Author Topic: The Morris Decadynasty -- Failed, please move to graveyard.  (Read 44038 times)

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 22 -- Heir 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #60 on: September 26, 2012, 12:56:59 PM »
I Ment To Ask Where did you get her dress.( THe One She wore As A Young Adult?) I was Thinking About Hair When I was Asking the Question...
Oh, the dress? That came with supernatural.

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 22 -- Heir 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #61 on: September 28, 2012, 05:26:18 PM »
Chapter 23: Mean Teens

Monika: Watcher?
Monika: Since Maddie got a makeover, I want one.

Monika: No, not this hairstyle!
"Really? I'll give you Agnes hair then."
Monika: Nevermind! I take that back.

Monika: I'm gonna wash the makeup off.
Monika: What's so funny?

Monika: *singing* Sunshine, lollipops and rainbows everything that's wonderful when we're together!

Monika: *humming* Hmmm hm hm hm hm hm....Wait, my skin feels prickly....

Monika: Wait a minute......UGH! I'm gonna kill Danica!

Liz: Hehehehehe....
"You just got your best friend punished Liz, and damaged Monika's skin."
Liz: Totally worth it!

Maddie: Time for bed!
"No, we're changing that hair."
Maddie: FINE!

Maddie: *thinking* If I close my eyes, it'll make this hairstyle look worse.

"Ok, last day of school, you need to work hard, and you'll get on the honor roll. The fate of the DecaDynasty rests in your hands. No pressure."
Danica: Hey, I'm just happy this is my last day with dumb Aunt Maddie.

Danica: I don't have to be with Aunt Maddie anymore. WOOOOHOOOO!!

Maddie: Finally, I'm a high school teacher! WOOOOHOOO!
"High school? Oh no..."

Danica: YES! After 6 LONG PAINFUL YEARS, I finally get to escape Aunt Maddie!

Danica: I wish for good clothes.
Monika: Don't talk to me. I hate you.
"If you say your wish out loud, it won't come true."
Danica: I don't care! Aunt Maddie is gone! WOOOHOOO!

Danica: Mommy get off the cake!
Monika: What dear? I can't hear over the noise of the party blowers!
Danica: Whatever. Aunt Maddie's gone! YAY!
"Actually....Umm....Maddie just got promoted....To high school teacher."

Danica: WHAT?!?!??!?!

Next Time: Prom, and some bad news for Tori.
Thank you and PLEASE comment!

Danica: No! You can't leave me here!
"Sorry." *clicks "post" button*
Danica: NOOO-


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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 23 -- Heir 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #62 on: September 28, 2012, 06:06:19 PM »
There is no escaping aunt Maddie! Poor kids haha. Great update. :)

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 23 -- Heir 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #63 on: September 28, 2012, 06:08:09 PM »
There is no escaping aunt Maddie! Poor kids haha. Great update. :)
Yes, you can't escape Auntie Maddie easily.  ;)  Thanks Joanne!  ;D

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 24 -- Heir 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #64 on: September 28, 2012, 09:07:20 PM »
Chapter 24: Prom Night

Danica: Grim Reaper, take me now.
"He won't be coming for a loooonnngggg time."

Danica: I look awesome. With this outfit, I'll be taken seriously.

Pal: Come on Danica, let's play!
Danica: Shut up, I'm trying to forget that I'll be spending the next 3 years of my life with a person I hate.
Pal: Oh....Okay.  :'(
"Looks like the moods swings are kicking in."

"Ayesha, what are you doing?"
Ayesha: I'm trying to see the speech bubble above my head.

Tori: I have bad news.
"Oh no! what happened?"
Tori: I lost my job.
"Your the mayor, and you lost your job? Great. Now we'll be infamous."
Tori: If it wasn't for that spoiled Agnes Crumplebottom!
"Why is it her fault?"
Tori: It happened after a meeting with Mayor Holly Greenwood of Twinbrook. We had just made a deal to send 500 of our stylists to Twinbrook to help out their fashion sense. After the meeting was over, I walked to my office to collect my campaign donations. My interns always leave the box outside my office, so I naturally picked them up without looking. Or at least I thought it was my donations. I then saw Agnes Crumplebottom running towards me. She pointed at me and screamed: "How could you?" At first, I was very confused, until I looked over at the label and it said: Life Fruit for Elders Donations. She must've thought I was stealing the donations. I tried to explain to her it was all a mistake, that I had found it by my office where they usually leave my donations, but she didn't want to hear it. She then ran down the hall and reported me to Dave Ramsey, my boss. Again, I tried to explain that it was all a misunderstanding, and he was beginning to believe me. He was about to say he understood, when Agnes said: "You shouldn't believe her, I saw her sneak out of room when no one was looking, so I sent my friend Christopher Steel to follow her. He then texted me that she was stealing donations. I then rushed to save those poor elders. It disgust me that she would do such a thing, but HEY! When it's your first time in a DecaDynasty, you are most likely to get spoiled, unlike me."
"She didn't say that."
Tori: She did. That last remark was enough for me. I started yelling at her, about how inappropriate she was for spying on people. But she used that against me by saying that it was "pure proof" that I had been doing something wrong. Then I said something that cost me my job. I said: "OH SHUT UP! You think that your a superstar don't you? Well I'm sorry to tell you that your just as spoiled as I am! I've spent centuries watching you do Immortal Dynasties and Townie DecaDynasties, yelling at your children to complete their requirements, saying you won't accept them if they don't. I've seen you with glamourous makeovers, while the rest of us are stuck in story progression clothes. You want to call me spoiled? Well go ahead! I don't care one bit!" Dave Ramsey then said that was enough, with that attitude, he didn't want me as the mayor. "You're fired." He said.
"What about Agnes? Did she get fired too?"
Tori: Nope. But Dave was mad at her though, saying that her insults towards me were unprofessional, but he said she did the right thing by taking me to him. As I walked down the corridor, trying to ignore the people staring at me, I saw her smile. It was an evil smile. The smile you get when you have something you want. I controlled my anger by telling myself it won't do me any good. My reputation was already ruined, so why make it worse by yelling at her?
"I'm sorry Tori. I won't let her get away with this."
Tori: Thanks watcher.

Tori: Maybe things will work out, I'll calm my mind by fixing this toilet.

Tori: Hmm....Danica said the handle was broken-

Tori: AHHHHH!!!

Tori: AHHHH!!!

Danica: Don't look at me like that, I'm just trying to understand rational and irrational numbers.
"Ok then, is 3.14 a rational number?"
Danica: Ummmm......No?
"Ugh....She got it right."

Liz: Don't look at me like that, I'm just studying algebra.
"Ok then, what's Ba + Na to the power of 2, if B = -75, A = 457, and N= -90?"
Liz: Ummm....Banana?
Forum: I see what you did there.

"There are two things wrong with this picture, one, the maid is slacking off, two, she's eating brains."
Marianne Ruiz (Maid): Hey brains are healthy!

I've never seen so many glitches before.
Stiles: I'm floating!

Now we head on to everyone's favorite high school event: Prom Night.
Danica: So let me get this straight, I tell Armando Keaton that I love him even though I don't. And I ask him to dance with me even though I'm 14 and He's 18.
"Yes, pretty much."
Danica: I'd rather be stuck in a room with Aunt Maddie for three hours.

See you next time and please comment!

Danica: Can we go over the plan one more time?


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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 24 -- Heir 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #65 on: September 29, 2012, 02:21:50 AM »
Poor Tori, to loose her job like that. The picture of Stiles floating is funny lol.
 I hope the girls enjoy the prom.

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 24 -- Heir 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #66 on: September 29, 2012, 07:58:41 AM »
Poor Tori, to loose her job like that. The picture of Stiles floating is funny lol.
 I hope the girls enjoy the prom.

I hope so too.  ;D Stiles floating really surprised me, I've been having a lot of glitches on this file. Ayesha became invisible once, so did Tori. I had to reset them a few times.

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Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 24 -- Heir 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #67 on: September 29, 2012, 01:14:55 PM »
Chapter 25: Love

The prom went terribly wrong. Liz got bored and left early, and Danica started looking for Armando when her dress got caught in one of those background things. She fell over, which ripped her dress, then the background thing fell on top of her. Everyone laughed. Even I did.

Tori completed her lifetime wish while talking to this random person.
Rosalyn Crawford: Haha! I don't get it.

With those points, she bought a genie lamp.

Genie: I'm am a genie. You have 3 wishes.
Tori: Hmmm....

Tori: I wish for fortune!
Genie: Okay. Your wish is my command.

Tori: Ummm.....What are you doing?
Genie: Granting your wish.


Tori: Watch it with those lasers!

Genie: *chanting* From the lips I speak, bring fortune to the weak!
Tori: Hey! I'm not weak!
Genie: BE QUIET!

Tori: Ummm....What is that?
Genie: *chanting* From the lips I speak, bring fortune to the weak!

Tori: I'm flying. This is awesome.
Genie: *chanting* From the lips I speak bring fortune to the weak!
Tori: You can shut up now.
Genie: Don't tell me to shut up!

Tori: AHHHHH!! LIZ, HELP ME!!!!!!

Liz: Sorry mom, I'm on the phone. So Courtney, wanna come over?
Tori's wish for fortune adds $100,000 into household funds. Instantly fulfilling Maddie and Monika's lifetime wishes. They each bought the inheritance, adding about $60,000 into funds. The total is now about $200,000.

This is Courtney, Liz's friend. He's an NPC babysitter, as well as her future spouse.
Courtney: Yeah, I work out sometimes.
Liz: Your so handsome.....

Danica: If Liz can get a boyfriend, so can I!
"Who are you calling?"
Danica: Be quiet.
"Oh come on! Are you still mad at me for laughing at you?"

Danica: Hi there Armando, do you know who I am?
Armando: Umm....Your the girl who got smashed by that backdrop right? I saw a picture of you crawling under it in the school paper.
Danica: Umm...Yeah. That's me.

Liz: I got you these Courtney!
Courtney: *gasp* I'm allergic to pollen- ACHOOOO!!

Liz: Oh sorry, but your hotter than a light bulb. Oh! I know how to cure your allergies!
Courtney: How?
Liz: By doing this.

Courtney: I don't see a difference.

Danica: So Armando, I got you these.
Armando: Roses! My favorite!

Liz: Wanna date?
Courtney: If it'll help cure my allergies, then yes.
"UGH! I just got photo bombed by a number!
125: *trollface*

Aww...Young love.

Danica: Wanna date?
Armando: If you buy me more roses, then yes.


Courtney: Maybe if we kiss more, it'll cure the allergies.
Danica: One more kiss, and I'll buy you more roses.
Armando: I'm in.

Thanks for reading, and PLEASE comment!

Next time: Elders and Tori confronts Agnes

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 25 -- Generation 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #68 on: September 29, 2012, 04:25:59 PM »
I'm really enjoying your story. Poor Danica haunted by her aunt Maddie.

Liz is a great character. And the budding romance will be interesting to follow.


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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 25 -- Generation 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #69 on: September 29, 2012, 04:29:05 PM »
I'm loving the wizard hat that Liz's boyfriend has. I urge you to keep it when he marries into the family.

Great chapter, as usual.

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 25 -- Generation 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #70 on: September 29, 2012, 04:31:02 PM »
I'm really enjoying your story. Poor Danica haunted by her aunt Maddie.

Liz is a great character. And the budding romance will be interesting to follow.

Thank you.  ;D Liz is one of my favorite characters.  :)

I'm loving the wizard hat that Liz's boyfriend has. I urge you to keep it when he marries into the family.

Great chapter, as usual.
Really? I'm not too fond of it actually...Maybe I'll keep it when he moves in. Thanks TheTripWasInfraGreen!  ;D

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The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 25 -- Generation 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #71 on: September 29, 2012, 05:27:23 PM »
Chapter 26: Just a Little Older....


Tori: Oh yeah! More money!
Tori wished for fortune 3 times. now we have $400,000. It's safe to say the property and rabbit hole requirement are taken care of.

"Liz, what are you doing?"
Liz: I'm too fat! I'm gonna lose some weight!

Justine Keaton is throwing a party, and Tori is invited. The only reason we went was to see what house Danica will be living in. It's a nice one.

At the party, Molly French passes out. No one cares.

The next day....

Stiles: Great. I'm gonna be an elder.
Jamie Jolina: Light bulbs!

Monika: Jamie, your my best friend, I see you everyday.
Blair Wainwright: OMG! It's Stiles Morris! And he's aging up.
Everyone including me: You don't say?

Monika: Ayesha! Get out of the way!
Ayesha: I'm right next to you.
Courtney: Blair is hot.
Liz: *glares*
Armando: Excuse me mister!
Stiles: Aww! You made me spit into the cake!
Everyone: EWWWW!

Stiles: Here goes....

Stiles: OW! My back!

Stiles: How do I look?
"Horrible. No offense, but you aged up with my least favorite hairstyle in the entire game."

"Much better."
Stiles: Why did you bold that?
"To show my hatred for that hairstyle."

Stiles: Isn't the maid supposed to clean? Where is she?

"Over there drinking plasma juice- OVER THERE DRINKING PLASMA JUICE?!"
Marianne Ruiz (Maid): Tasty.
Ayesha: Your.....Not.....Even....A.....V-vampire!
Marianne: I know.  ;D

Brandie: Your supermax is painting?
Danica: Yes, why?
Brandie: That's stupid. I hate art.
Danica: Get out.

"Well look who it is, a fat Agnes."
Agnes Crumplebottom: Who said that?
"The watcher. Remember me?"
Agnes: That sounds familiar....Wait...Preston and Olivia?
"Yes that's me."
Agnes: Why did you abandon us? I was cooking, when all of the sudden I was in front of my house. The file was deleted. Why?
"To make room for this decadynasty. You know it. Don't act all clueless."
Agnes: FINE! What if I knew?! Life moves on right?
"For me yes, but for you? No. I know what you and Christopher are doing. Your trying to sabotage the Decadynasty. I know what you did to Tori. And I saw what Christopher did to Monika."
Agnes: Christopher was angry too. His great-grandchild was about to be born when you deleted the file.
"I already know that. Now if you do anything to ruin this again, you'll have me to answer to. Goodbye."
Agnes: WAIT!
"Tori, now."

Tori: What you said to Dave Ramsey was garbage. I maxed the charisma skill, so it didn't do any harm anyway. If you ruin my reputation again, I'll ruin yours.

Agnes: I hate you two.
"Good to know."

See you next time, and PLEASE COMMENT!  ;D

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 26 -- Generation 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #72 on: September 29, 2012, 11:09:47 PM »
Chapter 27: Young Again

Stiles: Yes! I've mastered the guitar skill.
"Good. We'll need those happiness points for the tombstone requirement.
Stiles: *groan*

Tori: Danica, you should change your supermax to cooking. Working with a frying pan is fun.
Danica: The only reason I'd ever use a frying pan, is to smack Aunt Maddie with it.
Tori: .......

Ayesha: Yes! I've completed my lifetime wish! Wait, what happened to your hair?
Driver: Cooking accident.
Ayesha: Oh.

Ayesha: So I rub this lamp......

Fat Genie: You have 3 wishes. What do you want.
Ayesha: More money.
Fat Genie: Fine.

Ayesha: What's that?

*kissing noises*
"I'll just leave......Now.

"Ayesha, what are you doing?"
Ayesha: You'll see.

"That's a young again potion!"
Ayesha: I know. I've made 3 so far, I'm gonna give them to Maddie and Tori. Then make another for Monika.

Ayesha: It feels good to be young again.

The Next Morning....

Danica: Leave me alone, I'm painting.
"Okay."  :'(

Tori: Leave me alone, I'm reading.
"Okay."  :'(

Ayesha: Maddie, drink this.

Maddie: What is this?
Ayesha: Just drink it.
Maddie: Fine.

Monika: Hmm....

Maddie: It tastes so sour....

Maddie: Wait a minute....

Maddie: I'm young again!

See you next time, and please comment!

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 27 -- Generation 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #73 on: September 30, 2012, 04:31:45 PM »
Chapter 28: More Potions

Ayesha: Tori, drink this.
Tori: UGH! You made me lose!

Tori: What is this stuff anyway?
"Young again potion."

Ayesha: We need to change that light bulb...

Tori: Tastes horrible.

Tori: Why do I have this hair?
"Lets go change it."

Danica goes to Tammie Ursine's house after school. This is Tammie.

Danica: Is your mom home?
Tammie: No, let's fill the house with pranks!

Liz got a wish for a new hairstyle. I gave her this, and dyed her hair a slightly lighter color.

Tori throws a party.
Bella: Why did I have to age up with this hairstyle? I look like a werewolf!
Simis: Oh please! It's much worse to be a fairy with blood-colored wings.

Maddie purchased the collection helper and is looking for gems.
Maddie: And running in high heels.

Monika: YES! I'll live longer.

See you next time and please comment!


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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 28 -- Generation 1: Danica Morris
« Reply #74 on: October 01, 2012, 08:44:40 AM »
Simis are a fairy in your game? Now that is funny. ;D Great makeovers.

