family.

Offline azokka361

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #130 on: January 30, 2013, 12:29:57 PM »
I'm just annoyed when I have a master chef and Bonehilda keeps putting canned soup in the fridge and everyone goes for the soup!
I expect Azokka either to yell at everyone and totally dominate or else get out the popcorn.-Ombradellarosa

Elysi Immortal Dynasty

Offline Ephaniejack

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #131 on: February 23, 2013, 04:50:05 PM »
My Bonehilda has aged into an old lady who uses the toilet a lot. She is all black (not skin pigment) and uses a cane. I have never put any of my Bonenhilda  back into their coffin closets but we moved so I packed her and then a few days later afterwards she aged. I use Bonenhilda's before but never experiences this, has anyone else seen this? She has flesh now too.

Offline Rainbow Dash

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #132 on: February 23, 2013, 08:24:26 PM »
Mine likes to have conversations with the Magic Mirror and brush her teeth a lot. The only problem I had with her is that she wouldn't leave the cats alone and kept ignoring me when I tried to dismiss her.  >:( It only happened once and on a full moon so I wonder if that has anything to do with it.  :-\

Offline Storie Teller

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Bonehilda Stole my Baby!!
« Reply #133 on: February 24, 2013, 11:46:15 AM »
I had to do a reset and didn't realize Bonehilda was holding the baby when I did. She disappeared and took little Anthony with her! I could still see him in the friend panel, but he left the active household. Bonehilda was gone and so was he!


Fortunately, I have a saved game from before this, but consider this a warning. There's a reason that boney maid keeps snuggling the babies!! Don't do a reset unless you dismiss her first.

Offline Janna

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Re: Bonehilda
« Reply #134 on: February 24, 2013, 09:07:54 PM »
The only time I have every seen a Boney with "flesh" is after she electrocutes herself.  Then she has hair, it is all sticking out, she had flesh that is covered with soot and has undies on; you can see her belly button   :)

I've never had one age up, but I have only been playing sims for almost a year now (it doesn't seem like a year though) so I am sure that others can give better feedback on that.


Glad to know about the baby and dismissing her.  I have had to dismiss mine and lock up the coffin to keep her away from the babies until they age up to child.  Mine's can't seem to leave the kids alone, even when they are crying because they are tired, she is getting them out and snuggling them.     

