Ha. I know that sneaking Young Again potions into drinks is a tried and true (if less than reliable) way to secure DecaDynasty spouses if your town has just filled with elders. Otherwise I wouldn't believe you.
OMG what a way to usher in the beginning of the end though.
Here's to hoping for an even genetic blend from Apollo. And no more of Story Progression's funny "gender balancing" (I once got a town of just boys until I decided to put an end to it. Pffft, balance.)
See, I didn't even know they could spike drinks autonomously! It took me completely by surprise.
I already know what Apollo looks like but I'll keep you in suspense for now
Travis, How could you?! But the Makeover of Shame is wonderful
Haha, glad you liked it! I felt a bit guilty in retrospect but I was rather miffed with him at the time.
Just popping in to give a quick update - I've played ahead and
I finished the Jones town jump! I can't believe it! I just have to play the epilogue and then write up the final chapters and summaries. I'm not quite sure how to end it (how does one wrap up a
four year long project?) but I'm incredibly excited to move this to the Completed Stories board when it's time.