Author Topic: The Jones Random Town Jump: Complete  (Read 338445 times)

Offline RaiaDraconis

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #315 on: December 11, 2012, 11:38:43 PM »
<sniff> Poor Ben. :(

Offline lepapillonrouge

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #316 on: December 12, 2012, 01:21:28 AM »
To quote a famously bad movie:

"You're tearing me apart Lisa!"

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Offline Beezy

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #317 on: December 12, 2012, 07:52:35 AM »
No Lisa! Poor Ben.  :o They were my favorite couple so far. It looks like Tammie's genetics are gonna go far. Great update!


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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #318 on: December 12, 2012, 09:32:55 AM »
My sims just cry when they lose a loved one. I'm glad that Ben has the courage to let his anger out. Lisa was my absolute favorite Jones spouse, too. :(

And referring back to chapter 47 and Barry's rising chess mastery, who forgot to tell me that Journeyman was a chess rank?


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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #319 on: December 12, 2012, 09:53:25 AM »
Rest in peace Lisa. Poor Ben. :( I will really miss if when he is not around anymore.

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #320 on: December 12, 2012, 11:03:59 PM »
Poor Lisa. Goes with Grim all alone :(  Great update, Ausette!

Thanks Jude. I couldn't believe she died alone either, I was kicking myself when I realised what I'd done.

<sniff> Poor Ben. :(

I knoooow! I can't believe how sad I feel for him.

To quote a famously bad movie:

"You're tearing me apart Lisa!"

ROFL! Oh man, I can never take this chapter seriously now! I hope you're happy.  :P

No Lisa! Poor Ben.  :o They were my favorite couple so far. It looks like Tammie's genetics are gonna go far. Great update!

Thanks Corey, I loved them too  :(. Tammie's eyes in particular have stuck around, which is nice because they were one of her prettiest features.

My sims just cry when they lose a loved one. I'm glad that Ben has the courage to let his anger out. Lisa was my absolute favorite Jones spouse, too. :(

And referring back to chapter 47 and Barry's rising chess mastery, who forgot to tell me that Journeyman was a chess rank?

I think Ben's behaviour comes from his Grumpy trait. Magpie used to do it sometimes too.

Lol, I didn't even think of that! Will there be other Graves heirs called Apprentice and Tenderfoot?

Rest in peace Lisa. Poor Ben. :( I will really miss if when he is not around anymore.

I'll miss him too  :(. At least he'll be with Lisa then.

Offline Odinsdottir

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #321 on: December 13, 2012, 08:32:13 AM »
Lisa had was a lucky lady.  I hope Ben sticks around a nice long time!
x, EAOdinsdottir.

A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.

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Offline Roxanne07

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #322 on: December 14, 2012, 04:25:50 AM »
Aww... Poor Ben.  :(  I hope he'll stay around for a long time, too. I'd really miss him.

Offline EllaTheTaco

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #324 on: December 14, 2012, 11:56:06 AM »
 Poor Ben  :( Mandy is so pretty as a child!

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 48 - Old Age"
« Reply #325 on: December 14, 2012, 08:36:53 PM »
Lisa had was a lucky lady.  I hope Ben sticks around a nice long time!

She was. :( This is why I'm not opposed to marrying in Sims with terrible traits - sometimes, it's the best thing for the family.

Aww... Poor Ben.  :(  I hope he'll stay around for a long time, too. I'd really miss him.

Hopefully the Marathon Runner challenge will ensure that. If only he was a Vegetarian too...

Poor Ben, he seems devastated. Mandy looks nice as a kid.

Thanks saltpastillen, Mandy definitely takes after her mother.

Poor Ben  :( Mandy is so pretty as a child!

Welcome to the forum, Ella! Thanks for choosing to comment on my story. I think you'll like it here.  :)

Offline Ausette

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 49 - Death at a Birthday Party"
« Reply #326 on: December 16, 2012, 07:14:21 AM »
Chapter 49 – Death at a Birthday Party

It’s hard to be a kid these days when you can’t stand electronics. Mandy has to find other ways to have fun for the two long days before school starts.

One way is through friendship. On Saturday she pillow fights with Omar James, son of Liberty’s boss (Phillip James) and wearer of pretty little princess slippers.

And on Sunday she meets her cousins, Marlin and Shanita Ursine. You know, Courage and Kelley’s kids? Marlin is Evil, Brave and Athletic, and Shanita’s an Artistic Neurotic Diva. They happily take a break from terrorising the town to play with Mandy.

Oh, and Marlin also wears the princess shoes. The fashion of the future, people! I guess it’s nice to know that gender expectations will soon be a thing of the past.

I’m sure Marlin can get away with wearing whatever he wants, though. Just look at that face. He’s like Ben’s evil clone.

When she isn’t visiting friends, Mandy plays with her little toy oven. It doesn’t take long for her to max out her skill and start making cakes and pies for the family.

Meanwhile, Auntie Hope is feeling insecure about her age. Luckily, she has someone to cheer her up.

“Rudy! It’s so great to see you!”
“The same to you, my dear. How was your birthday?”
“Not that great. I was kind of hoping you’d show up and do magic tricks for us at the venue.”
“How do you know I wasn’t there?”
“Performing an invisibility trick?”
“Haha, you dork! Here, hold still for a second…”

Yay, Hope and Rudolpho are now officially boyfriend and girlfriend! It’s about time considering they’re both about forty years old or whatever the Sim equivalent is.

Hope’s so happy that she serenades Rudolpho with a rock song. Don’t look at me, she popped the wish.

And shortly afterwards, she finishes up her midlife crisis with wishes for a tattoo and a session on the treadmill. It’s strange seeing her so skinny.

In other happy news, Barry has just completed his lifetime wish to become a chess grand master. That was way easier than I expected! I’m kind of disappointed he didn’t have to play against Liberty, though. I had the dialogue planned out and everything.

He celebrates with a session on the gyroscope conductor. It’s still the most popular pastime in this house.

“My conductor has been claimed! NOOOO!”
“Haha! Sorry Ben, too slow!”
“*sigh* I will return after dark. I trust you will be done by then.”

“Oh, hi Dad.”
“…Hello, Liberty.”
“…Well, this is awkward.”

“If only Lisa were here to laugh with us!” *sob*
“Dad, you’re making me cry too!” *sniff*

There there, guys. I’m sure Lisa would approve of your mourning.

Ben encounters a little glitch – he somehow ends up with Alicia’s walking stick stuck to his hand for a few days. It makes for amusing screenshots, but I can't help but jump a little when he RAMS IT THROUGH HIS CHEST:

Ben, no! You have so much left to live for!

A few scares later and he manages to detach himself just in time for Stella’s birthday party.

Stella grows up with No Sense of Humour. It doesn’t make her personality any more appealing.

After the sparkles the guests all go outside to eat their cake. Hang on a second, who’s that old guy? Is that…?

“Rudy? Why didn’t you tell me you had your elder birthday?”
“I… I was hoping you wouldn’t have to see me like this. You see, the reason I try to be young at heart is because I am young at heart. I suffer from a condition known as Story Progression Aging that makes me older at an alarmingly speedy rate.”
“So? Did you think I’d be upset you’ve gone all grey?”

“That’s not this issue. Hope, the two days I spent with you were easily the happiest days of my life.”
“Rudy, why are you saying these things? Rudy?”

“Rudy! No!”
“I’m sorry, Hope. I wish we had more time together.”

WELL. That certainly took me by surprise. Poor Hope!



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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 49 - Death at a Birthday Party"
« Reply #327 on: December 16, 2012, 08:05:25 AM »
Homeless townie aging is the worst. Though I was fearing that Ben would be the one to go, and that can't happen, okay?

Offline Beezy

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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 49 - Death at a Birthday Party"
« Reply #328 on: December 16, 2012, 08:27:24 AM »
Yeah, I was afraid Ben would die too. RIP Rudolpho. I've never seen a sim die so early in the elder stage. Great update!


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Re: The Jones Random Town Jump, "Chapter 49 - Death at a Birthday Party"
« Reply #329 on: December 16, 2012, 08:30:45 AM »
When I saw the title, I thought it was Ben. I very glad hour is still around.
R.I.P Rudolpho, it is sad that he die so soon. :(

