Author Topic: The Morris Decadynasty -- Failed, please move to graveyard.  (Read 44015 times)

Offline Audren

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 6
« Reply #15 on: September 08, 2012, 03:37:25 PM »
In the picture where Monika gave Connor flowers, I thought that the staircase rail was a cane, so I was thinking, "How did you give Monika a cane as a Young Adult?"  :P

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 6
« Reply #16 on: September 08, 2012, 04:02:00 PM »
In the picture where Monika gave Connor flowers, I thought that the staircase rail was a cane, so I was thinking, "How did you give Monika a cane as a Young Adult?"  :P
Wow! I didn't notice that! That's pretty cool.  ;D

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Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 6
« Reply #17 on: September 08, 2012, 04:28:11 PM »
Chapter 7: Stiles

"Tori what are you doing?"
Tori: Looking at our decadynasty page on the forum.
"You can do that?"
Tori: Yes.
"Hm, have you seen Monika by the way?"
Tori: She went to the salon to get a makeover to "impress" men.
"NO! That's against the rules!"

"Monika, don- wait, whose that?"
Monika: Chinese food is amazing Skiles.
Stiles McGraw: It's Stiles not Skiles!
Abraham Finkel: Hehehehe...Emma Hatch is so hot.

"Monika, lets-"
Monika: Whats the difference between you and a bicycle?
Stiles: I don't know what is it?
Monika: Umm....Your hotter than one?
Stiles: Oh stop it, you!

"Monika, come-"
Monika: So what traits do you have?
Stiles: Loner, and I can't remember the other one.
Monika: I have the great kisser trait.
Stiles: Really? Prove it.
Monika: Challenge accepted.

"Not bad Monika, not bad."

Monika: Wanna be my boyfriend?
Stiles: Oooohh...YES!

Monika: Actually forget that. I just met you-
"And this is CRAZY! but here's my number-"
Monika: SHUT UP! So marry me maybe?

Stiles: YES!

"You did good Monika, you did good."

Up next: Stile's makeover, and a change of plans for the decadynasty.


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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 7
« Reply #18 on: September 09, 2012, 07:23:45 AM »
Stiles is a much better choice than Jared the meanie or Conner with the unflirty trait.
Your story is so funny, I can't wait to read more.

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 7
« Reply #19 on: September 09, 2012, 02:01:07 PM »
Stiles is a much better choice than Jared the meanie or Conner with the unflirty trait.
Your story is so funny, I can't wait to read more.
Thanks.  ;D

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 7
« Reply #20 on: September 09, 2012, 03:00:22 PM »
Chapter 8: DecaDynasty Work
Now that Monika has her husband, It was time to get focused on the requirements.
But first, heres Stiles's makeover.

The first step with him was to get him to build his guitar skill for his job.

The second step was getting to know the girls.

Stiles: So....Ayesha....
Ayesha: Yes?
Stiles: Um, how's the law enforcement career?
Ayesha: Good. My partner Hank Goddard, is a fairy.
Stiles: Um....Good for him?

Monika: Hey Harry, guess what? I got married to Stiles McGraw! What? No, he doesn't collect toy flags.

After a rather awkward talk with Harry, Monika eats a new meal that came with supernatural.

Monika: Uhhh.....I don't feel so good.
Stiles: Just don't barf on the table dear, I just dusted it.
Monika: I'm gonna be sick!

Will she make it?


Oh no.

Maddie: AHHHHHHH!!!
Monika: MOVE! *side tackles Maddie*

Monika: BLEEEHHH!!
Maddie: What.......j-just.....h-happened?

Next time: Baby.

Offline Audren

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 8
« Reply #21 on: September 09, 2012, 03:04:31 PM »
Woah, Stiles is handsome!  :o

Is his hair from the store, or an expansion?

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Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 8
« Reply #22 on: September 09, 2012, 03:07:17 PM »
Woah, Stiles is handsome!  :o

Is his hair from the store, or an expansion?

It's from the store. I think it's called "Riddled Waves Front" or something like that.
I dislike that hairstyle though, I think it makes the sim's head look big.

Offline saltpastillen

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 7
« Reply #23 on: September 09, 2012, 03:09:15 PM »
Ayesha: Good. My partner Hank Goddard, is a fairy.

Haha, nearly spit my tea on my screen.

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 7
« Reply #24 on: September 09, 2012, 04:52:01 PM »
Haha, nearly spit my tea on my screen.
Haha! I laughed a lot when I found out too, I was just scrolling through the relationship panel, and found Hank was a fairy. It's funny because of his manly appearance!  :D

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 8
« Reply #25 on: September 09, 2012, 10:19:22 PM »
Just so you know: I don't go on the computer during weekdays because of schoolwork. So the update after this one will probably be on friday.

Chapter 9: Baby.

Monika: I don't feel so good Stiles. Should I work out more?
Stiles: What do I look like, a doctor?
Tori: *From the other room* YOU NEED A DOCTOR!!
"Oooohhh......Stiles....You just got owned!"
Stiles: Okay.  :-\

The Next Morning...

Monika: YAY! I'm pregnant!
"Just don't tell Tori, she'll get mad again."
Monika: Okay.
"You know who the first person you should tell is?"
Monika: Yes, Harry.
*facepalm* "No, Stiles."
Monika: Well I'm calling Harry first.

Monika: Harry guess what? No, I haven't started collecting flags. I'm pregnant!
"I'm gonna go talk to Ayesha."

"Hi Ayesha, whatcha making?"
Ayesha: Liqui-

Ayesha: -d horrors.
"Good luck with that!"  ::)

While Ayesha took a shower, Skiles, Maddie, and Monika watched a horror movie: The Sandwich Horror
*inside movie*
Girl: Are you sure the sandwich monster lost us?
Guy: Yes I'm really sur- GAHHH!! *sandwich monster grabs him from behind*

Monika: This movie is disgusting!

Maddie: HA! It's so funny! GO SANDWICH MONSTER!

That night, Marty Keaton rang the doorbell at 2:39 AM.
What's weird is that he doesn't know any of the 5.

Stiles: So Ayesha.....Hows your job going?
Ayesha: Good. Except Blair Wainwright, a fellow officer, is a werewolf and we have to keep her on a leash sometimes.
Stiles: *shivers*

Monika: Guess what?
Stiles: What?

Monika: I'm pregnant!

Stiles: You don't say?

Next Time: Dancing

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 9
« Reply #26 on: September 10, 2012, 02:09:27 AM »
Blair is a werewolf?! Oh my gosh...somehow I cannot picture this. :P

Cool update! I look forward to seeing the nooboo!

Offline Axiom

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 9
« Reply #27 on: September 10, 2012, 11:55:23 AM »
This is really making me laugh! I will checking in on this story once in a while :D

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 9
« Reply #28 on: September 13, 2012, 08:10:30 AM »
I need some advice, what's an easy skill to supermax?

Offline MissPlumbBob

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Re: The Morris Decadynasty -- Chapter 9
« Reply #29 on: September 13, 2012, 08:12:59 AM »
Which ones have you maxed so far?
Check out my new story here!